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review 2018-01-19 01:26
Pib's Dragon (Twisted Fairy Tales) by Beany Sparks
Pib's Dragon (Twisted Fairy Tales) - Beany Sparks

The first half was OK, I was thinking 3-3.5 stars, but second part was full of info dumps and unnecessary details.
Uber convenient magical abilities and handy magical artifacts popping up at the times of need don't add stars either.

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review 2018-01-15 00:57
The Prince's Consort (Chronicles of Tournai #1) by Antonia Aquilante
The Prince's Consort - Antonia Aquilante

The first chapter, maybe part of the second too, was great. I thought the book was promising, but as soon as the prince (why was he a prince and not a king? @.o) took Amory into his chambers for a talk, that was it. Insta-love with myriads of kisses from there and on.

Nothing's happening in the first part of the book, while the second is full of drama: "don't do it, you'll die!!!" and "no I have to do it or you will die!!!" and "I can't stand to see you die!!!" and "I have to do it, even if I die, cause no one else is here to help!!!" with slight variations. The MCs are constantly injured and spend weeks in bed suffering their suffers and doing nothing. 

The world building is non-existent.
The cat-shifter element is close to non-existent.
The MPREG element is minimal. Amory got pregnant, he had some morning sickness(we were told), he was uncomfortable, he had a baby - painlessly, no less.

If you are a fan of male pregnancy, let me refer you toBlack Snow. Not only it has world-building, real adventures and characters with personality, but the significant portion of the book is devoted to Snow being pregnant. Descriptions are vivid, details are plentiful and very close to the real non-male thing. Just a little warning: the medical tools are somewhat modern ;)

PS The Cover! Love the Cover ♥
Another rec: if you want a book matching it's cover (and the other way around), read Queer Magick

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review 2018-01-15 00:47
Fighting Instinct (L'Ange #2) by Mary Calmes
Fighting Instinct - Mary Calmes

A  very quick read. Cut out headache-inducing bickering and meaningless dialog and the story shrinks from 224 pages to about 124. Cut out rivers of blood and gun-waving, and you get it down to about 70 in no time. Then tune out the descriptions of posh surroundings and you are looking at mere 60. Pull out and burn the bush that the author beats around instead of moving the story forward and you can get maybe 40 pages of the actualstory
I am not going to review that story, just want to mention that yet another creature went through pain and suffering and was almost destroyed emotionally and physically so we could read about Arman and his guns.

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review 2018-01-14 23:24
Queer Magick (Queer Magick #1) by L.C. Davis
Queer Magick - L.C. Davis

After years of being imprisoned, used and abused by his father, Holden is finally settling down in Stillwater, a small New England town. He's been on the run for a long time, trying to cover his tracks by changing his name and moving from one place to another as far away from his home state as possible. 

A happy protective bubble of Stillwater seems like heaven. It has a few quirks, of course, but which town does not? Everyone knows everybody and people are mostly friendly. That is until Holden meets Daniel, a local vet (who is a veteran). An injured cat and the severity of the injury make Holden a catnapper when he refuses to surrender the poor kitty for euthanization and flees the clinic. 

Daniel knows what Holden is and confronts him shortly after catnapping. From that moment on the town secrets and the mysterious creatures start coming out of the woodwork full force. Every time you turn the page, there is a surprise. Every time you think you finally know who/what the person is, you are proven wrong. Things, people, situations turn and twist; there is humor, there are pockets of darkness and despair; there is an amazing diversity of characters (not going into details on the characters' subject, cause - spoilers! ;))

I could not get enough of the book and really wanted to give it five stars, but here is this:

- it ends smack in the middle of things. I can't even call it a cliffhanger, more like the author roughly separated the manuscript in two without much thought. 

- the story lost its momentum around 80%. Instead of fast paced it became stagnant with characters sitting around in one spot for weeks, waiting for the next full moon, reflecting, eating pizza and even (finally) having sex, since there is literally nothing else to do. But it looks like things are going to pick up with a vengeance in book two :D

Otherwise, an excellent read and pure pleasure :) Highly recommended

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review 2017-09-18 05:45
The Soldati Prince (Soldati Hearts #1) by Charlie Cochet
The Soldati Prince - Charlie Cochet

First of all, thank you, Manouchka, for lending me this book. It was perfect for my challenge. I really appreciate it, but I am afraid I am going to disappoint you with my review. Sorry about that :/

For some reason, I had high hopes for this book, even after reading Hell & High Water. Not sure what it was - the cover? - the blurb? - that made me curious about it.

Even after I started reading and then double and triple checked my shelves to make sure I've never read this story before (because it felt like I did), I was still sold on it. I am a sucker for unsuspecting humans being dragged into the world of magic. Big cold alphas and puny little (yet snarky, very snarky, and funny, too) humans is also my thing. So I gave this book a chance.

But around 40% in it all fell apart. It turned too sweet and too sugary and there were too many children wrapping everyone in sight around their little foxling's paws (cute, but that's not what the blurb promised!) And it was just downhill from there :( Rainbows, unicorns and lollipops :(


1 star.


PS ...and pink glitter unicorn cupcakes.

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