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url 2015-06-02 08:30
To Honour Tanith Lee
White as Snow - Tanith Lee,Terri Windling
Biting the Sun - Tanith Lee
The Silver Metal Lover - Tanith Lee
Cold Grey Stones (Imaginings) - Tanith Lee

What can I say? How can I record a dream as it evolved everywhere about me, record it, and yet keep the dream intact? I could state every event as it occurred, every tiny and wondrous event.

– Biting the Sun by Tanith Lee


Some of my favourite fantasy authors would recommend Tanith Lee in the same breath as writers like Patricia Mckillip, Octavia E. Butler and Ursula K. Le Guin. I was curious but it took me a few years until I finally sat down and read some of her extraordinary books...Cont'd on the blog.

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review 2015-04-07 00:00
The Silver Metal Lover
The Silver Metal Lover - Tanith Lee This was so much more than I expected. I loved it.
My full review is here, on Hot Stuff for Cool People.
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review 2014-09-21 21:53
#CBR6 Book 101: The Silver Metal Lover by Tanith Lee
The Silver Metal Lover - Tanith Lee

Jane lives a pampered and privileged life, the only child of a wealthy and influential woman. She's lonely, insecure and immature. She has no real friends, just people who mainly seem to take pleasure in bullying her. One day, she encounters a robot minstrel, one in a new line of highly realistic, artificially intelligent androids and her life is never the same. Though she is initially frightened by the robot, she's also fascinated by him and can't put him out of her mind. 


She runs away from home, giving up everything just to be with Silver, as she names her robot lover. She learns to fend for herself and makes a life on her own. She refuses any contact with her mother or former "friends" and begins to discover a wholly different, much happier existence. Yet the factory who first created Silver wants all the advanced robots destroyed and they are searching for Jane and Silver. How long until their happy romance comes to an end?


The Silver Metal Lover was written in 1981 and for as long as I've been reading young adult fiction with any sort of romantic element, this book has been on my radar. It appears on countless lists of romantic YA and has clearly meant a great deal to a lot of readers over the years. Yet the book never seemed to interest me all that much, probably because science fiction is not a genre I read all that much and robots are a lot less appealing to me than vampires, werewolves, faeries and witches. When this was the alt book in Vagina Fantasy book club in August, and the book also fit with my Monthly Key Word AND Monthly Motif reading challenges, I decided to check it out. I suspect that it would have made a much greater impact on me if I read it when I was actually a teen in the mid-90s than it did now.


First of all, Jane really is somewhat of an exhausting protagonist. She cries ALL the damn time. She cries so much she even points out that it's amazing she doesn't dehydrate herself from all of it. She's lived a sheltered and not very exciting life, so it's not actually surprising that she has the personality of a wet sponge, I just really didn't like her much at all. Even when she developed the backbone to run away to be with her robot lover, I didn't like her all that much. The best thing she had going for her was that every single character in the book, with the exception of Silver was so much worse than her. 


Silver was pretty cool actually. I prefer my robots more of the Terminator variety, frankly, but as sentient robots go, he wasn't bad. I'm sure he could have done better than Jane though. Their romance didn't really work for me, as I found Jane dull as dish-water. The book had an interesting concept, but there are just so many better YA sci-fi romances out there now, and while it was a perfectly ok book, it didn't wow me in any way.  

Source: kingmagu.blogspot.no/2014/09/cbr6-book-101-silver-metal-lover-by.html
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photo 2013-12-28 17:33
Day 30 - Your favorite book of all time


Again, you cannot throw this at me without me demanding at least a top four. These books all constitute experiences that are the sort that keep me reading, looking for the next book that will send me into paroxysms of bookish joy.


  • It by Stephen King
  • American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
  • The Silver Metal Lover by Tanith Lee
  • Watership Down by Richard Adams
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text 2013-12-28 15:43
Favorite robots books of 2013 continued
Transformers: All Hail Megatron Volume 1 (v. 1) - Shane McCarthy,Guido Guidi
Transformers: Regeneration One Volume 2 - Simon Furman
Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe - Emiliano Santalucia,Matthew Reinhart
Incredible Change-Bots Two - Jeffrey Brown
The Silver Metal Lover - Tanith Lee
Transformers: Tales of the Fallen (Transformers (Idw)) - 'Simon Furman', 'Chris Mowry', 'Carlos Magno'
Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters Volume 1 - Michael Gaydos

Aaand finished.   Mostly my boys in the Transformers verses, yeah?   But so hot!   

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