by Tracy Edward Wymer
age range: 8 to 12 years old
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Eddie inherited his dad's passion for birds, and he also learned from him all there is to know about that feathered creatures. His dad was so lucky he once got to see the Golden Eagle, although the location and the time of the year were very unlikely for the eagle to appear. That's why nobody but Eddie ever believed him. Dad never gave up trying to see such magnificent bird again, and that's why now that he has "flew away", it's up to Eddie to see it again. Eddie is planning to win the blue ribbon in the Science Symposium doing a project about the Golden Eagle, and this despite the fact Mouton, the school bully, is his partner in the project, and Mr. Dover, his Science teacher, was Dad's birding rival.
There are many interesting things is the story I would like to mention: the hard time Lisa, Eddie's mom, is having to keep things going as normal as possible after become a widower; the changes happening in Eddie because of his age, how at some moments he is a defiant teenager with a crush on a girl new in town, while in others he is still a boy wearing a ninja costume; Gabriella's efforts for making this new place her home; Mouton's struggles, and the amazing things he is able to do but hides from everyone, showing himself only as a bully; how we get to know Dad through the rest of the character's voices; how even we as readers doubt about the Golden Eagle's existence, but Eddie never doubts. He is a sweet character feeling lonely after his dad passed away, and trying to keep him close waiting for the Golden Eagle to appear again.The text is engaging, funny, and a little emotional at some points. Besides a great story, I can envision this book awaking kids interest in knowing more about birds, that is a great plus. I'm glad I crossed paths with this author.
I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.