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review 2019-01-15 23:18
Ever After - Riley Hart

Awww OMG! Quando ho iniziato questo libro non mi sarei mai aspettata di amarlo così tanto! La trama infatti per quanto accattivante sapeva di già visto, con il bel principe schiacciato dalle responsabilità che si innamora del servo. Posso dire che non è nulla di nuovo sotto il sole ma... non è questo che rende la storia speciale. Non è infatti la trama il punto forte bensì l'atmosfera magica che le autrici hanno saputo creare. Fin dalla prima pagina ci ritroviamo immersi in un modo vivo con dei protagonisti caratterizzati alla perfezione e che ci regalando non poche emozioni. I due giovani sono adorabili e viviamo la storia attraverso i loro Pov alternati. Troviamo Cassius, il ragazzo è di umili origini, ha una famiglia che adora, purtroppo ha perso l'amato padre e ora si ritrova a dover badare alla madre e all'amata sorella. Cassius è un giovane artista, ama scrivere e sogna di poter un giorno avere un cavallo tutto suo, di poter cavalcare libero come il vento e finalmente felice....di poter aiutare la sua famiglia e trovare un compagno che lo ama. È impossibile non affezionarsi a lui e al suo modo di fare un po' goffo ma sempre onesto e spontaneo. Cassius è PERFETTO per Merrick. Il principe è infatti anch'egli un'artista, ama disegnare e sogna la libertà proprio come il suo servo, sogna di essere libero dal peso che lo imprigiona, dalle leggi che impongono il suo matrimonio con una bella fanciulla, soffocando la sua natura, proprio come Cas ama la sua famiglia e vive per la sua amata sorella a cui regalerebbe il mondo. È proprio per la famiglia come Cas si sacrifica e lotta ogni giorno, facendo cose che non ama e soffocando se stesso. L'incontro tra i due ragazzi è delicatissimo e curato nei minimi particolari, le autrici creano uno slow burn che ti cattura. Non ci troviamo di fronte la storiella in cui i due si saltano addosso da pagina due o si dichiarano amore eterno nel giro di un minuto bensì il contrario, in un primo momento i protagonisti non sanno come interagire tra loro e sentono entrambi imbarazzo e disagio, Cas non è abituato a fare il valletto del principe, lui è un popolano ed è poco avvezzo alla corte, l'unico motivo per cui ha accettato sono i soldi con i quali potrà mantenere la famiglia, non sa come comportarsi e l'incontro con Merrick lo destabilizza e il principe allo stesso tempo non comprende molto bene i pensieri del suo servo, i due sono goffissimi e tenerissimi, Merrick ha modo di conoscere l'uomo di fronte a se, di vedere la sua bontà ad esempio quando si prende le colpe per le mancanze di un altro servo, vede la gentilezza con cui si rivolge alle persone, il modo in cui gli sorride e rimane incantato e per la prima volta inizia ad interrogarsi su quello che vuole davvero, sull'amicizia e... sulla sua sessualità, ha sempre pensato di non amare le donne ma... per la prima volta inizia a sentire calore e desiderio per un altro uomo e interrogarsi se è un pensiero giusto o meno. Anche Cassius è molto confuso, per lui Merrick rappresenta la nobiltà quindi si aspetta un principe arrogante o pieno di se invece trova un ragazzo come lui, dolce e buono e che si interessa ai suoi pensieri, che gli chiede consigli, che gli parla della famiglia, che si interessa alla sua famiglia e non ha paura di uscire con lui, che condivide momenti intimi, da amico e suo pari, che lo porta a cavalcare, gli parla delle sue passioni ecc si ritrova davanti un uomo e si ritrova irrimediabilmente attratto dal principe, al contrario dell'amato non ha mai fatto mistero della sua sessualità e ha avuto altri amanti, il fatto però che a sconvolgerlo