To me The Art of Arranging Flowers is mainly a story about: familial, friendly, spiritual and romantic love. A story of how people with different backgrounds and ages can bond in the most unusual circumstances, with bonds that are as strong as steel. A story of how love is a choice, who you choose to love is your choice, not just something magical or fairy tale-ish that just happens if you are lucky. It’s your choice to love and be happy.
The book also deals with death in various aspects and how to cope with it. It also touches the subject of forgiveness, amongst friends and loved ones and self-forgiveness; how it cannot be achieved until we have in some way made amends with those we’ve injured or thought we’ve injured.
The only thing I regret from this book is that I wish I had more knowledge of flowers, as they are described in this book with such wonderful detail. It would definitely help me visualize the story better knowing how the flowers referenced in this book look like.
After having had a bad time reading a couple of tedious and pointless books, this was just the reading oasis my mind needed. The Art of Arranging Flowers is a charming story. It's so different from what you expect it to be. Clearly defines the phrase never judge a book by its cover in a very good way. Flowers throughout the story gave it such wonderful colors and the end gave me complete closure.
The Art of Arranging Flowers is a good read. The reading guide at the end of the book is a good tool for book clubs. I recommend it for those who are in the mood for a feel good story. It is a fast paced book to read that will definitely brighten up and color you book shelf.
For more of my thoughts on the plot read the full review on my blog.
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