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review 2018-11-17 07:57
Heart Throb (Hearts of Metal #7) by Brooklyn Ann
Heart Throb - Brooklyn Ann

Heart Throb (Hearts of Metal #7) - Brooklyn Ann 


This series will hook you from the beginning! This is the seventh and unfortunately the final book in the series but it can definitely be read as a standalone.


Lexi is well aware of her looks and doesn’t need to be reminded of them every five seconds. At this point in her life she’s more concerned about making a butt-kicking documentary about the metal band Vicious and fulfilling her dream of making a feature horror film. She just needs to stop worrying about (and staring at) the grouch in the band in order to meet her deadline.
Brand, the bassist of the band, is that grouch. He’s had a tough childhood and doesn’t let anyone get close. Letting people into his life means giving them a chance to hurt him and he’s tired of that. Not even the model-look-alike disrupting his life is going to change that.


Lexi and Brand were a super cute couple. They both tried to deny their attraction from the beginning and so drama and plenty of laughs ensued when they pretended there was no chemistry between them. Brand might have acted all gruff and indifferent at times but he had some deeps scars that made him act that way. Luckily Lexi saw past that dark exterior and focused more on the man that worried about and cared for her. He made some huge mistakes along the way but he learned his lessons and proved he was capable of love.


I don’t want this series to end because I need more from all of the bands! I loved the way each character was not only depicted as skilled at what they did but also as imperfect, vulnerable, normal human beings. I also appreciate how they went through some ordinary, real life situations because that made them even more real. Like when Lexi was having some bad cramping and everyone kept commenting on her looks instead of how she was feeling… yeah, that right there made me want to hug the author! Situations like that happened in all of the books and man, I loved those little bits in each of the books. You can also tell the author loves the metal rock world by the way she describes it and lets us readers be a part of it. I didn’t think I was a fan but after going behind the scenes of the music I know I will give it a try. This was a fabulous read, with well-developed characters and a fascinating setting. I definitely recommend it.


*I received this book at no cost to me and I volunteered to read it; this is my honest opinion and given without any influence by the author or publisher**

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review 2018-11-02 03:25
Unmask Me If You Can (The Survivors #4) by Shana Galen
Unmask Me If You Can - Shana Galen

Unmask Me If You Can (The Survivors #4) - Shana Galen 


At one point in her life, Olivia didn’t have more worries than to wear pretty gowns and attend the most fashionable balls. Now? Now she has more pressing, more important things to worry about, mainly her full of life and curious five year old son Richard. Jasper may have looked scary with that mask covering half his face but his considerate and honorable behavior was enough to bring down the walls Olivia had erected around her heart. 


I have to say that Jasper was not exactly how I imagined him, he was way better! I loved the way he patiently let Olivia trust him with her body and hers and her child’s life. He knew the ordeals she had gone through and so he painstakingly let her take the lead when it came to the intimate moments. That’s basically what I love the most about Jasper. Even though he was reluctant to let her love him at first, once he understood her needs he was more than willing to accommodate her, and not just because of his desire for her, but because he understood her and wanted to give her what she needed. If that’s not love then I may be reading the wrong books. He truly was the perfect lover for Olivia. 
Olivia, although not the smartest of women in my opinion, was resourceful and level-headed. Perhaps at times she didn’t make the right decisions and trusted the wrong people but she always considered all of her options. It made me really upset how the scheming of others affected Jasper, Olivia, and of course little Richard. That poor child had been so happy for the first five years of his life and all of a sudden his life turned upside down. The villains deserved so much worse than what they got but at least they got some kind of punishment. 

To top it all off, we get a little glimpse at the life of Lieutenant-Colonel Benedict Draven! Just as the men he leads, he may appear as a brooding man but if my hunch is correct, just like the other men in his troop, that is just a façade to keep all the feelings from pouring out. In all honesty, I cannot have enough of these men and I cannot wait to read the rest of their stories. 

