Productive quotes for work increase our happiness and productivity. Here are some happiness quotes on inspiring productivity.
Productive quotes for work increase our happiness and productivity. Here are some happiness quotes on inspiring productivity.
The central concept of Aristotel's philosophy is within the words: Eudaimonia (Greek: εὐδαιμονία), that consists of the words 'eu' = good and 'daimōn' = spirit and 'aretē' that is often translated as 'moral' but in reality means 'done with excellence'.
Aristotel in Nicomachean Ethics says '...if any action is well performed it is performed in accord with the appropriate 'excellence': if this is the case, then 'εὐδαιμονία' turns out to be an activity of the soul that is in-tuned with virtue.'
According to Aristotle, 'εὐδαιμονία' (wellbeing or long-term happiness) is achieved when during the life-time a human being achieves health, wealth, knowledge, friends and this in turn leads to the perfection of human nature and to the enrichment of human life. For Aristotle, 'εὐδαιμονία' involves activity, exhibiting 'aretē' (excellence) in accordance with reason.
Eudaimonia implies a positive and divine state of being that a human being is able to achieve.
Confucius also sees the 'true happiness' first within an individual, then within a family and finally within a society. His wise words resonate within all of us:
'To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order; we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.'
Conscious Living and Castas in IndiaSpirituality, Power of Mind, Mindfulness, Articles, consciousness, Healthy Living
Eusociality, from Greek εὖ eu "good", is the highest level of organization of animal sociality, found in bees and ants, and include care of offspring from society, or a division of work into reproductive and non-reproductive tasks. This division of labor within the animal world our biologists call “castes”. An interesting behavior characteristics of caste members is that a member of one caste loses the ability to perform the task of another.
Honey bees, super sisters’ bees and their Eusociality has developed over the 1,000s of years of evolution and has always fascinated people with its efficiency and complexities. In haplodiploid species, bees included, females develop from fertilized eggs and males from unfertilized ones. A queen only mates during one brief period in her early life, over the course of a small number of mating flights. About 10-20 drones (males) will mate with the queen during her mating flights.