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review 2017-11-15 14:14
.Dead Simple Book Review.
Dead Simple - Peter James

This review can also be found at LostBetweenThePages & Goodreads.


"The four friends walked to the edge and peered down. All of them were suddenly aware that nothing in life is ever quite as it seems when you are planning it. This hole right now looked deeper, darker, more like - well- a grave, actually."


If any of you know me and follow my Instagram you'll know that this is completely the opposite of what I would normally read. It's quite strange really, I love watching a good murder mystery or thriller on TV or film but not to read. My assistant manage at work was reading this and told me about it, she absolutely loved it and told me the premise: a groom is buried in the woods as a prank on his stag do and the only people who know where he is are involved in a car wreck...except for Mark. Mark is the one person who should know where the stag is but remains adamant he knows nothing.


It was quite surreal reading this book as it was set in Brighton and the surrounding West Sussex area, which is where I live. It was so weird reading a book with a location I'm so familiar with. This book was race against time than finding a murder, which made it feel more fast paced. A real sense of urgency.


The narrative switches from several characters so the pace of this book ticks over nicely, it never really slows. I was expecting this book to be from Detective Grace's point of view the whole time, so it was welcome surprise that it jumped around. This book constantly feeds you different bits of information from different people with so many twists and turns. It was brilliant. Serval times whilst reading this it had me literally shouting on my lunch break, although I did guess a lot of the story. But for me it didn't make any difference, it was such a great book.


There is so much I want to say about this book, but spoilers. In summary, it's a lot like a Dan Brown book. In the sense that it's fast paced, full of twists and turns and switches from character to character. For those of you who are uncomfortable about reading a character buried alive not much time is spent with him, and when it is he tends to pass out or falls asleep.



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review 2015-10-06 11:17
Review - Should of posted back in April, oh well. What you gonna do?
The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern

I'm not sure how I feel about this book. Sometimes there was occasionally this incredible talent with words, that i would read over and over for the way it flowed and the images it created in my mind. Other times the story was just... eh, overall it wouldn't hold my interest for long periods of time. Plus jumping back and forth year to year with every chapter or two, with only a small date to guide you was a complete pain in the butt, It felt like it was only there to add a more 'complex' feel to the story which it failed at and really didn't need. I would of been more satisfied had the story unfold in the usual time frame - moving forward as needed.

It's a conundrum really, when you have words like this
"Stories, tales, bardic chronicles," Widget says. "Whatever you care to call them. The things we were discussing earlier that are more complicated than they used to be. I take pieces of that past that i see and i combine them into narratives. It's not that important, and this isn't why I'm here-"
"It is important," the man in the grey suit interrupts. "Someone needs to tell those tales. When the battles are fought and won and lost, when the pirates find their treasures and the dragons eat their foes for breakfast with a nice cup of lapsang souchong, someone needs to tell their bit of overlapping narrative. There's magic in that. It's in the listener, and for each and every ear it will be different, and will affect them in ways they can never predict. From the mundane to the profound. You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone's soul, becomes their blood and self purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows what they might do because of it, because of your words. That is your role, your gift. Your sister may be able to see the future, but you yourself can shape it, boy. Do not forget that." He takes another sip of his wine. "There are many different kinds of magic, after all."

but its not constant, and i frequently got bored. So i think I'll go with 3 out of 5 stars, good but could use improvement.
Now beyond those few complaints the Night Circus for the most part was pretty incredible - mainly due to the imagination the words can create. Erin has a way of describing the details of an event, or object that makes it come to life in your mind as your reading, and for the most part this was extremely well achieved, though a few times i was a little unsure on some things.

Either way if strong detailed world building is your thing this book is a must! The incredible scenes described within the circus was frequently mind-blowing, I was constantly jealous of the patrons that got to attend the Night Circus. The characters on the other hand, well for me weren't as good. I liked them, but i didn't love them, you know? and I'm someone who's more character driven, my favorite books are almost solely based on the fact that i loved the characters, or at least the main character. Don't get me wrong, these characters weren't bad, but there also not for me, I'm sure other people will adore them a lot more than I.

