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Even though I have only read Book III, Killer in the Band, in the Lovers in Crime Mystery Series, I had no trouble reading Book IV, The Root of Murder. Lauren Carr’s books read as stand alones that have recurring characters.
The title and cover were aptly chosen, as the bases of the murder goes back to the beginning, or the root of the secret and all that comes after.
Of course, Lauren Carr has some fabulous characters, people, villains and fur babies, that crack me up with their antics.
Poppy. I am so happy to read her story. She’s a good person, dealt a bad hand, but nothing stops her from moving on. She will be a great addition to the Thornton family.
Poppy’s faith and belief in things working out the way they are meant to be makes for a heartwarming, uplifting romance.
Gulliver, Ollie & Charley are unique characters with big personalities, bringing plenty of smiles and chuckles to the story. Once you meet them, I don’t think you’ll forget them.
Irving and Admiral are great manipulators and good for some chuckles at their antics.
Two murders with a spin that increases the suspect pool. And, of course, all the things that need to be dealt with in the normal world.
Animals and people alike are great and I love visiting them all as their lives grow fuller, richer.
Well, another happy ever after filled with romance, murder and intrigue, friendship and family, suspense and mystery, and characterless that will filled my heart with uplifting moments and humor.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copyof The Root of Murder by Lauren Carr.