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review 2019-01-15 21:47
Paper Princess (versione italiana) (The Royals Vol. 1) - Erin Watt

Questo libro è bello. Perché è trash al massimo livello. Non lo consigliere a nessun adolescente perché contiene i peggio insegnamenti e messaggi offensivi... troviamo:
- Un protagonista gorilla/maschio alpha che sa solo grugnire e fare lo stronzetto
- Fratelli... inutili?
- Easton = il re del trash e amico cazzaro che tutti sotto sotto vorrebbero avere 
- Donne viste come oggetti sessuali e trattate come bambole gonfiabili da portarsi a letto
- “Sembra talco ma non è, serve a darti l'allegria! Se l'assaggi o la respiri ti dà subito l'allegria!” (Droga... per chi non lo avesse capito o è troppo giovincello per ricordare Pollon)
- Suicidio trattato come... una cosa normale e ultima forma di fuga
- Depressione = normalità
- Stupri accettati e presi come scherzo divertente, come se fosse divertente drogare una ragazza e tentare di violentarla
- Denuncia per una violenza? No grazie!
- Padri assenti e indifferenti che si nascondono dietro il "Mia moglie è morta" lasciando che i figli diventino criminali 
- Soldi = Potere e #FanculoIPoveri
- Spogliarelliste viste come prostitute appestate ed esiliate dalla società
- Violenza e autolesionismo... perchè se un protagonista maschile non picchia la gente e non si ferisce facendosi picchiare non è figo
- Scommesse e gioco d'azzardo
- Bullismo
- Presidi che lasciano gli studenti ricchi a comandare la scuola
- Insegnanti inutili
- Brooke (e non quella di Beautiful T_________T) 
e... disagio, disagio e ancora disagio
Eppure... l'ho amato! Mi è sembrato nonostante i mille messaggi negativi di rivivere una puntata trash di The o.c e l'ho adorato! I protagonisti sono dei meme viventi e le loro interazioni sono così wtf da avermi fatto ridere per la metà del tempo. Vedere un tizio con 1000 figli che neanche sa badare ai suoi figli prendere in casa una nuova bocca da sfamare e dotata di vagina (in una casa di uomini in calore è l'ideale! Soprattutto se hai figli arrapati 24 ore su 24) e tutto perchè il Bff è morto, decidendo a caso di regalarle macchine, soldi, computer, cellulari e tutto con il monito "Studia e fai la brava bimba" è.... ridicolo! Per non parlare della protagonista che si spoglia per vivere spacciandosi nei club per 34enne! Cioè... una sedicenne che si spaccia per 34enne! WHY? In che mondo i servizi sociali non sono intervenuti? Bah
Il mondo dei Royal è un mondo fatato di disagio e trash che spingerà i lettori un po' più grandi a ridere come i pazzi! Il libro è così disagiato e senza senso da essere un so bad is so good, così brutto da essere bellissimo, è scorrevolissimo e scritto come ogni libro su Wattpad e questo lo rende ancora più bello! Che dire? LEGGETELO! Se amate tutto cioè che è brutto, i personaggi senza senso, gli eventi alla Beautiful... è pane per i vostri denti e un buon modo per passare un pomeriggio in caso contrario, girate al largo.
Sconsigliato agli adolescenti impressionabili... rischierebbero di vedere Reed come modello di principe azzurro quindi se avete figli/e adolescenti... bruciate il libro o l'ebook reader e non fategli leggere certe bestemmie! 

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review 2018-07-28 01:01
Like a sugar addiction
Paper Princess: A Novel (The Royals) - Erin Watt

Thank you to Hilda for the recommendation!


This is listed as YA and NA, which made me a little nervous along with our characters being in high school. LOL, is all I have to say to that.  Granted, I did not got to an uber rich school but this story and characters did not read like a YA, more NA. I constantly had to keep reminding myself that they weren't even in college yet, I think they read like 26ish or so. 


Very angst-y (she strips to pay her mother's doctor bills at age 15), very sexy times (heavy petting all over the place), and very drama (suicide mother, secret parking lot fighting, surprise inheritance, I want you but can't have you). Basically, this was soap opera cracktastic drama that I inhaled. When it was all over, a cliffhanger!, had me running to get the second in the series but giving some time and distance, I feel a little empty from it but it did entertain while I was in the moment. 


Some soap opera, some Cruel Intentions, and some brewing under the surface mystery. Get yourself a bowl of popcorn and wine and give yourself over to the moment. Just be prepared for a cliffhanger.

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review 2018-01-02 16:14
Review: Paper Princess (The Royals #1) by Erin Watt
Paper Princess: A Novel (The Royals) - Erin Watt


From strip clubs and truck stops to southern coast mansions and prep schools, one girl tries to stay true to herself. These Royals will ruin you… Ella Harper is a survivor—a pragmatic optimist. She’s spent her whole life moving from town to town with her flighty mother, struggling to make ends meet and believing that someday she’ll climb out of the gutter. After her mother’s death, Ella is truly alone. Until Callum Royal appears, plucking Ella out of poverty and tossing her into his posh mansion among his five sons who all hate her. Each Royal boy is more magnetic than the last, but none as captivating as Reed Royal, the boy who is determined to send her back to the slums she came from. Reed doesn’t want her. He says she doesn’t belong with the Royals. He might be right. Wealth. Excess. Deception. It’s like nothing Ella has ever experienced, and if she’s going to survive her time in the Royal palace, she’ll need to learn to issue her own Royal decrees.



I kept hearing about these books and how they are so great, so when I received it for my Birthday I dug right in . And all I can say is that I cannot believe how much I liked this book. I really should not have loved this book as much as I did and it was like a drug. I couldn’t get enough of it and I pretty much read it in one sitting. Also like many have mentioned, this book is categorized as YA but it is defiantly more NA than YA and there is no way that I would let my young daughter read it. There is way too many steamy sexy times in it. I really enjoyed Ella and her semi realistic feel , while she came over as sometimes mean and that she doesn’t care, inside she very much cared and often was understandable scared. But she never showed her fear much to the outside world and stood her ground. The Royal family is defiantly a mess, while they have more money than they know what to do with they also have many problems. They also come over as huge jerks and it is hard to like the in the beginning, but it is clear early on that that is just a façade they put up. Reed is the same and he is a hard nut to crack and really I did not like him much at all. But he grew on me A LOT. Though I must say that Easton was my favorite Royal of all and I loved the relationship he build with Ella. Overall I loved this book. It is dark and yet funny at times and angsty and high school drama, that also will make you swoon. Plus we get plenty of sexy times. Be prepared for the cliffhanger that will have you asking for more. Like I said I enjoyed this book way more than I should have and I rate it 4 ½ ★





Snoopydoo sigi

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text 2017-12-20 22:36
Reading progress update: I've read 100%.
Paper Princess: A Novel (The Royals) - Erin Watt

what a crazy addictive ride of a book

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text 2017-10-03 08:22
September wrap up
Paper Princess: A Novel (The Royals) - Erin Watt
Lingus - Mariana Zapata
Siege and Storm - Leigh Bardugo

2 audio

2 ebooks

1 physical

40 books total read 


Favorite Lingus read this book its so funny 


Hope you all had a good reading month I plan to read a few thrillers in October 

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