.....and yea that's all i can think to write at the moment, it took me forever to read this book and I'm glad i did - possibly destined too (i can't remember who but someone was very keen that i read this).

Would I recommend? if your a fantasy world lover, than yes, highly. Otherwise I can't say.

Now I'm off to bed, its very late and I'm pooped. I'm hoping this complying of thoughts is coherent!

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review 2015-10-03 22:41
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda - Becky Albertalli

I’ve heard nothing but great things for this book, and I’m really glad that for me, all the hype was worth it!


This book is really cutesy and adorable, and while writing this review, I have a huge dumb smile on my face from how cute this is! Simon is a main character that’s real. I’m not going to talk on about how special he is, or how great he is. I think you guys should read this for yourself.

“What’s a dementor?”

I mean, I can’t even. “Nora, you are no longer my sister.”

“So it's some Harry Potter thing,” she says.  

When I first started this book, I wasn’t sure what to expect from this. I was hoping that maybe it’d be a mystery or something. But this book is a whole lot of fun! And at some times, even though this book will go a bit deep, it’s still meaningful, and I feel like I learned so many things from this book just about feelings, and people. It’s really eye-opening.

But I’m tired of coming out. All I ever do is come out. I try not to change, but I keep changing, in all these tiny ways. I get a girlfriend. I have a beer. And every freaking time, I have to reintroduce myself to the universe all over again.



Okay, forgetting my obsession with Simon. I liked Simon’s friends and family. Another thing I liked was the little friendship conflict between Simon, Leah, and Abby. I know that sounds weird but it’s mostly because of the conversation towards the end. The interaction with the side characters in this book is so amazing! God, I want to reread this so badly! Even if this book did get slightly predictable, it was still enjoyable!


Overall, Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda is an official favorite of the year! If you haven’t read this then please do now. Obviously, if you enjoy LGBT and even if you don’t JUST READ THIS. (P.S. This book is really cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Thanks for reading my review everyone and hope you have a great day! Until the next one! :D

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review 2015-05-26 18:27
Highly original and relatable characters
The Scientific Method, The Complete Miniseries - Kris Ripper

For me this book was highly original and delved into areas most would shy from. I think most can relate to the emotional roller coaster the main character, Will, felt. He’s not getting what he wants from sex, and he thinks he would enjoy it more if there was some pain involved. Thanks to his brother’s coaxing, he explores his desires. Who hasn’t wanted to try something that they think most would judge them for? If it isn’t normal, it’s wrong, right?

I think that’s why this book works. We can relate to Will. He is straight, but can’t afford a woman dom. So he ends up with a gay dom who is willing to whip him for a few hours, in exchange for yard work. Then Will starts to fall for his gay dom, which I think is natural, since he’s satisfying his dark needs.

The twist at the end of the book is, there is no happily ever after. They don’t end up as a couple. To me, this makes the book all the more real. How often does a sexual relationship end up in a happily ever after? Not often. Instead these characters grow and learn from each other, then move on.

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review 2015-02-18 16:47
Karma (Terran Times Second Wave #2) by Viola Grace Review
Karma - Viola Grace

A midwife trained to attend another Terran meets a fighter with his eyes on more than the prize.

Olive has wanted to take midwife training, but the waiting list is nearly a decade long. When she is offered the chance to take the training and go into space, she takes it. Who wouldn’t?

Assigned as midwife to a pregnant Terran on an alien world, she is immersed in a world of fighters, trainers and paparazzi.

Regaran knows that a Terran would be a good match for him, but the only one he knows is taken. When he meets Olive, he is stunned by his response to her soft words and shy manner. After she gets a good night’s sleep, he finds out that her words are carefully chosen and she is not as demure as she looks. She’s a warrior who picks her battles, and he is looking for a fight.





I enjoyed seeing Trainer Bex again in this story and loved the midwife elements. The hero didn't thrill me as a secondary character in an earlier book and didn't really evolve in this one. Olive was a great heroine though and this was a fun sexy ready overall. 

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