Holy smokes Batman - this was a scorching read! *fans self* It's no secret that I am a huge fan of Natalia Jaster's books but this one might just be my favourite yet (and that's a massive compliment because I totally adore all of her other works!) I loved absolutely everything about Tempt: the characters, the setting, the story... it was sheer perfection. Hades and Persephone retellings are totally a weakness I never knew I had. Throw in an enemies to lovers trope and I am in literary heaven!
Full disclosure: I'm on Natalia's ARC Team but this in no way has influenced my rating. I was so happy to be sent this little beauty. It went a long way to cure me of the book hangover I had been suffering from and it couldn't have come at a more perfect time!
Now, enough waffling... onto the review!
At the end of Torn (the second book in the Selfish Myths series), Wonder first set eyes on Malice, the malevolent exile god whose appearance managed to rattle the normally unflappable deity. Malice too seemed to be affected by Wonder. This interesting little altercation left me salivating for their backstory so when I found out the next book would be about them, well I was very happy, to say the least!
Wonder is part of a class of gods and goddesses that have dared to go against their makers. Love fell for a mortal boy, Anger fell hard for a failed goddess. Now it is Wonder's turn.
A celestial battle approaches and any advantage could mean the difference between life and death. Wonder knows she will need to gather as much information as she can in order to defeat her enemies. The only problem is that she will have to put her trust (and fate) in the hands of Malice, a former god now exiled and a prisoner of the gang.
The two of them have to break into a subterranean library relying on only their wits to get them where they need to go and each other. A precarious situation, for sure. Wonder isn't sure of Malice's intentions and is even less sure of her own conflicting feelings for the sharp-tongued exile. For Malice is the spitting image of her lost love - a mortal whose downfall she played a huge part in and for which she still carries a load of guilt.
But Malice couldn't possibly be her lost love, could he? It just wouldn't be possible... still, stranger things have already happened and as she gets closer to Malice, she begins to see that what she thought wouldn't have been possible is becoming more and more likely the more she gets to know Malice.
The two grow closer as they spend time in their favourite domain: both of them are scholars at heart, and Wonder sees new sides to Malice each day they are ensconced among the forbidden tomes. However, Wonder will find herself torn between the love she once felt for her mortal boy and the ever-increasing feelings she has for his celestial doppelganger. She will have to make a choice and in doing so may forever break her own heart...
Alright, I was intrigued for Wonder and Malice's pairing, I will not deny it, but I wasn't prepared for just how swept up I would become in their story. Their relationship was everything I never knew I needed. I was full-on swooning!
I have always had a soft spot for Wonder. I love bookish types and her character just always appealed to me right from the very first book. I was intrigued by her backstory and the suffering she endured as punishment for her supposed transgressions.
Malice also drew me in from his first appearance in Torn. I do love a bad boy but Malice was something else entirely. He was a villain - no doubt about it - but I really wanted to know what made him the way he was and when I realized he was destined for Wonder I was very curious to see how his redemption would play out.
I was not disappointed. His growth is this book was nothing short of phenomenal. Wonder played a part in this but it wasn't just love that was responsible for his recovery and eventual healing. Learning about his past and shaking off the demons that came with it was very satisfying and cathartic.
There was nothing I didn't enjoy about Tempt. The story was amazing and Wonder and Malice are now my very favourite power couple of this series! It was great also catching up with Love and Andrew, Merry and Anger, and Sorrow and Envy (can't wait for their book!) The story is falling into place nicely, the stakes are high and the characters are poised for action. They are on the precipice of war - not just to change the fates but for their very own survival. I can't wait to see how this is resolved in Transcend (and isn't that title fabulous?)