Lots of changes in the small kingdom of Bulvania. The former King has passed, and they are looking for a replacement. Young Raymond is not sure he is the right choice. He has already lived a life of seclusion.
Logan, being tugged along by his father, is not sure he wants to even see Bulvania. He thinks spending any time there will mean being less himself. His appreciation for fine looking things may help him change his mind.
I found the book started out pretty well. The explanations, while a bit weak, at least caught my interest enough to stick around to find out more. Then it just got weird with no warning. I am not a spoiler type of person so I will just leave it there. I will say I had hoped to have more story base. I felt like it was getting rushed and absolutely struggled to get to the end. I would not really recommend this one to my readers. I know that is rare, but we cannot love them all. I give this one a 3/5 Kitty's Paws UP!
***This copy was given by Netgalley and its publisher in exchange for an honest review.