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review 2019-11-30 16:11
Review: The Burning Shadow (Origin #2)by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The Burning Shadow - Jennifer L. Armentrout

When Evelyn Dasher crossed paths with Luc, she was thrown headfirst into the world of the Lux—only to discover that she was already far more involved in their world than she ever suspected.

Because the Luxen aren’t the only ones with a hidden past. There’s a gap in Evie’s memory, lost months of her life and a lingering sense that something happened, something she can’t remember and nobody is willing to tell her. She needs to find out the truth about who she is—and who she was. But every answer she finds only brings up more questions.

Her search for the truth brings her ever closer to Luc, the Origin at the center of it all. He’s powerful, arrogant, inhumanly beautiful, extremely dangerous…and possibly in love with her. But even as Evie falls for him, she can’t help but wonder if his attraction is to her, or to the memory of a girl who no longer exists.

And all the while, a new threat looms: reports of a flu-like, fatal virus that the government insists is being spread by Luxen. A horrifying illness that changes whoever it touches, spreading panic across a country already at its breaking point

#1 New York Times, USA Today, and internationally bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout returns to the world of the Lux with this steamy, shocking second installment of the Origin series that will leave readers reeling.





If you have not read the first book this will contain spoilers, so be aware of that and come back once you read book one.

I certainly liked this book a bit better than the last , Evie ad Luc can still be annoying but I think because I expected it, it was not as bad.

The first half was a lot about Evie and her trying figure out who she is more like who she was and her past. She struggles quite a bit with that and what that does, it also put s a strain on the relationship or what was starting to become a relationship. But of course that is not all , while she trying to figure all that out , there is also some kind of super flu going around that is mutating and killing people what seems super fast . Everyone is trying to figure out what is happening and the public is of course blaming the Luxens and things get really dicey for them as well.

Evie grew quite a bit in this book, and became a little more bearable but she is still not my favorite, sometimes she is still pretty annoying especially when she is with Luc. While their banter is funny and cute most the times, there were a few times I rolled my eyes.  Like when they were in the most ridicules life or death situation and start their banter, really it felt off, wrong and forced at those times.

Luc I of course still like him and we even get to see some other sites of him, which made me like him even more, But he also had a few eye roll moments, mostly when with Evie . I also must admit that sometimes I have a hard time seeing Luc all grown up lol.

Of course we see some old faces and it was awesome to see them and what has become of them and made me miss them.

The book is full of action and really, the last half our poor people hardly get a break and are thrown into action nonstop. The end was amazing and while I saw some things coming, other discoveries  really blew me away and I can’t wait for the next book in the series.

Overall this was a fun read, with romance, humor and tons of actions, sure it had some ugh moments but overall it was a fun read

I rate it 4 ★







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Source: snoopydoosbookreviews.com/index.php/2019/11/30/review-the-burning-shadow-origin-2by-jennifer-l-armentrout
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review 2018-09-20 15:32
Review: The Darkest Star by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The Darkest Star - Jennifer L. Armentrout


When seventeen-year-old Evie Dasher is caught up in a raid at a notorious club known as one of the few places where humans and the surviving Luxen can mingle freely, she meets Luc, an unnaturally beautiful guy she initially assumes is a Luxen...but he is in fact something much more powerful. Her growing attraction for Luc will lead her deeper and deeper into a world she'd only heard about, a world where everything she thought she knew will be turned on its head...

#1 New York Times, USA Today, and internationally bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout returns to the universe of the Lux in this brand new series, featuring beloved characters both new and old.



*I received a free copy from the publisher via Netgalley and chose to leave a voluntary review. Thank you!*



I love Jennifer L. Armentrout’s work and I loved the Lux series. So this book was a must read for me. I was super excited excited to dive back into the lux world. You don’t have to have read the Lux books in order to read this one but I would recommend it, not only are they great but it will help you with past events and or people. But again, it is not necessary in order to read this book.

That being said, sadly I didn’t love as much as I thought I would, it was not horrible by any means, but it also was not the best she has written. The good,  it had plenty of action and humor, we get from her books. Loved the banter we got between Luc and Evie, most of the time, there were a few times it just seemed forced or over the top. It also had its suspense and defiantly kept you asking for more and wanting to find out, who ,what and why….And of course there is the romance, which also had its up and downs. We see some lovely and familiar faces again and it was great. But also meet some pretty great new people.  

Luc, it has been a few years since we saw him last but he is still the funny dude we met way back when. Just all grown up. Or well almost ……. And for the most part I liked him, funny, cocky and willing protect those around him. Now that includes Evie.  Sometime now with Evie he had his moments, that more than anything made me roll my eye, not so much him as them together. Evie, it is clear from the beginning that there is more to her and it takes a bit before we get there but I must say I was just like “ oh okay…..” not shocked or anything it was just hmm okay. Maybe that was because, I was not her biggest fan and she annoyed me a lot of times. She often just came over as whiny more than anything. The romance sometimes seemed to be taking over the story but it all came back around.

