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review 2018-06-17 07:24
Destroyed - Nicole Hewitt,L.A Starkey

So, I read Deceived recently, and while it didn't really live up to my expectations, the immersion in Greek mythology kept me reading into the second book, Destroyed. It takes up right where the first book ended, and it basically continues the story. Marcus and Nick are still fighting over Sam, but there might be a way to change the prophecy, if only they can stop fighting long enough to look for it.

This book took forever, or so it seemed. The pacing was really slow and when I'm looking back at what happened in this book, I thought it was not so much. What also didn't help was that to me it seems like Sam made up her mind about which brother she likes ages ago, so that is not exciting to read either. This series isn't really for me, so with Destroyed it will end for me.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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review 2018-05-05 05:44
Deceived, - L.A Starkey

I feelt slightly 'deceived' as I was expecting something much more fantasy-like based on the cover. Instead, the story bottles down to two guys (who apparently share a soul) both fight for the favour of a girl, their soulmate, in order to become the sole possessor of said shared soul. So romantic, no?

It was a quick read, but I never really felt into it. Had I known the focus would be so much on the development of the romance, even though I think the motives of both guys are questionable, I would have maybe skipped it because that is really not something I usually like to read about. There is some immersion of Greek mythology, which will keep me reading into the second book, which I already have and will be reading soon.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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review 2018-04-30 11:29
A Library Miscellany
A Library Miscellany - Claire Cock-Starkey

A small, slim tome that is exactly what it says it is: a miscellany of facts about libraries throughout history.  Some of it is nothing new to anyone who enjoys a good book about a book, but most of it was new and fairly interesting.  It had a few drive-my-husband-crazy moments of "listen to this!" but not so many that there was heavy sighing or eye-rolling going on.  


My personal favourites included the most overdue books and the example of rules at different major libraries in the world (I love that the Vatican Library has a bar).  I'm dying to know why Portugal's legal deposit laws require 11 copies of every book be submitted (as opposed to the more common 1-2 copies).


I'd have liked to have seen some illustrations of a few of the topics mentioned, but overall it's a nice little book, and one I'll likely refer to more than once when I feel the need to torture friends with book related trivia.  

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review 2017-12-28 05:16
The Book Lovers' Miscellany
The Book Lovers' Miscellany - Claire Cock-Starkey

An excellent little book for what it is: a collection of facts about books and authors.  Oldest books in existence, description of the ISBN system, book towns, oddest titles of the year, and a code key to Penguin paperbacks are all examples of the interesting and sometimes amusing facts collected together in this small tome.  


I'm afraid MT learned rather more obscure facts about book than he'd have said he was  interested interested in, as I couldn't resist reading many of the sections out load.  My only disappointment was the distinctly UK focus; a small disappointment all things considered.


"Of all the things man can do or make here below,
by far the most momentous, wonderful, and
worthy are the things we call books."


– Thomas Carlyle

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review 2015-12-19 21:57
No Gun Intended: An Annabelle Starkey Mystery (Annabelle Starkey Mysteries) - Zoe Burke

#NoGunIntended  4 Stars  Available 1/5/16  @PPPress #ZoeBurke

This was a pretty funny book.  In part because of the sports analogies that the main character uses. She knows nothing, I mean nothing, about sports, but she uses them anyway. "It's the ninth inning in the football game" is one that comes to mind. There are many funnier ones throughout this book.

When her backpack is traded for a backpack with a murder weapon, the chase is on to find out who has her backpack and why the exchange. This is a madcap adventure with lots of laughs and lots of action,.

An entertaining read that for some reason, I was like meh, I'll read it even though I wasn't in the mood for it. It just seemed like it wasn't all that. Turns out, I was totally wrong. Once I got started, I was into it and laughing my way throughout.

Huge thanks to Poisoned Pen Press and Net Galley for approving my request and providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest review. I was highly surprised and glad I requested it.


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