Title: His Angel
Series: Wounded Souls Series, Book Five
Author: Leah Sharelle
Genre: MC/Former Soldier Romance
Release Date: October 30, 2018
Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
Arc copy provided for honest review
5 stars from us
Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
Arc copy provided for honest review
5 stars from us

“I’m not leaving your side, Memphis. You are my home, Angel, so wherever you are, is where I want to be.”
Creed Stephens lost his heart when his wife died in an accident that also took the life of his unborn child. He threw himself into his job as a trained sniper, no longer caring about anything other than his team. After one disastrous mission, which left him broken and battered, he entered the real world again. Creed lived only for his club and his position as its road captain. Love was something Creed never wanted to feel again. He knew loss and drowned in it every single day—at least, that was until a brown-haired, sweet, and stubborn goddess insisted on reminding him that loss wasn’t a reason to stop living.
Memphis Van Elsen had experienced far too much loss in her young life. She lost her parents, her sister, and her sight. The one person she had left was the only person she loved, the only person she wanted. But how could she compete with a ghost? Did she want to? All she knew was that the deep, aching love she felt for her former brother-in-law made her wish for things she shouldn’t. When a chain of events forced them together, would Memphis be able to make Creed see she can be the one for him, the one to make him smile again? Or would Rogue rip her heart’s desire away from her before she ever got the chance?

First off lets say this is a new series and author for us and we have to say that we loved the first book in this new amazing series and each and every book that came after.
I really enjoyed this story and I think the author did and amazing job tying up all those loose ends but, what I loved the most were the Bonus Scenes it was such a nice touch and just the perfect way to end the series.I loved the fact that the story had me crying from almost the very beginning of the story and all throughout it and this story definitely touch my heart and emotionally engaged it to the very end.
Even though this is Memphis and Creeds story I think its important to include Darth in our thoughts as he played and very important part in this series from day one.Darth was a big part in Shiloh's life and she in his.I loved them together as they both brought us so many laughs.I loved how in love he was with this little biker princess as Darth was her father figure,protector as well as her bestie forever.I loved the big guy from the moment we meet him.Darth we are going to miss you! "You brought us tons of laughs."
~Shiloh from His Sweetness~
Quote- "Miss Char this is my bodyguard Darth,"Shiloh introduced the large man."
Shiloh and Darth's shared moments from His Sweetness
Quotes- “She is having a timeout."
"How long?" "Ten minutes"
"Let me say, she was not happy about it. Turned on the waterworks, then stomped off shouting at Darth. So…” He stopped the telling of the story to laugh. “So?” I prompted. “So, she gave Darth a timeout, too,” Charlie finished, laughing, too.
“Darf! Be gentle with princesses,” Shiloh scolded the large man, who had the decency to look contrite.
Darth reached over to end the call. “I’ll be fu**** if I am getting a timeout for this shit. Hear me, Squirt?”
“Kay, Darf. I lub you.” She hiccuped.
“Back at ya, Squirt.”
~From His Angel -Darth to Shiloh~
Quote-"The day you were born was the day I found out what real love was."
I loved the little things they did together whether they were having fun together,watching Tour of Duty or being timed out together to filling the swear jar because neither could control there cursing and they were always thick as thieves. LOL I loved when she introduced him as her body guard and called him Darf along with all the other nicknames she came up with.She loved him fiercely as he did her.
Vegas brought us tons of laughs as well and we were happy that she was part of their little flock of women because girl you made things interesting that is for sure. Vegas you broke my heart almost from page one , you had me shredding tears that came like water works.I have to say we were sorry we didn't get to know you better but, one thing we knew for sure is how much you loved Darth and Shiloh and how you touched both their hearts from your presence alone.
I loved getting to know Memphis.I found her to be funny,feisty,independent and had one heck of a backbone.I loved how she loved life to the fullest.I loved how her disability never seemed to burned her.I love how deeply she loved Creed even if she kept that little tid bit to herself.I loved that she was the perfect person to bring Creed out of his shell."Girl you were all about making miracles." We loved seeing the new and improved Creed.
I loved the story as it kept you on and emotional roller-coaster the whole time and at one point I just got up and got a box of tissues to keep by my side.The story brought challenges,healing's,drama,laughs,cries,but, also joy as well as sorrow.The perfect mix of all things to keep you engrossed in the pages to the very end.
Creed- I have always had a soft spot for and we loved seeing him happy for the first time ever and reemerge into the light again.I loved that he allowed himself to love again.
We loved the happy Creed the best !
I loved the chemistry that Creed and Memphis shared but ,also the bond they shared.Their story was complicated as they shared and past and their entire relationship now always has a ghost between them but, once Creed lets go off his past we get to see the real sexy alpha and fun loving Creed he was once and things started heating up mighty quick. "Holy Hotness!"
One of the most touching moments in the story was Creeds and Shiloh's intimate moment.
(Shiloh's secret wish from book one.)
“Creed, what’s wrong? Why is Shiloh crying?”
"She’s crying because she just saw her uncle smile for the first time in her life."
Creeds thoughts of Memphis
“You are so fuc**** beautiful, Memph. So sweet and so perfect.”
“Those little moans you make drive me fuc***g wild, Angel, have I told you that?”
"Oh, Jesus, woman, you undo me,” Creed whispered."
I loved what this club stood for and the members who were part of the MC club.We often take for granted the sacrifices our soldiers make for us to keep us safe and the he** they go through and the long effects they have to live with. For me I am eternally grateful for all they do to keep us safe.This Club was created for a team of ex military soldiers and the men they served with.I loved the support system that this club had for each and every member as well as the former soldiers to come it was a place for them to feel like they belonged and had purpose.What I loved most though as they had the right people to cope with the nightmares,ptsd,mood swings etc to help them make it through the day.This really was such a touching story that it definitely touched your heart and is not a story that you would be forgetting anytime soon.
Final thoughts- I am sorry to see this series end.I loved the entire series and we will miss the characters most off all.Each and every story was funny as well as emotional and we loved seeing all those hardened wounded soldiers fall in love.When those soldiers fell they fell hard .Their journeys to get there were not easy ones but, all worth it in the end.I loved seeing all the club members happy and in love and we were glad to be part of the journeys to get there.
This series goes into the keeper pile and we will be re-reading this series time and time again.This series moved up into my top favorite series for 2018 .
Awesome read! Recommended read to All!
A personal note: This is a series that needs to be read in order and although the story does not end on a cliffhanger all the books are connected by one common tread and is a on going story all the way to the conclusion of the series.I personally read the series all at once and I am glad I did because the moment I finished one book I started onto the next.

I love the idea of being in love. Since my early teens when I first discovered Silhouette Desire novels my life has been all about reading. I would find myself re-writing scenes if I wasn't happy with them and hiding them under my bed. That led me to writing love stories of my own. They all ended up under the bed and are still there, and there they will stay. I don't do angst, in fact it drives me crazy.
I am a mum of three beautiful girls, Australian, and have what most say is a weird sense of humor.
I spend my free time doing movie, Sons of Anarchy, and Friends marathons. And reading.
I love Pina Colada's and getting caught in the rain..... there's that weird humor.