I just saw a self-published author announce their new release, Book 1 in a series. It sounded interesting, and then I saw that "Book 1" is less than 10,000 words long. I am...less interested now.
I just saw a self-published author announce their new release, Book 1 in a series. It sounded interesting, and then I saw that "Book 1" is less than 10,000 words long. I am...less interested now.
NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month. Get involved!!
See more info here: nanowrimo.org
This goes for all of November, and you can have help, tips, encouragment and more. There will even be a winner at the end who will be published. Come and see!
Gregor Xane and I will be sprinting all day tomorrow (11/15/2014). If you're interested in joining us, let me know in the comment section below.
Game Plan:
6AM: 30 minute non-WIP sprint. This bit of writing is all warm up and should not be anything else. You won't be writing on your work in progress. All you're doing is laying down as many words as you can to form complete sentences and paragraphs.
630AM: 30 minute break. Time for a caffeine refill.
7AM and throughout the day: You will spend one hour writing on your WIP followed by a one hour break. This on again off again routine will continue all day longy. Meals and potty breaks should be scheduled so they coincide with your down time.
Quitting time: You may quit anytime after your 1,667 words are done for the day, or you are caught up. If you are ahead, use this time to bang out a greater lead. I, myself, will be shooting for 10,000 words. Kids, do not try this at home. I'm a trained idiot under the supervision of no one.
This is about training, not perfection. Write whatever you can and worry about editing later.
See you lovely writers and aspiring writers tomorrow!
Ever felt that the page count of a book wasn’t an accurate reflection of how much you’ve read?
This is skewed.