1st read - 10 July to 12 July 2015 (4.5 Stars)
2nd read - 15 July to 19 July 2016 (5 stars)
"As the sun rose in the Denver sky, both of us got it at the same time, together on the back of Joker's bike.
We were free."
"She was golden. Nothing beat her. She smiled through pain and made you believe it."
Ladies and gents I have a new favourite KA alpha and his name in Carson 'Joker' Steele and he may well be in the running to overtake Tack and Tate. Thems fighting words I know but let me 'splain.
So he has all the usual alpha awesome, such as:
Tortured soul? Check
Badass? Check
Uber hotness? Check
Loyal? Check
But Joker has some added awesomeness. He is the very opposite of an alphahole. He can admit when he has done wrong (this is probably the most shocking thing of all) he has a mouth like a sailor but he actually listens to Carissa and tries not to curse in front of Travis (actually this is also shocking) he cooks and helps look after Travis and doesn't make some ultra misogynistic remark about how both those things are a women's job and he will do manly things like putting up shelves and bursting heads together and the like. Joker is reasonable and when Carissa gets a wild hair (which is also shockingly rare) he doesn't go off and one and fuck it up.
Carissa is also a rarity as in she was not too stupid to live. And barring one situation, which was actually not her fault and more the fault of some past too stupid to live heroines, she listens to Joker and takes his wishes on board. She was up front and took total responsibility for any mistakes she made and while she could be sassy and give Joker whats for (because he deserved it) she didn't hold a grudge and moved on.
I LOVED these two together. They were adorable.
Now I cried a fair amount throughout this but I am blaming sinus medication as I'm sure it couldn't possibly be that sad. There are some epic feelz though and very little action. My only complaint is actually the lack of action. This is a KA without a kidnapping or a shooting or a stabbing of a main character. A bit disappointing as I like the over the top, this is ridiculous action in her books. But it was seriously sweet and as I mentioned feelzy.
"Who would have thought my Carson Steele would catch butterflies."
I would also strongly encourage you to read the dedication before you start reading this book. She does something that was very sweet and a lovely gift. I also blame this for a lot of my sniffling like a loon throughout reading it.
I can't wait for the next Chaos, between this series and the Magdalene series I'm really excited about Kristen Ashley books again. If the next 'Burg one is as good as this I will be ecstatic.
Another awesome romance that takes place in this is the bromance between the brothers. I love Chaos and of course I adore Tack. He seems to have mellowed has Tack and it's not a bad thing. He is a great leader and he takes care of his own. I admit to falling a little bit more in love with him in this.
"They will not take her boy, and the time to fuck with Carissa Teodoro is now over."
Joker's voice was a quiet growl when he stated, "You know you got my love, brother."
"I do," Tack returned. "And it's a privilege, Carson."
What was actually very tiresome was the attempt to mention EVERY past Denver based character. I mean even Knight got a mention. It was kind of overkill to be honest and there was no need for that many to appear. But all in all I loved it and I feel the KA of old is back!! ROCK ON!!!