For me, the whole narrative came over as very young or naiveish ?! IF that is a word lol. I know it is YA, but so was the Lux series but that by any means did not seem that young/ and or teen angst written as this book.

So overall, we get a teen angst insta love/lust teen drama but that is also wonderfully connected to the world we read and loved. In a weird way I couldn’t quit. I was often annoyed with it but also couldn’t put it down.

So the verdict.  I give it 3★, I didn’t love it and I didn’t hate, it was just in the middle somewhere. That being said though I most likely will get book two to see how it continues.


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Will be available  October 30th,2018, pre-order now

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Source: snoopydoosbookreviews.com/index.php/2018/09/20/review-the-darkest-star-origin-1-by-jennifer-l-armentrout
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text 2013-10-24 12:17
Is Reading Block Real?
Allegiant - Veronica Roth
Origin - Jennifer L. Armentrout
Alice in Zombieland (White Rabbit Chronicles) - Gena Showalter

     Right now I should be writing my review on Allegiant.  I'm not because I got halfway through the book and just couldn't read anymore.  I had a hard time getting that far actually.  I joked yesterday that I had "reader's block."  But then I was thinking, this isn't the first new book that this has happened to me with.  I had the same thing happen with the new Lux book Origin.  Except with that book I couldn't get through the first few pages.  I still haven't read it.  I recently reviewed Alice in Zombieland, that took me almost a year from the time I got the book until I read it!  I can understand having kindle freebies collecting dust in my iPad but new books from a series or author that I love?  It's very frustrating!

     I googled reader's block and it brought up a whole long list of results... mostly people complaining that they have it.  What makes no sense to me is that most people seem to just not be able to read any book period.  For me it seems to be only new books.  Is it the anticipation that creates the block?  It seems like perhaps I am so afraid that I will hate the book after I have looked forward to it and spent money on it that I just can't get through it.  I think after this debacle with Allegiant that I will stop pre-ordering new books!  If I can't get myself to read them until the hype is over than it's not worth it.  Now, if it was an Argeneau or Love at Stake or even a list of other books I'm sure I could have read it.  I just don't understand my own mind.

     The number of new books that I have been unable to read until months later seems to be growing.  If there is a ray of sunshine to every cloudy day (even if I am Rainy Dayz hehe) I'd like to find my ray of sunshine here.  Perhaps I'm better off exploring new authors and expanding the genres that I read.  I keep beating myself up over not reading these books, and it's not helping anything.  Luckily I'll have some motivation for that since I'm participating in the clean your e-reader challenge next month.  I've already started working on my list of books.  That should keep me busy for November.  For December I'm thinking of doing nothing but Christmasy type books... we'll see how that goes.

Source: rainyreviewz.blogspot.com/2013/10/is-reading-block-real.html
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review SPOILER ALERT! 2013-09-25 20:44
Origin - Jennifer L. Armentrout


Better than the third one, that didn't quite work for me...but even so, not a favorite like Obsidian turned out to be.


Okay, the only reason i keep reading this series, is because i want to know what will happen to all these characters....but honestly, this is not my thing anymore.


In this one, the bad guys were just too cliched...

Daemon's awesomeness was also a little too much. Although i understand the reason why!
If the guy started being tortured in the book, most of the readers would start crying buckets! lol

But its not very feasible that such a powerful guy, would be given such leeway....in various aspects while confined.

The plot was okay. It makes you want to keep reading. Some parts were a little predictable, but on and on, i didn't feel the need to shout at "people", so nothing to point in that department...

The romance, lol, well they're Daemon and Katy, so i guess too much sweetness is too be expected:

“I have something really corny to say. Get ready for it.”
She traced the line of my jaw. “I’m ready.”
“I’m mental for you.”
She busted into laughter. “Oh my God, that is corny.”

And Daemon being Daemon, continues to be....his same old self:
Kat’s head whipped around, her cheeks flushed. “You’re such a dog sometimes.”


Towards the end, there's some pretty good action scenes. Although killing the non essential characters wasn't all that interesting....maybe because i didn't care about them in the first place.
It felt a little like letting go of the non essential baggage.


Then, i don't know...it must be complicated to write a new young adult book in our days. Some people are still so conservative...and hypocrite, that the author's probably end up stuck between a rock and a hard place while trying to write a romance novel in the ya department...
All of this to say, that i thought it was a "little" strange and preachy the whole marriage thing (the conversation and the actual deal) after they had sex.
A little like: You see kids? You had sex...safe sex, and now you have to get married!
That's right girls...and boys, Daemon Black is officially of the market!
Now lets see if he remembers that in the next book....
What does this means?
It means another cliffhanger, with Daemon _________ ______________!!
Yeah, i'm not gonna say!


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review 2013-09-04 00:00
Origin (Lux Series #4) (Entangled Teen)
Origin - Jennifer L. Armentrout OMG! ...that ending? And so starts the long wait until the next book...
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