Hello Readers! Today I am once again visiting the Sons of Sangue and this time Gypsy is in the spotlight as he has been ordered to make a decision - one that could change his eternity! Enjoy and don't forget to add Gypsy by Patricia A. Rasey to shelves!

Grayson “Gypsy” Gabor loves the ladies. As a matter of fact, the more the merrier. Life is good. That is until a mishap with a sexy as hell redhead leaves them mated. The eldest of vampires, Vlad Tepes, gives him a choice: keep her or give her up for all eternity to his one-time best friend, Anton.
Tamera Cantrell sets her sights on the Vice President of the Sons of Sangue, Gypsy. One night gone wrong, and she finds herself in the middle of one vampire who hates her and one who adores her. She’s left with three months to prove to the one who despises her that he can’t live without her.
Add in one Mexican Cartel, a vindictive primordial vampire, and a rival MC out for blood, and Gypsy has his hands full with club business. When Tamera’s life becomes endangered, Gypsy must act quick or chance losing her forever.

The more ladies the merrier for Grayson ‘Gypsy’ Gabor, that is until a mishap with a sexy as hell redhead leaves them mated and Gypsy is given the choice of keep her or give her up for all eternity to his one-time best friend, Anton. She set her sights on the Sons of Sangue VP, but with one mistake, she finds herself in the middle of one vampire who hates her and one who adores her. With a Mexican Cartel, a vindictive primordial and a rival MC out for blood, Gypsy has his hands full with club business but when Tamara’s life becomes endangered, he just might lose her forever.
This romance is probably the most intense of the of the ‘Sons of Sangue’ series books yet. There are powerful emotions burning through these strong, compelling characters that readers can practically feel flowing from the pages and a very rocky romance that starts off at rock bottom and readers believe can only get better, becomes even more unstable. This keeps the emotional turmoil rolling through the pages with typhoon force and readers have to bite their nails in distress as they wonder if Tamara, Gypsy and Anton could possible work things out.
The plot is fast paced and full of very intense, emotional suspense and exhilarating suspense as a vindictive primordial vampire wreaks havoc with the MC. Unfortunately, readers may find that they aren’t sure whether they like Gypsy or they think he’s mean and a bit of a stubborn ass and due to his treatment during the situation, readers aren’t sure they would ever forgive him if it had been them in this situation but that also makes it a reading experience that never has a dull moment.

Video Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7g1IkZ1P4A

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Gypsy is the 3rd book in the Sons of Sangue series.
Author - https://www.patriciarasey.com/sons-of-sangue-1
Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MQSW9MQ?ref=series_rw_dp_labf

1 Viper
2 Hawk
3 Gypsy
4 Rogue
4.5 Draven
4.6 Preacher
5 Xander
6 Ryder
7 Wolf

AVAILABLE in print or ebook
Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00WPVFCFK?ref_=dbs_mng_calw_2&storeType=ebooks
B&N - print - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/gypsy-patricia-a-rasey/1121851924?ean=9780990332534
B&N - ebook - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/gypsy-patricia-rasey/1121809488?ean=2940151382045
Kobo - https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/gypsy-18
iBooks - https://books.apple.com/us/book/gypsy/id988506627

USA Today bestselling author Patricia A. Rasey resides in her native town in Northwest Ohio with her husband, Mark, and her lovable Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Todd and Buckeye.
When not behind her computer, you can find Patricia working, reading, watching movies or MMA. She also enjoys spending her free time at the river camping and boating with her husband and her family. Ms. Rasey is a retired third degree Black Belt in American Freestyle Karate.
Ms. Rasey is available for appearances and workshops...

Website - https://www.patriciarasey.com/
Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1258993.Patricia_A_Rasey
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