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review 2020-02-25 11:47
Mein Herz schweigt
Blood Song - Anthony Ryan

Anthony Ryan schreibt unter einem Pseudonym. Ich konnte nicht herausfinden, wie der britische Autor tatsächlich heißt, aber ich habe erfahren, dass er sich zu diesem Schritt entschied, weil er während der Entstehung seines Debüts „Blood Song“ als Beamter arbeitete. Parallel zu seinem Job studierte er damals zusätzlich in Teilzeit mittelalterliche Geschichte, weshalb sechseinhalb Jahre vergingen, bis er seinen Roman fertigstellte. Seine Arbeit war zuerst jedoch nicht von Erfolg gekrönt: er fand keinen Agenten. Daher beschloss er, „Blood Song“ im Selfpublishing zu veröffentlichen. Das Buch wurde von der Leserschaft begeistert aufgenommen und weckte dadurch das Interesse des Verlagsriesen Penguin, der Ryan einen Vertrag über drei Bücher anbot – die Geburtsstunde der Trilogie „Raven’s Shadow“. Ende gut, alles gut.


Nach Jahren der Gefangenschaft erblickt der berüchtigtste Häftling des Alpiranisches Reiches wieder die Sonne. Vaelin Al Sorna weiß, dass er nur befreit wurde, um zu sterben. Ein Schiff soll ihn auf die Meldeneischen Inseln bringen, wo er ein gnadenloses Duell auf Leben und Tod ausfechten wird. Auf seiner Reise begleitet ihn der kaiserliche Geschichtsschreiber Verniers, der nicht widerstehen kann, den Hoffnungstöter persönlich zu befragen. Vaelin erzählt ihm seine Geschichte. Er berichtet von seiner Kindheit und Ausbildung im strikten Sechsten Orden der Vereinigten Königslande, seiner Zeit als Glaubenskämpfer, den Kriegen als Schwert des Königs und dem Blut an seinen Händen. Doch sein größtes Geheimnis behält er für sich: die mysteriöse Macht, die in seinen Adern flüstert und ihn lehrt, zu sehen. Er kann nicht riskieren, Verniers einzuweihen, denn hinter dem Gewebe der Welt giert eine bösartige Kreatur danach, die Kontrolle über die gesamte Menschheit an sich zu reißen. Vaelin ist der einzige, der ihre Pläne vereiteln kann. Er ist der Rabenschatten. Sein Lied ist noch nicht gesungen.


Zwischenzeitlich dachte ich, ich würde es niemals fertigbringen, „Blood Song“ zu rezensieren. Ewig habe ich auf diesem Trilogieauftakt herumgedacht, habe versucht, ihn auseinanderzunehmen und meine Gefühle beim Lesen zu analysieren. Wieder und wieder nahm ich Anlauf. Wieder und wieder rannte ich gegen eine Wand und holte mir eine blutige Nase. Möglicherweise habe ich irgendwann sogar meinen Laptop angeschrien und das Buch gedanklich als fieses, gemeines Biest betitelt, weil ich keinen Ansatz fand, immer wieder abrutschte und mit allem, was ich (digital) zu Papier brachte, unzufrieden war. Ich musste mich fragen, was da los war, warum ich so fürchterlich blockierte. Ich verrate es euch: ich verstrickte mich immer tiefer in meiner Frustration, weil ich den Auftakt der „Raven’s Shadow“-Trilogie besser bewerten wollte, als er ist. Ja, das klingt hart, ich weiß. Doch in meiner aktuellen Lage hilft nur brutale Ehrlichkeit. „Blood Song“ ist kein schlechtes Buch, das möchte ich klarstellen. Ich freue mich für alle, die die Lektüre begeistert genossen und will absolut nicht abstreiten, dass Anthony Ryan einen guten Job machte, als er es völlig im Alleingang schrieb und veröffentlichte. Aber sehen wir den Tatsachen ins Auge: ich hätte keine Schwierigkeiten, diesen Roman zu besprechen, hätte er bei mir mehr Eindruck hinterlassen. Meiner Meinung nach ist „Blood Song“ ganz stinknormale, durchschnittliche High Fantasy. Die Euphorie, die offenbar viele Rezensent_innen dafür empfinden, teile ich nicht. Ich sehe darin nichts Besonderes und erst recht keine Offenbarung. Es enthält einige interessante Ideen und leitet eine verschachtelte, komplexe Geschichte ein, die der perfekte Nährboden für zahlreiche spannende Konflikte ist – das ändert jedoch nichts daran, dass mich Ryans blutleerer Schreibstil emotional nicht abholte. Ich empfand keine Leidenschaft, kein Feuer und habe die meisten Entwicklungen distanziert hingenommen. Mein Interesse war stets rein intellektueller Natur; beispielsweise wollte ich natürlich herausfinden, wie Ryan die Rahmenerzählung der Gegenwart, in der sein Protagonist Vaelin Al Sorna als Gefangener des Alpiranischen Reiches auf die Meldeneischen Inseln verschifft wird und ein langes Gespräch mit dem kaiserlichen Historiker Verniers führt, mit der Binnenhandlung der Vergangenheit, die Vaelins Werdegang detailliert beschreibt, zusammenführt. Ebenso nahm ich das interessante Worldbuilding, das die Kultur des mittelalterlichen Europas mit den religiösen Merkmalen eines Ahnenkults kombiniert, wohlwollend zur Kenntnis. Dennoch funkte es nicht, weil ich nicht an Vaelin herankam, der so wenig in Kontakt mit seinen Gefühlen steht, dass er auch mir den Zugang verwehrte. Ohne eine emotionale Bindung an die Hauptfigur las sich „Blood Song“ für mich spröde und abstrakt. Nicht einmal ich kann rund 600 Seiten High Fantasy bejubeln, wenn mein Herz schweigt.


