The book starts out right in your face with its title. Are your kids naked online? The answer is probably, yes. I was pleasantly surprised to see in the first half of the book that I am a pretty decent parent. I was already doing many of the suggested ideas.
What was fascinating that I had not seen anywhere else, was this serious manual, provides a list of what kids are saying online. "New language" that they use to keep us, the parents, in the dark. The writers also tell us if you register your copy of the book, they will send you more to add to that list. I highly encourage you to do so.
While this incredible text also goes over apps, social media, and the like - it is imperative that I remind you of something the author said that I felt was epic and critical. "No app should be permitted to be used by kids until parents have completely vetted it." This is just a start on the great ideas and "parent-isms" that are shared within.
With humor and straight talk, this book is a useful tool to get in to the subjects of safety and online use. I truly believe every parent should get themselves a copy. Just for your FYI this is also a Kindle Unlimited option too. I give this read a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!
***This copy was provided by Online Book Club, in exchange for an honest review only.