First of all, thank you, Manouchka, for lending me this book. It was perfect for my challenge. I really appreciate it, but I am afraid I am going to disappoint you with my review. Sorry about that :/
For some reason, I had high hopes for this book, even after reading Hell & High Water. Not sure what it was - the cover? - the blurb? - that made me curious about it.
Even after I started reading and then double and triple checked my shelves to make sure I've never read this story before (because it felt like I did), I was still sold on it. I am a sucker for unsuspecting humans being dragged into the world of magic. Big cold alphas and puny little (yet snarky, very snarky, and funny, too) humans is also my thing. So I gave this book a chance.
But around 40% in it all fell apart. It turned too sweet and too sugary and there were too many children wrapping everyone in sight around their little foxling's paws (cute, but that's not what the blurb promised!) And it was just downhill from there :( Rainbows, unicorns and lollipops :(
1 star.
PS ...and pink glitter unicorn cupcakes.
why is there never an edited book from Megan? WHY????
Could have easily been 4.5 stars rounded up, but - no. I had to claw myself out of a ditch, where nothing makes sense and you have to double/triple check to verify you're not legally insane. I am sorry, Megan. I really am. I loved the story but re-reading and re-confirming got on my nerves this time so much, that I, in good conscious, cannot do better than 3 stars.
I cannot say the chemistry between the MCs is perfect, I felt very little of it, considering the boys are destined for each other. I cannot claim each twist and turn to be unpredictable and non-cliche. But the writing is incredible, the world is rich and mythology quite interesting. Most important part, I want more. Much more. In the end I am rounding my rating up to 5 stars.