Die High Fantasy nimmt in meiner Lesewelt eine Sonderrolle ein. Es ist mein Lieblingsgenre, für das ich – zugegeben – gern mal ein Auge zudrücke. Meine Erfahrung mit „Blood Song“ beweist allerdings, dass selbst ich Grenzen habe und gewisse Mindestanforderungen erfüllt sein müssen, um diese Nachsicht zu rechtfertigen. So gern sich mein Kopf durchsetzen wollte und mir immer wieder vorbetete, in welcher Hinsicht der Auftakt der „Raven’s Shadow“-Trilogie bemerkenswert ist, gegen die Stimme meines Bauches, den ich als Sprachrohr meines Herzens interpretiere, konnte er nicht bestehen. Ist der Bauch unglücklich, bin ich es auch. Selbstverständlich ist es schade, dass „Blood Song“ bei mir nicht die Reaktion auslöste, die ich mir wahrscheinlich ebenso wünschte wie der Autor Anthony Ryan, doch entschuldigen werde ich mich dafür nicht, denn meiner Ansicht nach war nicht ich das Problem. Hätte Ryan nur ein klein wenig mehr Wert auf die emotionale Ebene seiner Geschichte gelegt, hätte er mich gehabt. Ich werde sehen, ob ihm das in der Fortsetzung „Tower Lord“ besser gelingt.

Source: wortmagieblog.wordpress.com/2020/02/25/anthony-ryan-blood-song
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review 2017-04-08 00:00
Quanta (The Shadow Ravens Book 2)
Quanta (The Shadow Ravens Book 2) - Lola Dodge,Aileen Erin Quanta was taken from her home when she was eight years old by Dr. Tenma Nagi who has kept her prisoner running test after test on her DNA and her ability to see the past and the future. Quanta is a Red Helix who was supposed to have died at birth. Dr. Nagi wants to use Quanta to help him find all the other Red Helix girls who have special abilities as well.

Quanta only gives the good Dr. as little information as she possibly can to stay alive and not give up her friends on the outside. She knows if she tells him too much and he finds them it could cost them their lives and Quanta will protect her fiends if it means giving up her own life.

Quanta has been a prisoner of Dr. Nagi’s for ten long years and has no hope of ever getting out alive. But when a new scientist comes on board things start to look up for Quanta. Quanta gets to spend a lot of time with the new scientist, Altair while he is studying her trying to find out how strong she may be and what exactly she is capable of doing.

