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text 2019-05-03 19:25
May 2019 TBR
The 7 Hardest Things God Asks a Woman to Do - Kathie Reimer
7 Toxic Ideas Polluting Your Mind - Anthony Selveggio
Always on: Language in an Online and Mobile World - Naomi S. Baron
The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome - Susan Wise Bauer
The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr. - Martin Luther King Jr.
The Magician's Nephew - C.S. Lewis
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis
Glass Houses - Louise Penny
The Circular Staircase - Mary Roberts Rinehart
Snowdrift and Other Stories - Georgette Heyer

After more than three years of reading my books any old how, creating a TBR list again has brought on a nice purposeful feeling. And how much nicer if I complete the whole thing ;)


For May 2019, I hope to complete:


  • The 7 Hardest Things God Asks a Woman to Do - K Reimer/L Whittle
  • 7 Toxic Ideas Polluting Your Mind - Anthony T Selvaggio
  • Always On: Language in an Online and Mobile World - Naomi S Baron
  • The History of the Ancient World - Susan Wise Bauer
  • The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr (ed. Coretta Scott King)
  • The Magician's Nephew - C S Lewis
  • The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - C S Lewis
  • Glass Houses - Louise Penny
  • The Circular Staircase - Mary Roberts Rinehart
  • Snowdrift and Other Stories - Georgette Heyer


Seven of these are from my paid TBR, and would be a score if I can finish them. The Louise Penny I'm very late in reading; when it first came out I wasn't in a good reading mindset and before I knew it another book had come out, and still another is due later this year in August. At least I have time to catch up without rushing.


The Georgette Heyer collection of stories was a serendipitous library find just now. I don't own it (I think that's the only one) but I've been waiting for a sale before I buy it. It came to mind as I was finalizing my TBR list. I checked my library, thinking no way they would have it but the little doubter was not rewarded, a happy turn of affairs. I know what I'll be doing tonight ;)


What are you most looking forward to reading this month?

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review 2016-09-11 13:00
My precious
19 Days,Volume #1 - Old Xian

Well, that was bliss.

I don't even read manga, but I loved this.

I read this in the mobile phone with Manga Rock. My cousin recommended it to me ages ago but as I said, I don't read manga. This is the first real use I gave to this app. Life is funny.

Why is it any good? Well, I obviously have nothing to compare it with. I don't know if this is the average story or style or quality. I don't have fancy notions of art, I just know it when I like something.

And this I loved.

It's adorable, it's hilarious, there are very funny moments, and that's why I didn't expect to be kicked right in the feelz very into the story.

Sometimes I don't know what's going on exactly and I have the sensation I'm missing something out: scenes just after an important moment which doesn't appear, conversations about previous conversations that happen off-stage. I'm also not used to comics, so there were times I didn't know who was speaking at the moment because the speech bubble was ambiguous.

This is a bromance, two high-school guys who are BFF but maybe they both want... something more?

However, all in all, it pretty much enjoyed this and couldn't stop reading until the very last chapter and... it's not finished!!! Now I don't know what to do with my life.

I'll figure out.

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review 2015-12-31 00:00
19 Days,Volume #1
19 Days,Volume #1 - Old Xian Ch 149
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review 2015-03-23 14:15
[MANHUA REVIEW] 19 Days by Old Xian

19 Days,Volume #119 Days,Volume #1 by Old Xian
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Recommended for: those who could use a good laugh. Humor is the best medicine.
Read on March 22, 2015, read count: 2


I’ve stumbled upon this Chinese mangaka a couple of months back when I read, The Specific Heat Capacity of Love 爱的比热容 (another noteworthy Shounen-ai manhua by the same talented mangaka but please prepare the tissues when you read it). Then yesterday I decided to pick up another one of his production - 19 Days. Oh boy, I was glad I did so for it was an insta-mood-lifter. Coincidentally I was feeling kinda down after reading a couple of tearjerkers in a row. And this little gem here delivered the sunshine back to me again.

19 Days is filled with slapstick humor that brought me to tears from laughing too hard. My stomach aches from the constant giggles I had to suppress. I think I looked much like a loony with glistening eyes and a fist in my mouth, shoulders shaking non-stop. The characters are loveable, sweet, cute and freaking hilarious! I couldn’t get enough of them. Love em to bits and pieces.

As for the the artwork style, it is simplistic yet it brought out the charm of the story and was really pleasing to look at. Another plus point is that the whole manhua is in full colors. What a surprise! What a joy!

MUST READ. Pick it up. Read it and fall in love with life. Life should be fun.

Dontcha think that this book cover would make an eye catching poster?

19 Days,Volume #1
Old Xian
Publication Date:
Comedy, School Life, Shounen Ai, Slice of Life

The cute and funny adventures of a boy and his best friend. Also contains insert art of the characters by the mangaka.

This review has also been cross-posted at:

★|| YAOI-BLCD ||★


★|| Myreadingmanga ||★
★|| Mangafox ||★
★|| MangaPark ||★

* Reviewed on March 23rd, 2015

View all my reviews

Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/1233955515
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review 2015-03-22 00:00
19 Days
19 Days - Old Xian
I’ve stumbled upon this Chinese mangaka a couple of months back when I read, [b:The Specific Heat Capacity of Love 爱的比热容 |25201177|The Specific Heat Capacity of Love 爱的比热容 |Old Xian|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1427112869s/25201177.jpg|44913301] (another noteworthy Shounen-ai manhua by the same talented mangaka but please prepare the tissues when you read it). Then yesterday I decided to pick up another one of his production - 19 Days. Oh boy, I was glad I did so for it was an insta-mood-lifter. Coincidentally I was feeling kinda down after reading a couple of tearjerkers in a row. And this little gem here delivered the sunshine back to me again.

19 Days is filled with slapstick humor that brought me to tears from laughing too hard. My stomach aches from the constant giggles I had to suppress. I think I looked much like a loony with glistening eyes and a fist in my mouth, shoulders shaking non-stop. The characters are loveable, sweet, cute and freaking hilarious! I couldn’t get enough of them. Love em to bits and pieces.

As for the the artwork style, it is simplistic yet it brought out the charm of the story and was really pleasing to look at. Another plus point is that the whole manhua is in full colors. What a surprise! What a joy!

MUST READ. Pick it up. Read it and fall in love with life. Life should be fun. <3 </b>

Dontcha think that this book cover would make an eye catching poster?

Title: [b:19 Days,Volume #1|23788388|19 Days,Volume #1|Old Xian|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1418429183s/23788388.jpg|43403818]
Author: [a:Old Xian|10785939|Old Xian|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]
Publication Date: 2014
Type: Manhua/Webcomic
Genre: Comedy, School Life, Shounen Ai, Slice of Life

The cute and funny adventures of a boy and his best friend. Also contains insert art of the characters by the mangaka.

This review has also been cross-posted at:

★|| YAOI-BLCD ||★

★|| Myreadingmanga ||★
★|| Mangafox ||★
★|| MangaPark ||★

* Reviewed on March 23rd, 2015

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