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review 2020-03-16 18:43
Kill the meg
Hell's Aquarium - Steve Alten

Angel has eaten more people. Shocker. 


And now some idiots are wanting to catch a liopleurodon. Only the biggest sea predator EVER. 


And then there's the racism. And sexism. And just general stupidity. I'm over it. No amount of awesome dinosaur fish can salvage this.

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review 2019-12-30 22:12
Well,....uh....yay for sharks?
Primal Waters - Steve Alten

Yay for the Megs. Boo for most of the people in this book. I was super annoyed with every single person in this massive book. But...damn if Jonas didn't have the baddest moment at the end. Like, total badass for a 65 year old. Ugh. It gives me mixed feelings.


The writing itself was shotty. Not terrible but just poor. The informative sections were so factual they felt out of place. He knows his science, no doubt. But it just takes you out of the moment when you're going along with the plot then you're being given an overview of an island chain and its history.


Anyway, I read this because it's a paperback and I take it to work with me. It's been really slow so I sit on my throne of milk crates and read when I have no prep work or orders. It makes time go by better. I can't decide if I want to move on the 4th book or just end this misery.

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review 2019-01-12 03:21
Paperback Crush
Paperback Crush: The Totally Radical History Of 80’s and 90’s Teen Fiction - Gabrielle Moss

Pop Sugar 2019 Challenge prompts:

Book that makes you nostalgic 

Book without chapters or unusual chapters (advanced prompt)


What an amazing romp through nostalgia! This book was incredibly well researched and full of details. It mentioned series I didn't even know existed, as well as the huge hits. Full color. Dozens of book covers. Interviews with some of the authors. Even a piece on the person that painted all the Baby-sitters Club covers. If you want to remember your youth, check this out.

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review 2018-11-18 23:33
The Meg
Meg - Steve Alten

This was going to be a 5 star rating, but the book needed editing. There were a few grammatical errors that were easy to spot. Also took half a star for the misogyny. It didn't bother me too much because it was military guys being that way, and that's just the nature of them. My husband tells me stories of his buddies that would make my skin crawl if I knew it wasn't a joke.


Anyway, the plot was fast paced, the characters varied, and the settings well described. My recommendation is to not read Meg: Origins first, even though it's in the front of the book. Read the actual novel then go back and read the prequel. It gives things more suspense. 

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review 2018-09-29 01:16
Magnus Chase and the Sarcastic, Casually Racist Sword
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, Book One: The Sword of Summer (Rick Riordan's Norse Mythology) - Christopher Guetig,Rick Riordan

I enjoy these books. They're mindless reads that can actually inform you about history and mythology you wouldn't normally learn about.


But Magnus seems to be a blonde Percy Jackson. And nobody can be Percy but Percy. Them's just the facts. 

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