2016 Bookish Resolutions
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Because Reading and trips down imagination road
My 2016 Bookish Resolutions Summary post
I suppose February could have been better. I tried keeping up with my goals, but sometimes, you either get lazy... or you get lazy. I didn't feel as productive this month as I felt last month, but then again, I still feel quite accomplished.
At least I DID knock one series off my TBR--the Death Sworn duology. Now if I can start whittling my TBR down a little more... and get to cracking on those personal goals.
Blogging Goals
- 1 - Participate in at least 50% of the Top Ten Tuesday meme (@ The Broke and the Bookish) topics for 2016--that's 26 of the TTT topics.
- January: 3 Top Ten Tuesdays written
- February: 2 TTTs written // Running Total: 5 TTTs
2/9/2016: Valentine's Theme -- Top Ten OTPs
2/23/2016: Ten Books Outiside My Comfort Zone
- 2 - Continue to post Monthly Reading Wrap-ups... with a slightly less overwhelmingly bulky form.
- 3 - Create and try to maintain a blogging schedule.
- January: Lots of out-of-control, lots of colors. See January update for more info.
- February: No pictures this time. Just know that things are continuing to get more chaotic.
Well, okay, maybe one picture. But that's it. This was before February got more chaotic.

The rest of February looks more like a rainbow of colors trying to squash into one little tiny box.

- Bonus Goal - Attempt participating in at least two other monthly/weekly bookish memes.
I guess I've technically, successfully completed my bonus blogging goal of participating in at least two other monthly/weekly bookish memes aside from the Top Ten Tuesday. Of course, I'm going to hold out a little longer before I call it a complete. As a motivator for myself, I'm going to require that I continue participating in these two memes for another five months before I call this a completed goal.
I feel accomplished now. In five months, I'll feel utterly impressed with myself if I can keep up.
-- Review of The Sugar Cookie Sweetheart Swap
- Cover Crush on Thursdays:
2/18/2016: The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa
2/25/2016: Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
Reading Goals
See Also: 2016 Bookish Resolutions shelf
- 1 - Finish reading 10 completed series that I have already started reading.
I started reading a Haruhi Suzumiya book this month, but I got side-tracked by other books. On the other hand, I hadn't expected to finish a completed series at all until my library hold pinged for Death Marked and I thought: "What the heck!" and went ahead and picked it up and started reading. There may or may not be a review for this book, but it wasn't the best thing in the world. Of course, I am now one series closer to finishing up everything I'm already reading... except that I DID start a whole new series this month as well.
There is no give. Because my reading list for March clearly indicates that, even as I am finishing yet another series... I'm also beginning two more. Or three, depending on how the reading goes.
- January: 1 series finished
- February: 1 series finished // Running Total: 2 series finished
Death Sworn by Leah Cypess -- 2/23/2016
Already Read: Death Sworn
#2: Death Marked -- 2/23/2016
- 2 - Catch up with 5 ongoing series that I have already started reading.
I am still in the midst of catching up with Cindy Gerard's One-Eyed Jacks series. I thought that I would immediately go out and buy Taking Fire at its publication date, but things are going on IRL and so I may not get around to going to the physical bookstore until later this week. But, as it stands, I will have Taking Fire read before March comes to an end and fulfill at least one series in this goal.
- January: 0 series finished
- February: 0 series caught up // Running Total: 0 series caught up
One-Eyed Jacks by Cindy Gerard -- Completed date
Already Read: Killing Time, The Way Home
#3: Running Blind -- 2/7/2016
#4: Taking Fire -- To be read
- 3 - Read 5 completed series that are new to me.
Per my Reading Assignment challenge, I actually started one new series this month, but as it is an ongoing series, it can't go under this goal anyway. I've also read another book, also of an ongoing series, but I started that series last month... again, another book that doesn't fit under any of the goals. The only series I managed to finish was from a series I started a couple years ago--see above.
So... nothing new for this goal for February, sadly.
- January: 1 series finished
- February: 0 series read // Running Total: 1 series read
- 4 - Participate in at least one Read-a-thon in 2016 (Bout of Books, Dewey's 24 Hour, any personal or community improv/unofficial read-a-thon, etc.)
-- GOAL COMPLETED -- 1/10/2016 --
- January: Participated in Bout of Books Read-a-thon // Total = 1
- February: There really weren't any read-a-thons I was interested in participating in. Maybe next time.
- 5 - Pick up at least 10 new to me authors (books not pre-listed for my 2016 Reading Assignment Challenge).
- January: 3 new-to-me authors read
- February: 3 new-to-me authors // Running Total: 6 new-to-me authors
Author name // Book(s) Read
1. Lynn Raye Harris // Hot Pursuit -- 2/4/2016 -- review to come
2. Donna Kauffman // Where There's Smoke...* -- 2/14/2016
3. Kate Angell // The Gingerbread Man* -- 2/16/2016
*novellas are part of The Sugar Cookie Sweetheart Swap anthology
- 6 - Accomplish my 2016 Mount TBR Reading Challenge goals. Tackle those books already on my shelves pre-2016!
- January: 6 Mt. TBR books read
- February: 5 books read // Running Total: 11 books read
1. Hot Pursuit by Lynn Raye Harris -- 2/4/2016
2. Running Blind by Cindy Gerard -- 2/7/2016
3. Butterfly Swords by Jeannie Lin -- 2/12/2016
4. The Sugar Cookie Sweetheart Swap anthology -- 2/22/2016
5. The Green-Eyed Doll by Jerrie Alexander -- 2/25/2016
See also My 2016 Mount TBR Challenge summary post for complete listing.
Personal Goals
- 1 - Clock at least 2 hours of cardio workout each month.
- January: 0 hours cardio clocked
- February: 2.42 hours cardio // Running Total: 2.42 hours cardio
Due to lots of reasons--namely insurance and workplace health wellness rewards and stuff and the fact that my brother is getting married in a little over a year--I was able to finally get off my lazy butt and start getting some things done.
This still isn't the most ideal work out plan I'd had in mind, and I didn't do as well as I had pre-planned before the year started, but it's still a start. While it looks like I met my 2 hour cardio goal, the majority of it was just a lot of walking. And while walking is still good for you and I still consider it an exercise, part of cardio in some ways, it wasn't what I'd been planning for.
Looks like we'll work on this goal a bit more next month.
- 2 - Attempt to work out at least twice a week. Failing that, attempt to work out at least 8 times a month (which will be met if I can get my lazy ass to work out at least twice a week).
- January: 0 times worked out
- February: 1 time worked out // Running Total: 1 time worked out
All of my walking didn't actually happen in any official work out capacities. So, again, not exactly the ideal planned goal-meeting I'd been hoping for.
- 3 - Learn 12 new recipes. Actually make said recipes. And take pictures. For evidence.
Recipes did not happen this month. Lots of cooking happened this month, but nothing I didn't already know how to make. Boo...
- January: 1 new recipe learned // Tomato Basil Soup
- February: 0 new recipes // Running Total: 1 new recipe
- Bonus Goal - Be better at being sociable, in general.
I commented on people's blogs. I hung out with my best friend once. I had a mini-weekend vacation with my family... That's pretty much it. I'm resigned to the hermit life, really...
Previous Update Posts
2016 Bookish Resolutions -- January Progress Report