So uhm.. September wasn't what I was exptected it to be. I didn't read much at ALL. School drove me nuts and I went to college for the first time in my life so everything was quite overwhelming (also with traveling and stuff) so I was tired for most of the time. But anyways, here are the books I've read:

- The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown 4/5 ★ review
- Me, Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews 3.5/5 ★ review
- Aphorisms on Love and Hate by Friedrich Nietzsche 4/5 ★ review
- Burmese Days by George Orwell 5/5 ★ review
- The Yellow Wall-Paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman 2/5 ★ review
I did only read the last 152 of The Da Vinci Code because I read the rest in August. I also reread 270 pages of the last Harry Potter book. My favorite read this month was definitely Burmese Days!
Because I was tired for most of the time I did watch a lot of tv shows:
- Gilmore Girls S03E08 - S03E022 (I rewatched that)
- Great Expectation BBC mini series S01E02 - S01E03
- Orphan Black S02E01-S02E10 (so the entire season 2 and OMG!)
- New Girl s01e01 - S01E20
And I've also watched the episodes of these shows when they were airing (so they came onces a week):
- America's Next Top Model s22e05 - S22E08
- Expeditie Robinson (it's a Dutch tv show!) S16E01 - S16E04
- Nashville S04E01
- The Big Bang Theory S09E01
It's still not that much compared to August, but still haha.
What is your favorite read of September?