What a great reading month, I read 17 books this month! I read a good variety of books and knocked six books off of my tbr pile. Here's the rundown:
Fluency by Jennifer Wells: A sci-fi space adventure, review.
Fire Above by C.H. Maclean: A fantasy with a different kind of monster, review.
The Dead Room by Stephanie Erickson: Post-Apocalyptic, Sci-Fi, New Adult, review.
Dog Crazy by Meg Donahue: Heartwarming story for any dog-lover, review.
Sisters of Shiloh by Kathy and Becky Hepinstall: Civil War historical fiction about women in combat, review.
Wicked Sense by Fabio Bueno: Young adult, paranormal with witches, review.
The Witch of Painted Sorrows by M.J. Rose: Historical, Paranormal Fiction set in Bel Epoque Paris, review.
The Tusk That Did the Damage by Tania James: Literary fiction of the Indian Elephant ivory trade seen from many different POV's, including the elephant, review and giveaway!
The William Shakespeare Detective Agency: The School of Night by Colin Falconer: Historical Mystery with William Shakespeare's wayward cousin, William Shakespeare, review.
Looking for Jane by Judith Redline Coopey: US Historical Fiction in the 1800's, a young woman seeks out Calamity Jane, review.
Letters to Kezia by Peni Jo Renner: Historical fiction following the descendants of a woman accused of witchcraft in Salem, review.
Upon A Time by February Grace: A different kind of Cinderella re-telling, review.
Masque by W.R. Gingell: A magic infused Beauty and the Beast re-telling, review.
The Guardians of Terath: Seeking Sorrow by Zen DiPietro: Fantasy, adventure with kick-butt heroines, review.
The Countess' Captive by Andrea Cephalo: The second book in the Fairytale Keeper series, historical fiction woven in with fairy tales, review and giveaway.
The Tapestry by Nancy Bilyeau: The last of the Joanna Stafford novels, historical mystery in the court of King Henry VIII, review and giveaway.
The Vagabond Vicar by Charlotte Brentwood: A sweet historical romance, review.
Another great reading month!
Favorites this month:
Dog Crazy
Sisters of Shiloh
The Witch of Painted Sorrows
The Tusk That Did the Damage
Guardians of Terath: Seeking Sorrow
The Tapestry
Not So Favorites:
Fire Above
On Deck for April:
Fiercombe Manor
Finding Sheba
Fair Fight
Ivory Ghosts
Inspector of the Dead
Medium Dead
Helen of Sparta
and more!
How was your reading month?
Did you read any of these or are you planning on reading any of these?