Here we go. First off, this book is…

and yes, since this audiobook ranks up there with Jim Dale’s narration of Harry Potter, I am going to proceed with using gifs from this amazing series as I continue to gush over the utterly talented TJ Klune. Not since JK Rowling's writing was paired with Dale's narration have I been transported into an book, like I was with this...thanks to Michael Lesley.

Bloody Brilliant!! This one landed in my top reads of 2015 and 2016…for a few reasons. First I thought I would finish it before the end of the year and secondly I fell in love with it almost immediately. As I said in my “Best of” selections for 2015…this is truly a match made in heaven between our dear TJ Klune and Michael Lesley.
As for this story…

I love sass…

I love meddlesome characters with a heart…

I love awkwardness…

I love adorable best friends…

and ones that tell you like it is…

I love dragons…

and hilarious side kicks…

and even the assholes who kinda grow on you…

It’s wondrous…

And the love is fierce…

As for this review, yeah I told you nothing about this story, because I just can’t. There is absolutely no way to describe the brilliance that is this book and this narration. So do yourself a favor and just jump on board…you are in for one amazing ride and one you will want to revisit over and over again.

Thank you TJ, thank you!

Now...I guess I will just sit and wait for more.

Status Updates: 1% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: “When were you tied up?” I demanded. “Unicorns aren’t allowed to be whorish. You’re supposed to be all virtuous and pristine!” “Oh please,” Gary said. “How do you think I was created?”
3% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: Oh. My. God. Michael Lesley was made to read this book. Brilliant!
9% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: “Make sure you don’t sneeze or fart tonight, okay? Your pants are so tight, I’m pretty sure they would rip. Wouldn’t want Knight Delicious Face to get a sample of the goods along with everyone else.” I groaned. “If you look close enough, you can see everything. It’s like I’m an advertisement for circumcision.”

13% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart:

15% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: “I can’t help it if people want to get all up on this.” He rolled his eyes. “That must be it. They just can’t stay away from all of that.” His eyes traveled up and down my body. “So much sass,” I said in awe. “You’re like a sass master. You and Gary should have a sass-off to see who would be crowned Queen Sass. Fair warning: he would win. But you could be Princess Sass.” Love these two. ❤️❤️
20% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: I was going to open a shop where anyone got to come in and hug puppies for free and leave with a balloon, ice cream, and a compliment. “Here’s your pistachio cream. I made you a balloon animal in the shape of a walrus. You have very nice knuckles.”
25% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: “It’s not your magic I’m worried about,” Morgan said. “It’s your heart.”
32% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: It showed the true depths of my talent that I was able to multitask in such a way to be running from certain imprisonment while also fantasizing about Ryan saying things like “I’ve always wanted to try and do the splits. On your cock.” *belts out laughter at work*
42% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: I had to stop myself from running my fingers through his hair. I knew now why Morgan had said he feared for my heart. I did too. Sweet Sam. <3
46% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: “We all do what we have to.” I patted his shoulder and moved around him. Every step I took hurt more than the one before it.
50% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: “I just thought it was fascinating,” Ryan said. “People pairing us up like that. I wonder what that was about?” “I don’t know,” I said. We belong together! "Must be something they see that we don’t.” Put your dick in me! “Absolutely no idea.” All the ideas! I have all the ideas! LMAO ❤️❤️❤️
60% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: “I jerked off to the thought of you the day I first saw you,” I said, cringing immediately. Not cool! Not cool!
65% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: Ryan looked hot as fuck with his sword and shield and hair flying in the wind, and I’m pretty sure I was on my way to a full erection by that point because that shit was fucking erotic. “This feels like a sex dream,” I breathed. “This feels like a what?” Justin asked. “Uhhhh. Nothing. I didn’t say anything. Oh, look. Fascinating things are happening. Let’s focus on those.” Oh Sam...

68% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart:

72% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: “That’s going to be a bitch to pass later.”
74% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: “I’ve seen many things. Both good and evil. Majestic and destructive. Stars falling from the sky and a man whose tattoos moved across his skin as if they were alive before he tried to rip one of my hearts from my chest. I have seen many, many things. But I have never seen one look at another the way the knight looks at you.”

85% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: “You knew,” I said as I watched him go. “You saw him coming and knew how my magic would react.” “Yes,” Randall said simply. “It won’t be the same,” I admitted. “With anyone else.” He looked sad at that. “I know. But it will be enough.”

87% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: “There’s someone out there for you,” he said. “Someone who will love your hair and your words and your eyes and the way you still scrunch up your nose when you’re thinking hard on something. He will love you for all of the things that you are and all of the things you aren’t. He’ll love you beyond all reason and will be convinced that you hung the sun and moon. He will see the stars and wish for only you. Someone will love every single part of who you are, and my gods, I can’t wait for the day to meet him to tell him thank you.” ❤️❤️❤️❤️
90% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart:

98% done with The Lightning-Struck Heart: "Your smile didn’t make my balls tingle at all.”
I don't want this to end. *pouts*