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url 2020-07-13 10:07
Researching Ancient History is like Playing the Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras
A-Ma Alchemy of Love - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Art of 4 Elements - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Tree of Life - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Mindful Being - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Conscious Creativity: Mindfulness Meditations - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Spiritual Symbols With their Meanings - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Ancient Greek Herodotus Ἡρόδοτος 484 BC – 425 BC, the Father of History

A Barbarian about Slavs and Ancient Europe, Balkan

by Nataša Pantović

History as Playing the Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras

In 1943, the Nobel wining novelist Herman Hesse published his novel The Glass Bead Game, Das Glasperlenspiel, set in a monastic society that develops minds by studying and playing the glass bead game. One would master philosophy and literature, and then focus on mathematics and music to be able to play the Game. Both mathematics and music are with us since the time of Pythagoras. History is like playing the Hesse's glass bead game with Pythagoras...

Mathematics is described as the science of pattern and music as the  of pattern, both using meditation within the process of contemplation developing own language of .

The Ancient Greek Herodotus Ἡρόδοτος 484 BC – 425 BC (H-R-DATOS) as his name suggests was a King's historian, the one who collects data for the King or the Priest. It is hard to believe that a family would have given such a name to a child. (“Statistcians” you shall be, so we shall name you H-R-DaToS).

Fragment from the Herodotus Histories Papyrus 200 AC

Fragment from the Herodotus Histories Papyrus 200 AC

Source: www.artof4elements.com/entry/271/ancient-greek-herodotus
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url 2020-05-23 17:37
#AncientGreek Theogony Θεογονία #mythology “Birth of the #Gods” attributed to Hesiod 700 BC, and the Derveni Papyrus 500 BC
Ama Dios: 9 AoL Consciousness Books Combined - Nataša Pantović Nuit

ArtEducationSymbols and SignsSpiritualityPower of Minddefault


Derveni Papyrus about Orphism and Ancient Greek s

Esoteric teachings of Golden Citizens of Ancient Greece

Learning from , and ancient  by Natasa Pantovic

Metamorphoses. Transformation. A journey of a  passing through Gaia, but also an epic poem in fifteen books written 2,000 years ago, by the Roman poet Ovid, completed in 8 AC inspired by the Ancient Greek Theogony Θεογονία “Birth of the Gods” attributed to Hesiod 700 BC, and the Derveni 500 BC.


Derveni-papyrus oldest ancient greek BC


The Oldest Greek Papyrus 500 BC Derveni Papyrus

The poet's writings are based on already fully established Ancient Greek manuscript tradition. Re-writing myths, the creation story, Ovid begins by describing how the elements emerge out of chaos, and how mankind degenerates from the Gold Age to the Silver Age to the Age of Iron. This is followed by an attempt by the giants (Titans) to seize the heavens, at which the God Jove sends a great flood which destroys all living things except one couple, Deucalion and Pyrrha.

Source: www.artof4elements.com/entry/270/derveni-papyrus-and-orphism
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url 2019-11-15 16:41
Pythagoras Spiritual Wisdom and Philosophy. Learning from Rome oldest Pythagorean Temple

Pythagoras Spiritual Wisdom and Philosophy. Learning from  The Porta Maggiore Basilica where Neopythagoreans held their meetings in the 1st century, in Rome (discovered 1915) 


Esoteric teachings of Golden Citizens of Ancient Greece

Pythagoras Endless Wisdom One of the greatest Greek philosophers, a teacher, and a sage

Pythagoras lived at the same time as Buddha and Lao Tzu and he taught his disciples that a  goes through an endless wheel of reincarnations until we purify and return to the .

Pythagoras formed The Pythagorean Brotherhood, one of the first un-priestly scientific societies teaching philosophy and science. Both men and women were allowed to become members of the order.

Pythagoras of Samosa was an ancient Ionian Greek philosopher. His teachings influenced the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and the Western .

Source: www.artof4elements.com/entry/7/pythagoras
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