Vegan way of diet has become extremely popular across the globe. Several Americans have also started adopting veganism.
Vegan way of diet has become extremely popular across the globe. Several Americans have also started adopting veganism.
We will see the growing acceptance of Veganism around the world. A new food trend is gaining momentum in the world.
While sitting and awaiting Nuit at the dawn of this wintry day, mid March, a ginger cat jumped onto my lap purring for attention. A lucky one really, doesn’t need to worry about what to eat and how. We on the other hand spend endless hours thinking and talking about healthy food, conscious diets, the alternatives to junk we continuously chose to digest.
Nuit approached our table slowly giving me enough time to have a closer look at this lovely lady. This woman with bluish green eyes and long brown hair slightly whitening at the front has stopped her age clock at around 40 knows what she says and does. In fact she is a very conscious woman, her words are perfectly measured, wise and her whole appearance is very meditative.