sia un nobile lo destabilizza essendo consapevole del suo rango e il suo posto nella società. Il rapporto tra i due è così realistico che potrebbe benissimo essere trasposto nella vita reale di tutti i giorni. I due in un primo momento diventano amici e confidenti e poi... si lasciano andare, dando sfogo ai loro sentimenti e regalandoci momenti non solo erotici ma anche dolcissimi, dove erotismo, sensualità e amore si fondono insieme. Momento preziosi e che mi hanno fatto piagnucolare come una pazza fangirl. Merrick e Cassius sono meraviglioso, dei personaggi bellissimi che si muovo in un mondo creato con maestria ed abilità Non mancano ovviamente i personaggi secondari che ci regalano gioia e amore. La madre di Cassius e la sua dolcezza nel proteggere il suo bambino, l'amico di Cassius, il classico ragazzotto un po' maniaco, l'amico cazzaro senza il quale non si potrebbe vivere e Marjorie, la sorella di Merrick che darebbe la vita per il fratello ed è disposta a tutto per la felicità del fratello. La storia è molto tenera ma non mancano i momenti più angst non dettati da situazioni al limite del ridicolo ma dalla realtà in cui i due giovani vivono. Entrambi sanno che il loro amore verrà combattuto e condannato e per questo motivo ogni incontro, ogni bacio, ogni carezza potrebbe essere l'ultima e viviamo tutta l'angoscia e la disperazione tra i due, capiamo come si sentono e soffriamo con e per loro, sentiamo quasi questa cappa soffocante, sentiamo il loro desiderio di urlare il loro amore e mostrarsi al mondo. Viviamo delle emozioni UMANE e che ci sconvolgono. Ovviamente questa è una favola e l'happy ending per fortuna è dietro l'angolo e ho potuto apprezzare la scelta di non rendere stronza la famiglia di Merrick. In altri libri la famiglia si lega all'onore, le leggi e bla bla bla e i genitori di solito sono gli stronzi della situazione che spingono i figli a lottare o scappare per trovare la felicità in questo caso invece possiamo vedere FINALMENTE il potere della famiglia, l'amore che lega dei genitori al proprio figlio disposti anche a venire meno a certe leggi per amore, il re e la regina sono disposti a lasciare il principe libero di stare con un altro uomo purchè sia felice perchè prima di essere un principe e LORO FIGLIO e questa è una cosa nuova, una bella novità che ho apprezzato. Ovviamente... c'è anche un piccolo dettaglio che mi ha fatto storcere il naso ovvero la facilità con cui i due risolvono il conflitto e problema, per tutto il libro abbiamo sentito il peso dell'unione e vedere che alla fine sarebbe bastato un "Mamma, papà, sono gay e amo il mio valletto" per sentirsi dire "ok, ti amiamo, vai in pace"... meh... avrei voluto uno scontro finale, dapprima i genitori contrari all'unione e stronzetti, genitori che decidono di "salvare" il figlio solo quando si rendono conto della sua infelicità, ad esempio un Merrick all'altare e il re dire "No... mi oppongo al matrimonio ti amo figliolo e se ti sposi sarai infelice" o qualcosa del genere... qualcosa di più insomma ad un certo punto forse tutto è fin troppo facile e quindi... avrei voluto qualcosa in più dopo tutta l'ansietta che ho provato al pensiero della reazione del re e della regina... rimane comunque una storia incantevole e che mi sento di consigliare a tutti! Se amate le storie con elementi fiabeschi, gli amori impossibili tra principi e servi, uno slow burn fatto bene con un approfondimento della psicologia e della vita dei protagonisti, in cui non succedono cose trash, rapimenti, omicidi, amanti odiosi ecc, volete romanticismo ma non smielato, erotismo ma non troppo, dolcezza e tanto amore Ever After fa sicuramente al caso vostro e non ne rimarrete delusi

