Pythagoras Spiritual Wisdom and Philosophy. Learning from The Porta Maggiore Basilica where Neopythagoreans held their meetings in the 1st century, in Rome (discovered 1915)
Esoteric teachings of Golden Citizens of Ancient Greece
Pythagoras Endless Wisdom One of the greatest Greek philosophers, a teacher, and a sage
Pythagoras lived at the same time as Buddha and Lao Tzu and he taught his disciples that a soul goes through an endless wheel of reincarnations until we purify and return to the divine.
Pythagoras formed The Pythagorean Brotherhood, one of the first un-priestly scientific societies teaching philosophy and science. Both men and women were allowed to become members of the order.
Pythagoras of Samosa was an ancient Ionian Greek philosopher. His teachings influenced the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and the Western spirituality.