Okay. So this book is supposed to be a selfhelp kinda book. Yeah, it wasn't. Who doesn't know about breathing techniques by now? I felt like this book made everything much easier than it is, really. Yes, staying calm and breathing is the way to go, but tell that to someone in the middle of a panic attack. They tend to forget that and being busy trying to just survive.
First half of the book explained what anxiety is, second half goes into detail with different issues. The problem here is that the 'survival guides' are more or less the same - which means reading the same steps over and over and SIGH!
It also felt a bit childish. Like it was aimed at children 10-14. A bit too young imo.
Also, it felt a lot like those kind of books that should be free. It had links all over the place! I get that it can be nice to know where you can find more info, but really....in the middle of the text? Stop, please just stop. Those links should've been in the back of the book instead, if you ask me.
I liked the drawings and the cartoons, they were cute, but that's about it.