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text 2020-02-25 06:05
Reading progress update: DNF at 17%.
The Bear and the Nightingale - Katherine Arden

Here is the thing: I wasn´t sure if I would like this book or not. So I grapped it for free from my local library and gave it a chance.


And guess what, it isn´t my thing. And it´s not because it is a bad book in itself, I think (based on the first 17%) it´s just one of these style over substance books that aren´t for me. Yes, there is a lot of beautiful prose and atmospheric writing within these pages, but I´m bored stiff by the plot and I couldn´t care less what is happening to the characters. 


DNF at 17%

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text 2019-06-12 20:21
I'm so far behind. Booklikes-opoly
The Bear and the Nightingale - Katherine Arden


Memorial Day Rolls: Roll 1: 2 (double 1's) 7. Read a book that has a house on the cover, or that is related to something unique about your community (for example, if your community has a strawberry festival, read a book with strawberries on the cover).


This was a wonderful read.  Get 'em girl!


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text 2019-06-09 23:24
Reading progress update: I've read 160 out of 368 pages.
The Bear and the Nightingale - Katherine Arden

This is what I wish Uprooted had been. So much better. 

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text 2019-06-08 03:23
Reading progress update: I've read 30 out of 368 pages.
The Bear and the Nightingale - Katherine Arden

Again, I had to find a book that would catch my attention. Something that helps me stay focused when I'm exhausted. Putting aside The Tumbling Turner Sisters for the moment. I won this entire trilogy from Random House on Instagram. 30 pages in and I'm enjoying this. It's set in a unique place and has a nice, folktale feel.


In work news, I've made a great impression. I'm going to start working the kitchen opening to about 2pm. That's a good shift. We open at 6am, and I would be off in plenty of time before my son gets off the bus during school. I just need a foot spa for my aching feet.



That gif is me every time I do something good and get a compliment .



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text 2019-05-24 03:31
Reading progress update: I've read 368 out of 368 pages.
The Bear and the Nightingale - Katherine Arden

Gorgeous. I'll write a review in a bit. I'm rolling before the day closes *grin*


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