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review 2018-08-23 15:55
Broken Pieces
Broken Pieces - Riley Hart

After 4 reads this is still one of my all time favorite books.  




Well, to say I was nervous to start the audiobook for one of my all time favorite books would be an understatement...but Jack Dupont did an absolutely amazing job.  His Mateo was by far my favorite of the three but never did I expect all three voices to live up to my expectations.  


Once again, I fell in love with Tristan.  He, for me, is the most beautiful and captivating character in this book and the scenes between him and Mateo continue to get better and better with each read.  My heart is so full for them and nothing is more satisfying for me than the end of this quite remarkable book.  


Second read and honestly I need to make some room next to Rumspringa for this one. Absolutely beautiful book. ❤️❤️❤️


“We might be broken in so many ways, but together, we’re whole.”

Well, it would be an understatement to say I was blown away by this book. This was so much better than I ever could have imagined. I was totally prepared for a great read, to bawl my eyes out and to come away satisfied. Kleenex in hand...I went in. In the end, I never shed a tear and my face was sore from grinning so much. I loved every moment of this book except one and for those who've read this probably know which scene it was that nearly broke me. Yep...the near rape of Josiah.

Knowing going in that these three beautiful characters would end up together, I just never once saw anything that happened as angsty, never saw anything other than love in the actions of these men and never once had reservations regarding their interactions with each other.

For many, Tristan seems to be a character that people had trouble connecting with. Having issues seeing him with Josiah, the way they saw Josiah with Mateo. And granted...Josiah and Mateo knew each other first, they had a life together...so yes...it's hard to accept the new guy. But for me, this beautiful broken man was just the missing piece that I knew they had to find so his character entrance for me was so welcomed. I was most concerned however by how Riley Hart would develop the relationship between Tristan and Mateo...but this came about so amazingly well and they're love for each other never felt forced or rushed. Tristan's story for me and his healing in the arms of these two was absolute perfection.

This is not a threesome or a ménage brought together through sex...this is the joining of three broken men into a beautiful relationship. They are whole and more fulfilled together...

When Tristan bent forward and kissed him, his body sang with pleasure, like it always did. The pulses of his heart became Josiah, like they always did, but there was something missing. Someone.
Tristan eased back. “You feel so damn incredible, but it like there’s an empty space, too.”

Josiah’s hands tightened in his shirt as he pressed his lips to Tristan’s again. It was in the way Josiah held him, the way he kissed him, that, as much as they loved each other, Josiah felt the same.

Tristan pulled back, grabbing Josiah’s hand, before nodding toward the building. “Come on. Let’s go get Mateo and go home.”

Honestly I am not sure the two could ultimately have been happy without the third.

“Feeling something for Tristan, no matter how new it is, doesn’t change how you feel about me. I know that because no matter how much I love him, I love you just as much. I know there are things you guys have both been through that I probably won’t ever understand, or that maybe you won’t ever tell me, but if you can share it with anyone, I want it to be each other. There are things I have with you that I don’t have with Tristan, and things I have with him that I don’t have with you. It’s like, for the first time in my life, I feel like I’m really whole, Teo.”

Writing a honest relationship like this is not an easy task...creating three characters completely devoted to each other with no jealousy is very difficult to pull off but Riley Hart did this just amazingly well.

This beauty goes easily in the top 3 MM books for me.

**Highly recommended.**

Reading Updates:


Well...here we go...


It was his fault. Josiah knew that. He’d always watched people, pretended he had their lives and dreamed about how he would live them. But it hadn’t been because he wanted the boy.


Maybe he had been looking at Josiah the way Josiah tried not to look at him. Because even though Mateo was hard...there was something beautiful about him, too. And he knew, knew that Josiah was gay, and he hadn’t said a word. No one had ever known about him before.


He could deal with it, not having the rest of them, because deep inside he wanted Mateo more than anything else. He didn’t know why and didn’t understand it. All he knew was all those empty rooms inside him were somehow filled when Mateo was around.


“Why do you throw up? You did it when you almost got in the fight at school, and then again tonight.”
You’re too weak! You have to be strong, Mateo. You’re a leader. Weak men are dead men.
Teo tried to block out his dad’s words. Tried to focus on Josiah, because he was all that really mattered, anyway. “Because I’m weak... Hurting people makes me sick.”
Josiah leaned up on his elbow, looking down at him. “That doesn’t make you weak. It makes you incredible.”

Gaaaaahhhhh ❤️❤️❤️


“We are better than that. You love me and I love you. And maybe I want more for you, too. You’re always talking about what you want for me, and how I deserve better, but you do, too. You deserve better. We can take away those memories with us."


Oh my god...no!!

I don't even have the energy to say anything more


He didn’t flinch when he heard the bathroom door open. Curled into Josiah when he lay on the floor with him. They wrapped their arms around each other, Teo holding on with everything he had, to the only thing in his life that mattered.



“You’re such a good boy. Isabel...she’s good too. She— ”
"Isn’t a man.” It wasn’t the first time he’d said it. “And a relationship is the last thing I want.” Ever.
“Well that’s just silly. Everyone wants to be loved, Tristan, and if it’s a man that will make you happy, then find one. I don’t care who makes you happy, as long as you are.”


"I know I don't have to do this. I want to. I want you."


It wasn’t as if Tristan wasn’t always gorgeous, but there was something so...beautiful about seeing him let go. Because he was. Josiah saw that in the way he lavished him. The way his eyes closed and his body shuddered. It was the first time Josiah has really seen Tristan free, and it rocked him to his core.