After spending time with Quanta Altair becomes to care for Quanta very much and wants to help her escape but after the first attempt he finds himself a prisoner as well. Now Quanta and Altair must work together to hopefully find a possible escape route using her ability to see the future.

I really liked following along with Quanta and Altair on their journey of trying to find the best possible escape route by using her ability to see the future. There were a few times I was like no, no, no that can’t be true or no, that did not just happen but in the end everything did turn out alright. Quanta is filled with so much edge of your seat action, gripping, face slamming that keeps you hanging on for more and more and more. I can’t wait to start the next book Quanta Reset.

If you like a good story filled with action, twist and turns that will take you on the ride of your life and keep coming back for more kind of book then Quanta is the book for you.
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review 2017-04-06 00:00
Cipher (The Shadow Ravens Book 1)
Cipher (The Shadow Ravens Book 1) - Aileen Erin When Cipher was eight years old she saved her best friends life and she has been on the run ever since. She is on the run from uncle who has given the order to kill on the spot. Cipher has a special power where she can conduct electricity that she tries to keep hidden. If she uses her powers then it lets her uncle and whoever may be looking for her know where she is.

Cipher is a hacker and is very good at what she does but she has been known to have gotten caught on occasion though and has fried a few com’s in her life just imagine what she could do to a person. This is one of the reasons Cipher has always stayed to herself and never interacted with people much she is afraid of hurting someone and she never ever wants to do that.

Knight has been looking for Emma ever since that eventful night when she saved his life only he doesn’t know that the girl that he plays computer games with online and sells his famous processors to is the same girl that he has been looking for all these years.

Knight wants to save Emma/Cipher and all the Red Helix girls like Cipher too. When Knight finally finds Cipher they team up along with the rest of Knights friends to find the other girls like Cipher who has special abilities.

I have wanted to read The Shadow Ravens for a long time so when I got the invite from YA Bound Books Tours for a blog tour and review imagine how ecstatic I was. I couldn’t wait to get started on reading Cipher. I loved Cipher’s world with her ability to hack and conduct electricity. Cipher is filled with lots of action that will keep you on the edge of your seat with the adrenaline pumping waiting to see what is around the corner. I can’t wait now to start the next book Quanta.

If you have not read Cipher then let me suggest that you do, that is if you love a good dystopian, science fiction book with a little romance on the side.
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review 2014-10-24 10:00
Book Review: Cipher (The Shadow Ravens #1) by Aileen Erin
Cipher (The Shadow Ravens Book 1) - Aileen Erin

Series: The Shadow Ravens #1
Publisher: Ink Monster LLC
Publication Date: 31 October 2014
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Fantasy
Source: NetGalley / Publisher (In exchange for an honest Review)
Audio or Book: ebook


In the not-too-distant future, the color of your helix tattoo shows exactly how your DNA was modified—green for super-smart scientists, black for pumped-up warriors, white for the immortal Seligo—but Cipher’s red helix is a death sentence. It’s a sign of unstable DNA, which is probably the reason she can manipulate electricity.


When she was eight years old, Cipher made the mistake of showing her uncle the tattoo. In return, he killed her parents and tried to kidnap her.


She’s been on the run ever since, and twelve long years later, Cipher is tired of hiding. Survival isn’t enough anymore. She wants her life back.


Hacking into the Citadel mainframe is a huge risk, but it pays off when she finds a database on red helixes. Before she can copy it, she loses control of her power, charring her last processor, and the only person in the Arizona Voids that can get her back online is her oldest friend, Knight. She hasn’t seen him in person since she started running, and Knight 2.0 is fully upgraded with a six-pack and knee-melting smile.


For a girl like Cipher, trust doesn’t come easily, but Knightly makes her yearn for a life she knows she can’t have, especially when every secret she reveals endangers them both

Previous reviews by Author:
Becoming Alpha (Alpha Girl #1)
Avoiding Alpha (Alpha Girl #2) 
Alpha Divided (Alpha Girl #3) - To be posted soon!

My Review:

I have been so excited about this book since I read the sneak peak a little while ago. I wouldn't be surprised if I was one of the first to hit that request button on Netgalley!! 


I haven't read many sci-fi type books but I was drawn to the paranormal element of Cipher. I read a few mixed reviews when I started the book but honestly it didn't make a difference for me. I loved this book - end of story!


