4.4 stars
I went into this book totally blind. It had been on my kindle for years, unread. I went overboard with downloading freebies for a while. Don't judge. I've been randomly picking a book by tittle alone and reading them most have been meh reads, this one wasn't.
What an amazing time travel, mystery, suspense, love story. This book took me, shook me, and kept me up all night. I was always in the edge of my seat, nibbling on my cuticles, heart thumping, breath rapid, the answer was there just another page, stage. Who was the real villain ? What changes had she caused to the future ? Can they find a way to be together ? The best part is it's not all HEA there are some tissue box moments.. No worries, the end is so good. I never saw it coming. I love this author's writing, she paced everything just right for this reader. There was just enough, of everything to entrance me in her world. Will read this author again asap.
One slightly negative point had me going ??? She wasn't a major character I just don't like undone dangling bits. Where is the mother, and what was her story ? I feel like that chapter was dropped. There was a lot of story about her leaving but never an answer. Did I miss something ?