“You’re him, aren’t you? The one who likes to walk and feed the birds?”


“If I could completely give myself to anyone, it would be you. If I deserved anyone to take care of me, I would want it to be you.” That was the realest truth he could give Josiah.


PART THREE: Josiah, Mateo, & Tristan
My heart is so excited and happy. ❤️❤️❤️


Because he knew Josiah had to do this. Knew he had to let him. He replayed the image of Josiah in Mateo’s arms. On the one hand, he’d hated it... but on the other, there was this part of him who thought they were beautiful together. The way they contrasted each other in every way— dark and light. Anger and love. Rough and smooth. Bitter and sweet. But yes, they’d been beautiful, too.


Josiah let his queen and his bird roll around in his hand. He made them touch and flip over each other, wishing they could somehow be a part of one another. That his queen could protect the bird. Be strong for it and take care of it. The bird in return nurturing and loving the queen. Or that he could do something for them. What did he do for them besides fall apart? Be the broken piece they’d both had to put together?


It was with that in his head that Tristan walked forward. Took in the way Josiah and Mateo looked together, both of them sexy as hell, only in completely different ways. Saw the way they automatically leaned in to each other, and damned if it didn’t make fire burn its way through him in a completely different way than he expected. He suddenly imagined what they would look like together in passion, touching, and it didn’t make him jealous. It made him hot all over.


There are things in Tristan’s past I may never know, just like there are with you. None of us are perfect, but we all deserve to be happy. Not just me.”


When Mateo wrapped his arms around Tristan, he realized Tristan wasn’t just slack against him anymore...they were holding each other up. His eyes stung. His gut ached. Bile rose in his throat. And fuck if his heart wasn’t somehow matching Tristan’s beat.


He was the rock, and not just because he drew them together. No, because he held them together. He was the glue that made all their broken pieces fit to make them whole.


Read#2: 2015 August 5th - 9th


Yeah...I need this


Damned if something didn’t draw Teo to Josiah’s eyes again. How they looked at him differently...deeply, in a way the kid had never braved before. And they were almost sad. Mateo had never experienced someone looking at him like that. Maybe Molly and William, in their own way, but it was with pity. He fucking hated pity. He didn’t deserve that Josiah’s eyes looked like...almost like in some ways he felt what Mateo did. Like he somehow got it.


He’d done so much shit. So much bad fucking shit. It was who he was. His dad told him so, and Javier told him. Teo knew that. Knew Josiah’s words were wrong, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want them. Didn’t want to hold them in his hands and tattoo them into his skin so he’d always have them.


“No one’s ever looked at me the way you do. Like...I don’t know.” Mateo’s voice was so soft he hardly heard him. But he had, and Josiah’s face flamed with heat.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean...” No other words would come so he started to roll over instead.
“No.” Mateo’s voice stopped him. “It makes me feel like I'm somethin'."

Excuse me while I gush over this book at every page. ❤️❤️


Touch me. Please. Josiah’s hand itched to feel Mateo. To experience his warmth, just so he could make sure he was really there.
*melting into floor*


“Has anyone ever taken care of you?”


“ Estoy aquí. Siempre aquí. Soy tuyo. I’m here. Always here. I’m yours.”


Charlie is a fucking asshole!


Rocking back and forth, he let the tears fall. For Josiah and all the ways he’d been hurt. For all the ways Mateo had fucked up with him. For his mom who got killed because she stayed with his gangbanging dad. All he wanted to do was love Josiah, to be with him and protect him. Was that too much to fucking ask? He cried until he didn’t have any tears left.
He didn’t flinch when he heard the bathroom door open. Curled into Josiah when he lay on the floor with him. They wrapped their arms around each other, Teo holding on with everything he had, to the only thing in his life that mattered.


With one last look at the man he loved, Mateo walked away.
So yeah...


“I don’t... I don’t mind that you ask me questions. I just won’t answer them all. There are some things that are mine, I guess. Some things that will always only belong to me.”


Josiah’s breathing sped up. When Tristan filled him, the reaction was automatic. He moved back, trying to get closer. Wanting Tristan to move. To fuck him. But that’s not what this felt like, was it? It was more. Unexpected. And he was drowning in it.


I didn't think I could love this book more but...




Because he knew Josiah had to do this. Knew he had to let him. He replayed the image of Josiah in Mateo’s arms. On the one hand, he’d hated it... but on the other, there was this part of him who thought they were beautiful together. The way they contrasted each other in every way— dark and light. Anger and love. Rough and smooth. Bitter and sweet. But yes, they’d been beautiful, too.