Characters & Storyline: 5/5

Aileen has a way of creating lovable and amazing characters. All of them have their little ways and they are so entertaining, each bringing their own to the story. 


Emma: I took to Emma quickly and just loved her to pieces. She is a bit of damaged goods but it adds to her character.  She is strong, brave & smart. Emma is dangerous - being a red helix and even though she has had a tough life, she doesn't act like a victim. 


Hunter: Oh man this swoonworthy gorgeous lovable amazing man! He is just perfect. Strong enough and sweet on the flip side, brave and gentle, and will do anything to find protect Emma. He definitely made my book boyfriend list!


Emma & Hunter's love & chemistry just work. Its a little bit instalove but with some history if that makes sense. Their was just the right amount of resistance and more than enough attraction.


Dex, Oliver & Hunter - What a close knit bunch! I loved their interactions. They tough, rough men & bros til the end. 


Plot, Pace, Writing style: 5/5  

The plot was exciting and the pace was perfect. Aileen draws you in smoothly and sneaks them into your heart. Aileen has a gift at weaving amazing stories. I hope we see what becomes of gang! I am extremely interested to see how this series plays out with the first 3 books being written by 3 different authors. Do I really have to wait til 2016 too see Em & Hunter again??? Hope not. 


Cover talk: 5/5 I love the cover!! 

Final Thoughts: I loved it & am hooked to this series! 

Author Bio:
Aileen Erin is a lover of all things nerdy—from Star Wars (prequels don’t count) to Star Trek (TNG FTW), she reads Quenya and some Sindarin, and has a severe fascination with the supernatural. Aileen has a BS in Radio-TV-Film from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. She lives with her husband in Los Angeles, and spends her days doing her favorite things: reading books, creating worlds, and kicking ass.

Author Links: Goodreads l Twitter l Website




Source: meanwhoyouare.blogspot.com/2014/10/book-review-cipher-shadow-ravens-1-by.html
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review 2014-10-23 11:49
{Review} Cipher (The Shadow Ravens #1) by Aileen Erin
Cipher (The Shadow Ravens Book 1) - Aileen Erin

Cipher was a good read and I really enjoyed it!
The synopsis is spot on and I can’t say anymore so straight onto my thoughts about the book…..
The book is named for the main female character who uses the name as an online persona and to stop people from knowing her true identity. She is a computer hacker and gamer extraordinaire but she also has a secret and that is that she has a Red Helix, those with the mark are classed as having unstable DNA and usually it means a death sentence, so Cipher has spent most her life running from the Seligo – the governing body of their world and who are immortal – and most of all her uncle who is Seligo. She was very easy to connect with and I loved her hacking skills, it’s strange that she would focus her energies on computers and such because her power – manipulating electricity - is unstable and it often fries her hardware which is how Knight is brought back into her life. Speaking of Knight, I loved his character and he straddled the boundaries of hotness and geekiness – making him a very good match for Cipher. I loved their shared background and how this had spurred him on to find her for 12yrs! He became all about finding her & protecting her, even going so far as to make a huge sacrifice for her and I admired that in him, it gave his character another depth. I loved them together too, they have this great, easy, fluid nature to their relationship and could be the basis for a lasting relationship of the heart, I know I was routing for them all of the way through.
I thought the storyline was fresh and different. I like the idea behind the world the author created with the different helixes denoting different abilities or classes. There is always someone in power who would abuse that position and Cipher’s Uncle is that in this story, he is determined to find her regardless of cost or casualties, which begs the question….why? Also, when you have a hierarchy like this, there are always underdogs and that always means the little people will rise up and expose those in power for what they are and what they’re doing because they powers that be do have an enemy and they’re about to come out of the woodwork for Cipher. The story was filled with action be it from exploding lights & hard drives to run & chase scenarios and even helicopter ambushes, it had great pacing and even time for a little romance (which was hot!) . This book is definitely an introduction to the world and I was very interested, it was easy to read, not overly complicated and a series that I could see myself getting right into, so I will definitely be on the lookout for book two.

Source: bookpassionforlife.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/review-cipher-shadow-ravens-1-by-aileen.html
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