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text 2018-11-05 08:10
Kitty's Book Spot! Celebrates the 4th Blogiversary!


Kitty's Book Spot! wants you to know how grateful we are for all your support.  Only because of our readers can we keep going.  Thank you all so much!!


A big THANKS also to all the authors, PA's, author assistant's, blog tour companies, PR companies, book publishers, self publishers, and etc. who have made this all possible.




Feel free to check out all of our affiliations here:












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A very special mention to @Netgalley and the opportunity to review for all these amazing authors!!  Thank you so much!



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text 2018-11-03 13:58


Got my 500th review done w/ #NetGalley in time to celebrate Kitty's Book Spot!'s 4th #Blogaversary on Monday, November 5, 2018!!



Thanks, @NetGalley




Thank you so much readers!! This is for you too..........



#ThankYou #thanks #blogiversary #blogaversary #kittysbookspot



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text 2017-09-07 21:10
Dodie Clark & Her New Book! (Youtuber books...)


Confession: I'm a bit of a Dodie fangirl. I enjoy her YouTube videos and her music. I'm kind of shocked I was approved to read this book, as I am a little "nobody" in the blogger/reviewer world, but it has happened, I'm reading it and liking it so far.


I kind of really like her. She's quirky and has a good singing voice. Her videos usually have meaning other than getting views for money, at least I think so. I don't watch every one of her videos. In fact, I do not watch every video of any person I follow on YouTube. I just feel like she is genuine. She talks about her mental health openly, isn't afraid to be herself, in fact a lot of her videos is sans makeup, even with acne/acne scars and I find that so refreshing. I think we should not be so focused on how we look. So we get pimples? So we gain weight? We're all human and these things happen! Dodie can be a role model to other people with similar experiences, though watch her with caution, as there have been viewers that mentioned watching people talk about anxiety, depression...etc can be triggering for them, because sometimes she is known to get in a dark place with her Instagram and Snap Chat stories.


In this video, Dodie wonders if there is a such thing as oversharing when it comes to depression...etc

Am I oversharing?


In this video she follows up and apologizes.

Follow Up





I'm not big on YouTuber books, but got really excited for Dodie's book. Maybe she will change my mind about these sort of books and I will give more a chance. Though I am not sure I follow too many people who have published.


There is Connie Glynn "Noodlerella's" fiction novel, which I am curious about. Undercover Princess by Connie Glynn. The name and plot sound quite cliche and I can swear I have read something exactly like it before, like on Wattpad, so that is bugging me! But I do want to give it a try, as I enjoy Connie's YouTube channels as well.





The only YouTube book I have tried to read is:

Gabbie is from "The Gabbie Show" and I've only watched a couple of her videos.

And this book wasn't for me, sadly.



Disclaimer: I received "Secrets For The Mad" by Dodie Clark from Netgally in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for the chance to read this! Review will come closer to publication date, which is in November.

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text 2016-07-28 19:39
Where are my fellow EIT fans?!
Veiled - Karina Halle


Dudes!! I know there are quite a few peeps in here that are big Experiment in Terror fans like me. And if you are you know the series ended *sad face* BUT did you know that Karina Halle just released the first book in a spinoff series centered around the other Palomino sister, Ada?!



I just found out about this a few days ago and the book went live today! Just thought I'd share in case anyone missed this info, and to let you know I'm so freaking excited about this and once I catch up on work tomorrow, I'm going to be all up in this book!! Anyone else planning on reading this soon? 


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text 2016-02-28 21:00
Reading progress update: I've read 2%.
Fighting Dirty (An Ultimate Novel) - Lori Foster

YES, I finally get to read Armie's story! I feel like I have been waiting forever for this. I am trying not to start this with high expectations but I just can't help myself. With all that had changed in my life in the past few months it's nice to sit down and jump into a familiar world. Okay I am off to read this and probably won't be back until I am done.

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