Velicious Part One by Shelique Lize is an intriguing paranormal-suspense story that starts in 1818 & moves to the present time.
I gave it four stars. It needs some editing for typos & homonyms. This does not reflect on the quality of the author's writing.
"My little sister had no issues yet, but our mother forced her to talk to Dr. Fields once a week about her emotions and life. According to our mother, she already had two screwed up daughters, and she didn’t want a third kid flying over the cuckoo’s nest into a dark abyss? my mother’s exact words. My mother could be just a tad dramatic."
It is Justice's, the protagonist's twenty first birthday. She hadn't celebrated the prior year because it was only four days after the suicide event. This year her sisters & best friend are planning a big one for her.
“I’m open enough,” I huffed in denial. I winced when memories reminded me that being the good little girl, Daddy’s angel, and the perfect overachiever, had seriously hampered my ability to be more open-minded. A minor plight, I planned on fixing in the near future."
Mya took her to a psychic & she had a strange experience. She was told to embrace the unknown but was not told what the "unknown" was.
Justice describes her dormitory room mate: "As a matter of a fact, Erin's whole life was filled with drama. Drinking, boys, betrayal, backstabbing, drugs?my God, she’s done it all. Erin was a toxic person, and even though it was painful to cut her out of my life, I knew I would be better off. She was the dandelion growing in my garden and making it unsightly. Nevertheless, if Erin ever needed anything, I’d still be there for her. Simple as that. We have too much history."
Justice met Dante & Marquis & wondered which one of them would be her dark stranger.
I received a complimentary copy from the author. That did not change my opinion for this review.
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