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review 2019-10-09 22:30
Historical Romance With A Magical Twist
Bewitching - Jill Barnett

Bewitching is a phenomenal paranormal/historical romance by Jill Barnett.  Ms. Barnett has provided readers with a well-written book loaded with outstanding characters.  Joyous MacQuarrie is a witch.  But her magic doesn't always turn out the way it should.  Alec Castlemaine, Duke of Belmore is rigid and a bit of a stick in the mud.  Joyous and Alec's story is loaded with drama, humor, sizzle, action and magic.  I loved every page of this book and look forward to my next book by Jill Barnett.  

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review 2018-11-18 23:58
Bewitching the Dragon - Jane Kindred

Ione Carslisle has worked hard and done her best to live down her family reputation for evil. She occasionally uses her magic to disguise herself and pick up a guy for sex to work off her stress. Only the guy she picks up turns out to be the man sent to investigate her, a man that is making her question her plans for her future. Dev Gideon is secretively hosting a demon and his life is very complicated. He's never met a woman that the demon agreed with, until now.

When it turns out that the problems of the coven aren't Ione's fault and they both will risk a lot to survive.

It wasn't a bad read, the characters cared for each other but sometimes it just felt a little off and I'd love to know how they managed to get a group of witches to agree to anything in the first place. It just felt like some of the details were shoehorned in to make the plot work.

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review 2018-10-02 15:13
Haven by Celia Breslin
Haven - Celia Breslin

I received this Arc at no cost to me for a honest review.


Treat yourself to this sexy page-turner with a tough heroine, snarky humorous, sensuality and family drama.

I thoroughly enjoyed HAVEN. I’m more of a romance reader than urban fantasy, and the connection between Alexander and Rina captivated me, while family mysteries and great world building kept me enthralled. I guess you could say I am in the target audience that the author was looking for! 


Carina who owns a nightclub with amazing and loyal friends. The only thing odd about her is the lapse in memory from when she was younger and to make things even more weird she is attacked by a crazed witch.  Uh oh!!

Rina is a fun party girl and her sassy, and not exactly snarky, voice is strong—you experience this story powerfully through her eyes, from deep within her point of view. I am hoping for a good reason that Rina never gets to see her father in this book since he is still in Italy. There was no better way to protect her than stripping her of all her memories? Especially when these are the highest level in the vampire society and they can't handle her protection?

The story kept you interested but all the characters have a history and secrets in their past. Yet when you did find out about the history your left without answers to explain or elaborate more. I felt a bit flustered from this but I was able to still highly enjoy this book. Told in the first person, this also for me, runs the risk of, "See how clever and feisty I am?" but I never got annoyed with Rina's narration.


Each turn of the page was juicy and had me rereading it to make sure nothing was missed. You should pick this one up!

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review 2018-09-17 16:51
Bewitching Hannah
Bewitching Hannah - Leigh Goff

Third book for Halloween Bingo- Spellbound!


Hannah Fitzgerald would like nothing more than to be a normal 16 year old. However, Hannah is descended from a long line of witches and the magic in her is beginning to bubble over. With both of her parents deceased, Hannah moves to Annapolis with her aunt. Annapolis is where her coven is located and has many witches as well as other people with special gifts living among the ordinaries. At school Hannah quickly makes a friend in Summer and her brother Mateo and enemies among the Queen J's, especially their leader, Emme. At her coven meeting Hannah finds out just why she is so hated amongst the J's as well as a few clues to why her parents may have died. A prophecy that foretells of two witches in of Hannah's generation, a battle and then either peace or a downfall. Hannah would prefer to hide from her magic and ignore the prophecy, but with the help of a mysterious friend, she learns to embrace the magic within her. 

Bewitching Hannah is an enchanting young adult paranormal romance that eventually pulled me in with a variety of magic and great characters. The beginning had a lot of information to take in and it seemed like I had missed something and needed to catch up. However, once Hannah was in school and the other witches found her, the suspense, danger and mystery quickly ramped up. I loved that so many magical being lived under the noses of everyday people in Annapolis and that their power was tied to history and culture. I enjoyed watching Hannah grow and make decisions as she came to terms with her magic with the help of the mysterious W. W added a touch of sweet romance and a bit of a Beauty and the Beast feeling. The ending tied everything together with an exciting and twisty display of magic . Complete with witches, curses, ghosts, and shapeshifters, Bewitching Hannah is a perfect Halloween time read. 

This book was received for free in return for an honest review

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2018-03-24 03:06
Crooked Kingdom
Crooked Kingdom: A Sequel to Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows was so good it would be hard to make a sequel but Leigh Bardugo succeeded with Crooked Kingdom begin even better. The plot was even more complicated than in Six of Crows but just as easy to follow. There where so many twists and turns; so much plotting and countering it blew my mind. In this book we get to experience so much character development; Kaz starts to become more human, we see more of Pekka Rollins and explore the fears of each member of the team. We got input from Wylan how his appearance effects him and Jesper both. Bardugo sets up Kaz and Inej and it is interesting to explore why their relationship is so cautious whereas Jesper and Wylan can love each other with no strings attached. Inej can see the good in Kaz but believes that if he doesn't give up parts of the monster he has created of himself she can't help him and will move on with her life. It almost saddens me that she found a purpose and will leave the gang. It makes sense that she will hunt slavers and I hope that one day Kaz can join her. I think that would help them both work though their fears. Jesper is a particularly interesting charter because unlike all the others he has a live to go back to and chose life in the barrel. His need for risk drove him to the barrel and gambling. I think that if Jesper's father had understood that need Jesper would not have become a gambler and sharpshooter. Although Nina is my least favorite character the new development in her grisha power is intriguing and I wished there was more time to explore it. I understand why the Bardugo had Mathias killed; it had to happen to further the character of Nina. After Mathias is killed Nina goes through stages of wanting to bring him back with her newfound character and hating herself for not being able to heal him, she decided that it was even more important to make more of the druskelle see their point of view on the grisha. Wylan was intriguing to me because unlike everyone else he came a very privileged background and had one flaw that took it all away from him. He dealt with it exceptionally well considering that he cant read. I wish there was another book that included all of these characters. I am seriously considering writing a fan fiction in a time after they are all settled into their new rolls.  

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