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Discussion: Feature Requests
posts: 15 views: 19660 last post: 5 years ago
created by: BookLikes
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And since I'm here - I've asked before, but I'll beg this time: can we please please please get the author search results on the edit book page extended from 3 results to 6? Pppplllleeeaaassseeeee???? It's not a major change - it's just one itty bitty number in the script template. And it would cut my author merging work in half.

Love ya BookLikes ;)
Reply to post #562 (show post):

I'll second that, as someone who is trying to enter some 5,000 Kindle titles . . . . . which would be made so much easier if some of the existing entries were cleaned up!!
Thank you, guys! The requests have been sent to our ITs.
Thank you! :D
Okay, here's one from my very frustrating experience today.

Can we get an author SORT feature that goes beyond just the last name? When I look at the titles on a shelf, I want all the Laura Black titles together, all the Cheryl Black titles together, all the J. Carson Black titles together. Right now they're all mixed together, and it's very frustrating when adding new titles to have to look through all of them. Yes, I know I can sort out just the specific author, but that can cause problems, too, when so many author names are already messed up or duplicated.
Reply to post #566 (show post):

This should be in the bug report thread because sort does NOT work properly - it fails to properly sort authors with the same last name.
Reply to post #567 (show post):

Okay. I can move it. I put it here because I thought you said it wasn't so much a bug as just a flaw in the initial set-up.
Reply to post #568 (show post):

Well, it's a flaw, but the kind that's a bug. :)
Maybe this isn't really a feature request but I'm not sure where else to post it.

Could we please add a few new Genres to the book pages? I have a lot of craft and hobby books that really don't fit under "Art," but that's the only place currently to put them. There are already categories for Food, Cookbooks, and Gardening, but those don't work for all crafts.

Some suggestions:

Antiques & Collectibles
Home Improvement
Do It Yourself
Reply to post #570 (show post):


* Short Fiction / Short Stories and
* Theatre / Plays / Drama

Short stories are a literary form entirely of their own; if we have poetry as a separate category, we should also have one for short stories. Ditto plays -- it's been bugging me for a long time that I can only file them under "literature", but not according to their proper form.

I realize there's a need to keep the total number of categories to a manageable level, but there's something skewed if, on the one hand, we have (for example) "Fantasy", "Mystery", "Paranormal", "Romance" and "Young Adult" AND then in addition "Paranormal Mystery", "Paranormal Romance", "Young Adult Fantasy", "Young Adult Paranormal" and "Young Adult Romance" -- but, on the other hand, not a single category that would allow us to properly file short stories and plays ... as well as arts & crafts (other than gardening and cooking).
There are definitely a lot of genre terms that duplicate each other or are redundant. Those could easily be pared down to make room for subjects/genres that are needed. And I'd suggest changing "Christian" to "Religion" OR keep it but also add the other major religions.

I'd add:
* literary criticism
* politics / government

I know there are more, but those are the ones that I miss most often.
I second the changing "Christian" to "Religious" (or possibly "Religious/Inspirational" and a "Sacred Text" category).
I can't believe there's no category for "Western" or "Fiction - American West" or something. But there isn't. Where do westerns go? Just Historical Fiction or Adventure? How would a person looking for western stories find them?
Reply to post #571 (show post):

I think because of time period, Westerns might be considered Steampunk. I don't like that myself and believe they do deserve their own genre (because most are not centered on steam power and clockwork devices or even the same Victorian era things traditional steampunk emphasizes ).
Reply to post #572 (show post):

Steampunk is basically sci-fi set in the 19th century, so Westerns wouldn't fit there. And they're "historical fiction" only if set prior to the author's own lifetime. I agree with Linda -- this definitely is yet another genre category that's missing here!
Need help?