Great help. Although there are plenty of free maps in the country, all over H.I.S and hotels and other places, this was a great tool to plan my schedule beforehand (I admit that it was overwhelming before going, seemed all too difficult. It was, but not that much XD Too bad I couldn't use it in Yokohama, I left it in the hotel :( It has a good size. Very recommended!
I liked this book, some insights of the author, like "are the Japanese insecure or arrogant?", since the author did find both kinds in his journey. Sometimes people were insecure AND arrogant. I get that they are very proud to be Japanese, they love their country, they are proud to be homogeneous, but they are kind of racist too.
There were some fun parts but even though I enjoyed his adventures, I did not like his sense of humor. He tried too hard. This is the 3rd or 4th book about Japan I read from an Western guy POV and I sense that they are too arrogant; I don't get why they are so preachy about Japanese people. They (American & Canadian guy I've read so far) mock the Japanese people sometimes; and this author also had the nerve to be rude with people who stopped for him and also for those who didn't. He looked down to so many people. I think he should be grateful he had hitchhiked the whole thing and that Japanese people stopped for him at all. Another author that writes about Japan, where he admires the country but dislikes the people. I much prefer to read from someone who doesn't go there to criticize but to understand and appreciate this wonderful culture.
I bet this book was written after the dorama, since Fukuyama Masaharu is mentioned. I like the addition of Utsumi, since I loved her in the show. Excellent mystery as always, a bit creepy how it was planned. Somehow I can understand the murderer... the victim was an ass. Still, this one is my least KH mystery, and that is saying something since this one is really good.
This biography covers from his childhood and his first days on a bike to his first victory in Tour de France. Besides his battle against cancer and marriage and first son. It was interesting and enlightening. However, Lance Armstrong is truly a nasty character. It is true that, in regards to the bike, he improves a little bit after his battle against cancer, and by improving, I mean he comes to like the bike. He didn't before; it wasn't a passion for the sport, for the freedom, or whatever every sportsman feels. No, he started because he wanted to get out of his town. In a way, that is impressive, and no wonder he is so cocky about it. He truly got where he is due a lot of effort. Still, he was so nasty with people around him. Always cocky, always on the defensive, always "me, me, me". Impossible NOT to dislike him, regardless of his talent and all his accomplishments. I was even feeling sorry for his first serious girlfriend, the one who was besides him when he was sick. She was mentioned like, twice and was dismissed so fast once he meets his first wife.