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review 2014-07-26 15:38
Can we condone the acts of few to benefit many, when their intentions are good and pure?
Earth Sentinels - Shaman Elizabeth Herrera

Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators is not the kind of book I would normally read. However, the premise of the story drew me in because of my own real life experience with fracing in Wisconsin. I recently lost my home to the big oil companies and sand fracing companies who don't care about the earth, clean drinking water or the people in the communities they destroy. 

The book begins with several different points of view from all over the world of native tribes, shamans from countries who have experienced natural disasters and tribes from the rainforests. The author did an amazing job of keeping the many different points of view clear and concise and you never felt confused. She made you feel invested in each character before she moved you on to the next and when they all came together into the Earth Sentinels you knew exactly who everyone was and what their reasons and mission were. 

The Earth Sentinels used the spirit world and their totem animals to help create storms to bring attention to the damage that these large oil companies, and various governments, were doing to our earth. They didn't demand power, or money, they only demanded that the heads of government wake up and begin to see the damage taking place to the place we live. 

The governments of course saw these storms as attacks and decided to retaliate with a war against the native tribes. I won't give spoilers, but the ending was fantastic! 

This book raised a lot of questions in my mind as I was reading. Can we condone the acts of few to benefit many when their intentions are good and pure? Can we save our earth and make it a better place for our children and grandchildren? Are our hands tied by the big companies who have all the money and we are therefore left to our own devices in order to continue to live the dream of farming, organic farming and the like? Will we ever be able to recover our earth from the nightmare that is fracing or will our children and grandchildren have nothing but polluted lakes and unsafe drinking water because of what our governments are allowing to happen today? 

I can answer a few of these questions from my own personal experience. Secretly, I wish there were Earth Sentinels to help us save our planet and show the powers that be what they are doing to our environment. Since there aren't, it is clear we need to work on these issues ourselves because if enough people raise their voices to the sky eventually we will be heard. 

I highly recommend this book to everyone and anyone, including young teens and young adults. It's essentially profanity free, it is sex free and though there is violence in the terms of the storms, there is nothing in this book I wouldn't let my 10 and 12 year old read. In fact, my 12 year old will start reading it today! Thank you Elizabeth for writing a story that draws attention to the very important issue facing all of us today.

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review 2014-07-23 13:07
Earth Sentinels is a daring adventure that sheds light on the serious issues affecting our planet while artfully weaving a captivating story
Earth Sentinels - Shaman Elizabeth Herrera

Visionary Fiction – Earth Sentinels is a daring adventure full of supernatural powers, spirituality, native wisdom and love blended together to inspire compassion for our planet.


The newly released novel, Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators by Shaman Elizabeth Herrera is a no-holds-barred piece of literary realism that sheds light on the serious issues affecting our planet while artfully weaving a captivating story filled with a brilliant message of hope.


Stirring and profound, Earth Sentinels begins with the fallen angel Bechard somberly observing the world being destroyed by mankind’s greed, corruption and indifference. Realizing drastic measures are needed, Bechard begins searching the globe for people who might join his quest to save the planet.  


It doesn’t take long for the fallen angel to find 17-year-old Zachary, whose family’s organic farm is being ruined by fracking; Haruto, living in Fukushima, Japan, where the nuclear meltdown is raging out of control; Mahakanta, a cotton farmer in India, who used GMO seeds with devastating results; the Amazonian tribe members, Conchita and her father, Pahtia, fighting against intruders illegally tearing down their rainforest; and the Bear Claw First Nation Tribe who are dealing with an unstoppable oil spill that is ruining their traditional hunting grounds.


Intriguing blue doors and ethereal mists beckon the characters to the spirit realm where they finally meet the mastermind Bechard to form an alliance. When readers get to the part where the world’s Governments are faced with the Earth Sentinels demands, sent on behalf of Mother Earth who cannot speak for herself, they will need to hold onto their seats as they ride a roller coaster through the supernatural!


Earth Sentinels is destined to become a classic model of wisdom for living harmoniously on earth. Mark Champion of OurHealingMatters.com, said, “On occasion, we all read a book that we know will mark the time of our age. Earth Sentinels message is every bit as telling and accurate as Animal Farm and Fahrenheit 451. It is a succulent portion of cold, hard truth played out with characters you share affinity with, understand and love.”

Although a work of genius, Earth Sentinels defies description. You will have to read Earth Sentinels for yourself to discover what happens when people, spiritual leaders and creatures come together without fear, without attacking, to demand change. It is beyond magical.


You can get your hands on a copy of Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other fine bookstores.



Author Shaman Elizabeth Herrera, is a shamanic healer and author who writes life-changing books. Her stories encourage people to stretch outside their comfort zones and reexamine their own beliefs.  She is also the author of Shaman Stone Soup, and Dreams of Dying.

Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators, visionary fiction, 270 pages ISBN-13: 978-0692225318

Author website: http://www.ShamanElizabethHerrera.com

Contact Email:  info@shamanelizabeth.com  -or-  service@resource-marketing.biz






Source: www.ShamanElizabethHerrera.com
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video 2014-07-13 14:37
Earth Sentinels - Shaman Elizabeth Herrera

Visionary Fiction: Earth Sentinels sheds light on global issues with brilliant message of hope!



The newly released novel, Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators by Shaman Elizabeth Herrera is a “no-holds-barred piece of literary realism that is destined to become a classic model of wisdom for living harmoniously on earth,” according to Mark Champion of OurHealingMatters.com, “On occasion, we all read a book that we know will mark the time of our age. Earth Sentinels’ message is every bit as telling and accurate as Animal Farm and Fahrenheit 451. It is a succulent portion of cold, hard truth played out with characters you share affinity with, understand and love.”


"This compelling adventure shows that our struggles around the world are connected and that ordinary people have the power to change the world for the better." -- Dr. Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance


Earth Sentinels begins with the fallen angel Bechard somberly observing the world being destroyed by mankind’s greed, corruption and indifference. Realizing drastic measures are needed; Bechard begins searching the globe for people who might join his quest to save the planet. 


It doesn’t take long for the fallen angel to find 17-year-old Zachary, whose family’s organic farm is being ruined by fracking; Haruto, living in Fukushima, Japan, where the nuclear meltdown is raging out of control; Mahakanta, a cotton farmer in India, who used GMO seeds with devastating results; the Amazonian tribe members, Conchita and her father, Pahtia, fighting against intruders illegally tearing down their rainforest; and the Bear Claw First Nation Tribe who are dealing with an unstoppable oil spill that is ruining their traditional hunting grounds.


Intriguing blue doors and ethereal mists beckon the characters to the spirit realm where they finally meet the mastermind Bechard to form an alliance. Excitement builds when the world’s Governments are faced with the Earth Sentinels’ demands, sent on behalf of Mother Earth who cannot speak for herself. As events unfurl and countries retaliate, the readers ride a roller coaster through the supernatural!


“Simply riveting! This book is a page turner to the end. Herrera has woven a cautionary tale with threads of history, revelation and hope. Bravo!” exclaimed reviewer Richard O’Shields, channel and media professional, Everyday Connection.


Laine Cunningham, award-winning author stated, “This is one of those books that's going to stand alongside classics. Drawing from Native American wisdom and the beliefs of a world filled with respect for nature and its spiritual elements, Herrera has created a global book of wisdom for a global world.”

Source: www.ShamanElizabethHerrera.com
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