Without a doubt this is my favorite series by Mary Calmes. I love all of her writings but this one is definitely at the top of my list and with each new story I've come to love all things Miro and Ian.
When things ended in 'Tied Up In Knots' Miro and Ian were planing on tying the knot and between then and now it's become a done deal and life for Ian couldn't be better. He's married to the man of his dreams, his friends are doing well, work is going well...until things at work begin to change and change is not Ian's friend...Ian doesn't do well with change.
While I'm a little late to the party with this one...real life just refuses to quit kicking my backside these day...so my sincerest apologies to both the publisher and the author and I promise like other reviews there are no spoilers here because regardless of this there's no way I'd want to spoil the awesomeness that was this book.
At the same time as 'Twisted and Tied' brings some things to a close for Ian and Miro, it also opens up a wealth of new possibilities for the author to continue sharing this wonderful world that she has created for us to enjoy, as readers and fans of this series.
'Twisted and Tied' while creating new paths to be traveled in the world of the Marshals has also given closure to others and all while answering some questions and creating new ones.
There's so much in this book that I loved from beginning to end with all of the changes and connections that came about this was one hella' fun and awesome adventure and I'm so looking forward to seeing what comes next for this series...in the immortal words of Shrek..."Change is good donkey." and in this case it's much of the change that's going to keep this series fresh, interesting, fun and just generally full of Mary Calmes awesomeness!!!
Now without details I just need to say the ending for this story was surprising but not and much of it came to what for me was the natural...even inevitable conclusion. I have to admit the only real issue I have is with the fact that the next installment in this series isn't sitting on my e-reader waiting for me...oh well, good things come to he...mmmmm ....eeerrrr...she who waits, right?
P.S. You also might want to keep a pen and paper handy to keep track of who all shows up for this party because it's a fun and interesting list.
An ARC of 'Twisted and Tied' was graciously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.