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review 2016-06-17 21:14
DNFed at 7%
Crowning Fantasy - Coral Russell

Writing epic fantasy allows you so much creativity. You can just make things up as you go, and it's fun! But please, at least make names we can pronounce. I speak a little Spanish, a bit of Japanese, and a few words of Chinese and Portuguese. But I cannot even begin to understand some of these words. 



I'm not going to waste my time with a book that has zero world building or character descriptions and tries to give me eye strain. Did she just beat her fists on the keyboard and say "wow, that's the name I was looking for!"

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text 2016-06-17 05:13
Reading progress update: I've read 5%.
Crowning Fantasy - Coral Russell

I don't read a lot of epic fantasy books. But the ones I have read are always vibrant and well written.


Then there's this:


I can't pronounce that. I wonder if the author can.


This book, thus far, is full of tongue twisting names with no descriptions of the creatures or events they label. Only "large" or "furry". This doesn't bode well for the book.



Just for fun:

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text 2016-06-16 23:23
Ebook Purge: Giveaway Edition
The Complete 1st Freak House Trilogy: Box set (The 1st Freak House Trilogy) - C.J. Archer
Becoming Lisette (The Queen's Painter) (Volume 1) - Rebecca Glenn
An Unpredictable Life: A Memoir of a Teen's Struggle With Cancer - Elaine White
Crowning Fantasy - Coral Russell

I have been letting giveaway ebooks pile up this past year. So I'm going to get through some of them. I think I have 8 total, so I will start with 4. I hope they're good. I've had some so long I forgot what they're about. Lol.


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review 2016-05-17 00:32
Amador Lockdown - Coral Russell

I was asked by the author to review this book. 

First off, I want to state I'm not really into ghost hunter books which this one is. The story about the son had me very confused and a little angry with the father. When everyone says stop, you need to stop because in the end it didn't really help. The interviews of previous tenants in the early part of the book were okay but again I was confused as to what they really meant. I just think that someone who is into this style of books would enjoy it more.  3 out of 5 stars

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text 2015-10-31 12:58
ghost story #freebie
Amador Lockdown - Coral Russell

book description:


"You always save the best lies for yourself."

Something has moved into the Amador Hotel. Hector, Marcos, Bev, and Tony of the Paranormal Posse are called in to either debunk the haunting or get rid of whatever is causing the problems. With the surprise arrival of Hector's son, he tries to keep his professional and personal lives separate, but whatever is haunting the Amador Hotel has other plans.



*Amador Lockdown by Coral Russell includes 3 stories: Devil of a Ghost Tour, Key to a Haunting and Amador Lockdown.


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