Neolithic Wisdom
from Ancient Temples Solomon Temple to Greek ParthenonWho we are, Spirituality, Power of Mind, Articles, consciousness, Symbols and Signs, meditation
Mystical Learnings from Ancient Temples
by Nataša Pantović
Walking the path of a spiral ascending, giving our deep respect to ancestors wisdom and scientists consciousness researches, with the knowledge that even within our history we follow a circle, spinning around the same centers until our souls understand the divine message, observing the ascend and descend of some great Civilizations, we know that our predecessors built Temples worrying greatly if there are to be destroyed.
According to the Bible, the Humanity’s first ever Temple, was the Temple of Solomon, the plans still to be found within the ancient religious manuscripts of Israel, that hid within its deapth a closed door which is to open only to Messiah.

Solomon Temple 970 BC
in ancient Jerusalem from the 970 BC to 600 BC built by the King Solomon. The temple was dedicated to Yahweh, and it was the place of the Ark of the Covenant containing the original tablets of the Ten Commandments. No archaeological excavations were ever allowed on the Temple Mount.