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quote 2021-09-10 07:05
“There’s only one thing I know—have always known—that I wanted out of life. And it’s you.”
Adorkable - Cookie O'Gorman

― Cookie O'Gorman, Adorkable

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quote 2019-11-23 01:38
People say that you're stuck with the family you're born into. And got the most people , that's probably true. But we all make choices about people. Who we hold close , who we want to remain in our lives. And who we are just fine without.
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quote 2018-07-14 07:52
“You sure?" He looked up at me, seeking confirmation. I nodded and pressed my lips to his. That was all the confirmation he needed.

"I'm yours," I whispered.”

~~ Bailey And The Bad Boy

by R. Linda

Book #1, in the Scandalous series.


Bailey And The Bad Boy (Scandalous, #1)

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quote 2015-09-27 20:14
I have come to learn the most extraordinary of days begin in the most ordinary of ways. The sun will rise, and there will be no storms on the horizon. So many tragic events of the past could have been avoided if only we were given the smallest prophetic warning during our daily routines. But this is generally not the case. And it is when we feel the most complacent with our position in life that we should tread the most warily.
Of High Treason - Ember Shane

Of High Treason - Ember Shane 

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quote 2015-09-22 22:19
"Too bad it's hindsight, not foresight that's twenty-twenty."
Of High Treason - Ember Shane

Of High Treason - Ember Shane 


Zombies, Zombies everywhere!


All of a sudden there a lot more zombies. This part is good. Then hierarchy of zombie culture is being explained. We are about to start to hear more about zombie superpowers also. This is turning into an amazing and complex world. It is much more engaging than I expected. The first part of the book was good and was equal to every mainstream paranormal new adult novel. The further I get the more this stands out above the rest. This isn't heavy on the romance and that is a welcome difference. I am devouring this and anxious to see how it ends, but at the same time dreading every turn of the page.



Blueberry flavoring for this one?





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