*I requested and received this book at no cost to me and I volunteered to read it; this is my honest opinion and given without any influence by the author or publisher*

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review 2018-10-23 17:29
Master of None (Millcastle #2) by Kate Pearce
Master of None (Millcastle #2) - Kate Pearce

Master of None (Millcastle #2) - Kate Pearce 


Forced marriage & marriage of convenience are two of my favorite tropes and this story hit all the high marks in what I think these tropes should be. The narrative/voice of this author made the story tangible and the characters jump out of the page. 

Emily has always been a dutiful, obedient daughter so when her father tells her she must marry the manager of one of his mills she reluctantly acquiesces to her father’s wishes. I liked her character a whole lot. She gave the illusion of being a meek woman however she was never afraid to speak up when in disagreement or when someone pushed her limits. 
Adam had this quiet confidence that made him both endearing and appealing, and I think his greatest flaw was his pride because he always thought to be right. On the other hand there were times I felt bad for the poor guy, what with him having to deal with an expanding empire, his new bride, family disputes, and old flames trying to destroy his marriage. But even with all the burdens that were suddenly thrown their way, Emily and Adam managed to create a joyous if not perfect marriage. The chemistry between the two was not exactly “explosive” but it was believable and real, what a real marriage should be like, especially when it started the way it did. 

The suspense, real-life hardships, emotional scenes, and well-defined characters, not to mention a true historical setting feeling, made this story a highly enjoyable read. Oh, and that man on the cover of the book, so-very Adam! 

*I received this book at no cost to me and I volunteered to read it; this is my honest opinion and given without any influence by the author or publisher.*

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review 2018-10-10 22:45
A Most Unsuitable Match (Sisters of Scandal, Book 1) by Julia Justiss
A Most Unsuitable Match - Julia Justiss

A Most Unsuitable Match (Sisters of Scandal Book 1) - Julia Justiss 


Johnnie and Prudence's story was a delight. It had the right amount of funny moments mixed with the perfect drama. The perfect example of why I love to read historical romance. 
Prudence is a woman tainted not by her own doing but because of her mother’s reputation. Johnnie is considered the black sheep of his family and even though his reputation is not considered perfect, it’s still much better than Prudence’s because he is a man. 
Their relationship was sweet yet full of passion. He cared for her but knew that his friendship would further diminish her chances of marrying into a good family. Prudence was no innocent naiveté but always behaved with propriety, just as it was expected from her. There were lots of times when I thought society was being so unfair to her (and basically every other woman) and it sure made me glad that I didn’t get to live back then. I was happy when they managed to find a way to be together without having to give up on the things they wanted out of life. 
This book was not as “spicy” as the author’s previous series but it was definitely full of heart and tender moments, and of course accurate to its times which is one of the reasons I love this author. 

**I received this book at no cost to me and I volunteered to read it; this is my honest opinion and given without any influence by the author or publisher**

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review 2018-07-30 00:31
A Duke Like No Other (Playful Brides #9) by Valerie Bowman
A Duke Like No Other - Valerie Bowman

A Duke Like No Other - Valerie Bowman


Fun, sexy, intriguing romp. I enjoyed Mark and Nichole’s relationship immensely. I specially loved their banter and how they were supposedly keeping each other at arm’s length. From the start I was intrigued as to how they would end up together when there appeared to be such animosity between them but in the end I was happy on how it was handled.

Mark’s relationship with his family plays in important role here. His desire to be the new Home Secretary derived from the fact that he wanted to make a name for himself without having to rely on them. That same estrangement makes him calculating and distrustful, particularly of members of the “ton.” But what one wants and what life wants out of one are two completely different things and he’s going to have to learn to make peace with his life if he wants a future with his independent, intelligent, self-reliant wife, Nichole. 

The suspense part helps the story move along but I thought we got stuck too much on it at times. That being said, I liked how it’s that same subplot that helped Mark understand Nichole better and learn to accept her for what she is. The reason they were apart for so long was pretty much pride and selfishness so to see the two grow from petty, zealous young lovers to discerning adults made for an enjoyable read. 

**I received this book at no cost to me and I volunteered to read it; this is my honest opinion and given without any influence by the author or publisher**

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