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review 2014-07-10 13:14
Review: Four Divergent Stories: The Transfer, The Initiate, The Son, and The Traitor
Four Divergent Stories: The Transfer, The Initiate, The Son, and The Traitor - Veronica Roth


Two years before Beatrice Prior made her choice, the sixteen-year-old son of Abnegation’s faction leader did the same. Tobias’s transfer to Dauntless is a chance to begin again. Here, he will not be called the name his parents gave him. Here, he will not let fear turn him into a cowering child.

Newly christened “Four,” he discovers during initiation that he will succeed in Dauntless. Initiation is only the beginning, though; Four must claim his place in the Dauntless hierarchy. His decisions will affect future initiates as well as uncover secrets that could threaten his own future—and the future of the entire faction system.
Two years later, Four is poised to take action, but the course is still unclear. The first new initiate who jumps into the net might change all that. With her, the way to righting their world might become clear. With her, it might become possible to be Tobias once again.


My opinion:

I really loved the short novella's! This book has 4 stories from Fout's point and it takes place from when he went to Dauntless until he meets Tris. You can read 0.1 - 0.3 before you read Divergent, but I suggest to read the last one: 'The Traitor' after Divergent or you can read this book after the whole trilogy if you want to be as surprised as I was.


When you read this book there are some things you discover that you didn't know when you only read the trilogy, so I don't think this book was unnecessary. I loved this book as much as the rest of the series and I really recommend this one.


Four Divergent Stories: The Transfer, The Initiate, The Son, and The Traitor was released on July 8th. I read it as an ebook because I really want the adult boxset or just the original one. The new covers are so beautiful! This is the adult version. 


Have you read Four Divergent Stories: The Transfer, The Initiate, The Son, and The Traitor and did you like it as much as I do?

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review 2014-05-29 18:31
Review: Allegiant
Allegiant - Veronica Roth

ALLEGIANT brings Veronica Roth’s fantastic DIVERGENT trilogy to its conclusion. After the events and revelations of INSURGENT (review) Tris and her friends are left with a world thrown into chaos: everything they thought they knew was a lie. But it also offers them a world beyond the city they know, and Tris needs to know what’s out there.


I have a slight confession to make – I went into this book not just having heard the rumblings of disquiet from dissatisfied readers of this book, but also having accidentally spoilt myself. However, in spite of that I enjoyed this book and thought that Roth did a great job in brining the DIVERGENT trilogy to a close. Going into the book I was a bit nonplussed to discover that Roth had moved from a single narrator to two, but I really think it works – and it was interesting to see inside Tobias’s head. As ALLEGIANT concludes the trilogy, and I don’t want to spoil it for you if you’ve managed to avoid the spoilers, I am going to do my best to discuss this book without giving anything away.


The plot of the book is an interesting one, and just as twisty and turn-y as the previous two books in the series. I cannot say I was terribly surprised by the “new reality” Tris and her friends discovered, I had kind of half wondered about the possibility. However, I think Roth did a good job in fleshing out what we saw of this “new reality” – which wasn’t much – and I thought it seemed really realistic. The comment it makes about humanity could be quite accurate. As the blurb hints, this “new reality” isn’t all sunshine and roses, and Roth does a brilliant job of slowly unfolding the plot and leading us towards the book – and series – conclusion.


As I’ve already mentioned, before I started the book I was dubious about having two narrators – why were we suddenly getting a second voice? By adding Tobias’s voice Roth allowed herself the scope to explore the “new reality” more, as Tobias saw things that Tris didn’t. He also saw the “new reality” and its revelations in a different way than she does. This new second voice added a complexity to the story for me which I really enjoyed.


To my surprise, by the time I reached the final page of ALLEGIANT I found myself wholly engrossed and invested in the story. I really enjoyed the way events unfolded, and whilst I don’t think Roth added anything new to the dystopian genre I do think she did a brilliant job in bringing her trilogy to a conclusion. If you are a fan of dystopian fiction and haven’t read the DIVERGENT trilogy yet, then you are in for a treat. If you are a returning fan who hasn’t braved the final installment yet, then I wish you an exciting journey – I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Originally posted on The Flutterby Room.

Source: theflutterbyroom.com/2014/05/29/review-allegiant-by-veronica-roth
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review SPOILER ALERT! 2014-05-25 17:59
Allegiant by Veronica Roth Review
Allegiant - Veronica Roth
Recommended for: EVERYONE as long as you have read the first two books
Read from November 05, 2013 to May 25, 2014 — I own a copy


So it took me a million years to finish this book and I feel like that's mainly because it's so long, but also because I did not want to be done with the series yet.

There's just something about the Divergent world that I absolutely love being a part of. I am so glad I read this trilogy.

No matter if you have heard spoilers about Allegiant or not, I dare you to just read it anyway because it's beautiful.

And now I will warn you of spoilers ahead in my review.

Seriously, DO NOT continue reading if you have not read Allegiant!

You have been warned.

So about a month ago I was reading an article online about the Divergent movie and the website spoiled a part of the ending of Allegiant! (I was only halfway through the book at that point). Can you guess what it was? Yes, it was that part at the end with Tris...you know. I just can't type it.
And I was so angry because I did not want to know about the part before I read the book! Ugh.
BUT I still read Allegiant because how could I not?

Veronica Roth has a pure talent for writing, as I can truly feel the emotions of the characters, as if I was going through the same events with them. Man, could David not have been in the room? Man that made me so angry. But for some odd reason, I really love that Veronica chose to end the series this way. It made it interesting, unique, and somewhat inspiring—I mean we all have probably experienced at one point in our lives how Tobias felt when he drove back to his Abnegation home, memory serum in hand. I love that Veronica Roth chose to write that particular scene.

Overall, many have discussed that they were unhappy with Allegiant's ending, and even though I would say the same,—because who wasn't heartbroken after reading that?—I admire Veronica for ending it the way she did.

(spoiler show)

Now what do I do since I have finished this beautiful trilogy?

Source: www.goodreads.com/user/show/13248069-bridget
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review 2014-03-11 17:32
Insurgent - Veronica Roth





Divergent was enjoyable. It wasn't the greatest book ever, but I enjoyed it. Insurgent, on the other hand, made me want to ragequit about every half page. It's a good thing I can skim read 100+ pages in about 20 minutes or I probably would have clawed my eyes out. Here's a summary of the book using percentages because I don't have words:


25% awkward makeout scenes between Tris and Tobias

37% Tris angsting about Will

54% Tris angsting about her parents

99.99% Tris thinking about Tobias and how much she loves him and wants things to be "back the way they used to be"...THREE WEEKS AGO BECAUSE THAT'S HOW LONG THEY'VE BEEN TOGETHER

100% Tobias being an asshat

13% other characters that I am apparently supposed to remember from Divergent but don't

0% plot development or fucks given

100% Tris and Tobias being too stupid to live

67% inane plot twists

0% knowledge of how scientific research works


There's also all the times that Tris is supposed to die but then a plot device swoops down and saves her, the complete lack of editing, the 400ish pages where nothing happens, the enormous plot holes, and the horrible world building. 


Allegiant, I will be reading your Wikipedia entry instead of slogging through anything that might remotely resemble what I just read. 


ETA: Read Allegiant's Wiki entry. "Because genes and stuff" REALLY??????? NO.

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text 2014-03-11 16:02
Reading progress update: I've read 400 out of 484 pages.
Insurgent - Veronica Roth

This book is making my eyes want to bleed, or cry, or be stabbed out. How can it possibly be so bad?

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