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Discussion: Feature Requests
posts: 15 views: 19664 last post: 5 years ago
created by: BookLikes
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I, too, would like to have an overview of all reviews of all editions of the same book.
We need a "Edit" button. I was just over at another group and posted something, then realized I wanted to add more to the post. I had to make a whole new post instead.
Reply to post #41 (show post):

"liking posts away from dashboard"

So I just figured something out that may be able to help. When you are directly on someones blog and inside a specific post, up in the top right corner appear the like and reblogg options along with follow and dashboard. Once I found that a few days ago, I've been so much happier on the liking front! :)
Reply to post #59 (show post):

I discovered this a few days too (right before BL answered my request for the feature by telling me how it's done!). But you still can't like a post by someone you're not actively following. And it would be cool if you could do that.
Reply to post #60 (show post):

Murder by death said: "But you still can't like a post by someone you're not actively following."

Do a like-and-dash. Follow them. Like Post. Unfollow them. RUN!
Reply to post #7 (show post):

I agree.
Reply to post #23 (show post):

Hallo & thanks so much for everything, BookLikes! I've been keeping a private list so will compare prior to posting anything here. (Hopefully, someone already brought up the reblogging function.)

In the meantime, may I make a suggestion re: this group? Based on past experience, a single thread may quickly become rather cumbersome, so perhaps create a different thread for features re: a specific 'area'? Frex, one for books/covers, one for discussion room functions, one for general BL functions (existing), one for new/desired BL functions, etc.

Again, thanks & two enthusiastic thumbs up to the BL team. :)
Um, I just liked a post from someone I'm not following while in that particular post, not in my dash, by using the 'like' tag up in the top right-hand corner where the 'follow' button also is. I had to refresh the page to see the quantity of little hearts at the bottom of the post change though. :)
Reply to post #64 (show post):

I think KarmaBites's suggestion in post #64 (separate threads for separate types of features and feature requests) is a great idea.

Also, we should keep requests for new/ additional features and bug reports separate: as I understand it, this thread is intended primarily for new features that don't exist yet. I agree with Petra X, though -- we should have a "central" place to report bugs as well

(see http://petra.booklikes.com/post/636563/bug-report-discussion-group and http://themisathena.booklikes.com/post/636536/psa-booklikes-feature-requests-via-booklikes-official-group-update- ).

So I'm going to start a separate thread for those, just in case.

BUT most importantly: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Dawid and team from yet another relatively new BookLikes member for listening to us and making so many things happen so fast! You guys are a breath of fresh air, and I love this site for that reason alone!
I'd like to throw my support in for being able to group multiple posts in a discussion group under different headings. This would definitely help keep my group organized. I also throw my support in for being able to edit a post in discussion groups. Thanks for everything you have done Booklikes, I really appreciate it.
Reply to post #14 (show post):

+1, librarian abilities.
I imported my books from Goodreads and some of my books didn't have a cover at all. It's nice that we can add covers if the book doesn't already have one but some of my books covers are a complete mess: some have covers with a lot of white space around then and others have covers for different books by different authors as a cover. The editions are also a bit of a mess but I'm not too OCD about that
+1 to the private messaging as well.

Thank you for the groups, though
Reply to post #67 (show post):

+1 to book links. I didn't see this one before I posted or I would have included it.
Reply to post #69 (show post):

The book import goes in stages, some of my book covers showed up well after importing (not all and unfortunately I still have a lot to fix)--just in case your import was a fairly recent one to complete final stage.
Reply to post #70 (show post):

There is a book link when you add a new discussion group topic (I did not see it yesterday so might be a just added option); but for linking to a book in group posts, blogs, etc. = +1 from me, too.
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