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photo 2022-04-28 16:42
999 Playing the Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras - Nataša Pantović Nuit
A-Ma Alchemy of Love - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Tree of Life - Nataša Pantović Nuit
999 Playing the Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras by Natasa Pantovic

This highly demanded Book edition of 2 fiction books: A-Ma Alchemy of Love and Tree of Life: a Journey to the Field of Dreams, launched today! 

https://pontofinalmacau.wordpress.com/2020/08/10/a-ma-alchemy-of-love-uma-narrativ a-passada-em-macau-sobre-a-busca-pela-verdade/ 

“A-Ma: Alchemy of Love”, uma narrativa passada em Macau sobre “a busca pela verdade”

"Alchemy of Love”, um livro cuja acção se passa na Macau do século XVII. Agora, em entrevista ao jornal Times of Malta, a autora, Nataša Pantović, explica que o romance “é sobre a busca pela verdade”. A história tem como protagonista Ama, uma sacerdotisa africana.

Ama or Playing Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras by Nataša Pantović

"Nataša Pantović escolheu como cenário para “A-Ma: Alchemy of Love” a Macau do século XVII e colocou como protagonistas Ama, uma sacerdotisa africana a morar na região, Ruben, um padre jesuíta português e Benedito, um cristão ortodoxo. Ama reunia artistas, pregadores, padres e filósofos de todo o mundo, dentro dos cenários mágicos do seu café. O livro explora o crescimento rápido de Macau, quer nos horizontes das cidades, quer nas mudanças socioeconómicas."

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photo 2022-04-18 21:02
Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Spiritual Symbols With their Meanings - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Tree of Life - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Conscious Creativity: Mindfulness Meditations - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Art of 4 Elements - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Conscious Parenting Mindful Living Course for Parents - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Mindful Being - Nataša Pantović Nuit
999 Playing the Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras - Nataša Pantović Nuit
A-Ma Alchemy of Love - Nataša Pantović Nuit
20 academia mention research Natasa Pantovic 2022

Congratulation on your 20th Academia Mention Name Natasa Pantovic has Been included within 20 research papers during 2022!

Mentioned by an Art Theory researcher; by a member of the National Museum of Antiquities department at Institute of Archaeology "Vasile Parvan", by a Politics researcher; by Veda Popovici, by Eirini Koutouvaki, by a researcher in Islington, UK, by a well-known author on Academia, by someone in Neckarsulm, Germany, by Researcher in Rumania and last but not least by a PhD Researcher in China! ❤

Source: www.artof4elements.com/images/2022-04/congratulation-on-your-10th-academia-mention-name-n.atasa-pantovic-has-been-included-within-10-research-papers-2021-2022.jpg
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photo 2021-10-14 20:35

For all you Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fans -- win and wear the ultimate answer


Why 42?

Forty-two is the answer to life, the universe and everything, in Douglas Adams’s masterpiece, a surreal and goofy romp through the universe.


Enter now!


Why giveaway this?

Because I think that fans of HHGTTG will also enjoy my new book, Alpha Max: An Existential Romp through an Absurd Multiverse. Now, I’m not saying Alpha Max is as funny HHGTTG, because that’s a pretty high bar.


However, I have some earlier reviewers compare this work to that of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and also Kurt Vonnegut. The winner will also receive a signed, first edition copy of my new book!


cover image of Alpha Max by Mark A. Rayner

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photo 2021-09-21 14:50
Tree of Life: a Journey into the Field of Dreams
Tree of Life - Nataša Pantović Nuit

#freebooksonline #amazonbooks #bookreview #books #sale #flashsale #freestuff #freeproducts #trending #fiction #nonfiction #personaldevelopment #philosophy #history #historicalfiction #novel #freebooks #appliedpsychology #booklovers https://artof4elements.com/entry/196/aol-books-promotions 

7 Authors 8 Books #Fiction #Nonfiction of AoL Publishing Team from Malta! AoL giveaway finale with 2 #BestSelling Amazon #FreeBooks @AmazonBest Sellers in the category of #Alchemy and Ancient Worlds!!

Source: artof4elements.com/entry/196/aol-books-promotions
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photo 2021-04-07 07:11

There are lots of things that you simply can do to extend the life of your website from the very beginning. Keeping consistent and up-to-date content on your website may be a big part of increasing your website’s lifespan. Your website needs to keep up with its improvements. to increase your website’s lifespan, you must perform regular WordPress maintenance. Maintaining security and network accessibility is important for maintaining your website’s lifespan because that means investing in the longevity of your brand. To increase your website’s lifespan, make sure that you're always making decisions with your usability in mind. Hire the website designers in Aurora, CO who understand your needs and who can help build your website with your customers in mind. 

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