The rating will most likely depend on whether you read this story as a stand alone or withing the series. As a part of the series, it might easily fetch 5 stars.
The book starts in a humorous fairy tale fashion, pulling you right in: the characters are somewhat familiar, the setting is typical, the story is easy to follow. You know this set-up, you move along, quite sure of yourself and the boys in the tale.
However, just as you begin to think "oh, I know where it's going!", the unusual (especially where the puzzled Prince is concerned) turn of events shifts the story line and you find yourself as puzzled as the Prince himself. Series of hot, steamy and very passionate almost - but not quite! - dub-con scenes follow, with still enough plot and humor to go around.
In the end, all parties get what they deserve and want.
No kittens, tigers or babies were actually hurt (much) during the production of this book :D
Recommended :)