Josiah let his queen and his bird roll around in his hand. He made them touch and flip over each other, wishing they could somehow be a part of one another. That his queen could protect the bird. Be strong for it and take care of it. The bird in return nurturing and loving the queen. Or that he could do something for them. What did he do for them besides fall apart? Be the broken piece they’d both had to put together?


“Don’t be in such a hurry. Wine is something to be savored. Let yourself really taste it.”
"You’re crazy.” Mateo shook his head.
“Trust me.”
They both froze at that. Trust. The word wasn’t something Tristan truly believed in. Or he hadn’t. But then...he’d grown to trust Josiah, hadn’t he? And Josiah had never done anything to betray that trust.
And damned if there wasn’t a part of him that trusted Mateo, too.
As the pause drew out between them, his chest grew tight, because he realized this turned into something more than trusting him with the wine.


“Feeling something for Tristan, no matter how new it is, doesn’t change how you feel about me. I know that because no matter how much I love him, I love you just as much. I know there are things you guys have both been through that I probably won’t ever understand, or that maybe you won’t ever tell me, but if you can share it with anyone, I want it to be each other. There are things I have with you that I don’t have with Tristan, and things I have with him that I don’t have with you. It’s like, for the first time in my life, I feel like I’m really whole, Teo.”

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text 2018-08-23 15:03
Reading progress update: I've read 91%.
Broken Pieces - Riley Hart

As though someone flipped a switch, the rigidness in his body evaporated. He sagged against Mateo with his face in Teo’s neck. “I sold myself to the highest bidder,” he whispered. “I made money for school and to take care of my mom by letting someone fuck me. I was his paid whore for years. A whore to his friends, and then I would take that money and buy her food. I’d spend it on my stupid fucking education, because I somehow made myself believe that if I could take care of us, everything else would go away.”

When Mateo wrapped his arms around Tristan, he realized Tristan wasn’t just slack against him anymore... they were holding each other up. His eyes stung. His gut ached. Bile rose in his throat. And fuck if his heart wasn’t somehow matching Tristan’s beat. 


My favorite scene. 



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text 2018-08-17 18:59
Reading progress update: I've read 60%.
Broken Pieces - Riley Hart

PART THREE: Josiah, Mateo, & Tristan


My absolute favorite Part.


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review 2018-04-12 02:54
Well this one slammed into me like a freight train out of control...
Rock Solid - Riley Hart,Joe Arden

As a rule I tend to shy away from books about addicts. They're a mixed bag of feelings for me and sometimes it makes it hard to read a story and even pretend to be objective, but I decided to give this one a go...what I didn't expect was that this author would have me crying my eyes out at the end of it. 


Ok, let me explain here. I'm not nor have I ever been an addict...I am however, that person who fell in love or at least thought they were in love with an addict. In a previous life when I was young and foolish I was sure that he loved me enough not to want the booze more than me and he kept promising so it was going to happen right? I was going to save him...yeah, we all lie to ourselves and it's this part of my past that connected me to this story because Trevor was that person...the addict who whether he realized it or not had the strength to do what it takes to do battle with his addiction because you don't get cured and you never beat addiction...you fight it every day and every day that you don't give in you get a victory...a small victory in a battle that you have to be willing to fight again the next day and the next day. 


If you're really lucky, when you fight this battle, you have people who believe in you who tell you that you can do it and you know that they really mean it and if they're lucky you win the battle one day at a time.  Unfortunately many an addict will tell you by the time that they're truly on the road to recovery and winning the battle one day at a time on a regular basis they've managed to break faith with most, if not all of those who have believed in them with unfaltering faith...


Enter Trevor Dixon...Trevor's been clean for a year and he's come home to help his brother build his construction company, Rock Solid Construction into a company that's 'rock solid' and to show his twin brother, Blake and his momma that he's clean, he's getting his life together, they can have faith, trust him, believe in him again and stop worrying about him. But it's not Blake or their momma who gives Trevor the faith and trust that he needs to let him know that the bad days are worth the struggle, it's a stranger, a possible client for 'Rock Solid' and someone who's as messed up as Trevor in their own way. Dr. Simon Malone's trying to rebuild not just his new home but his life...he's a heart surgeon who can't perform surgery and has no idea what direction his life needs to go in but there's something about the undeniably attractive contractor who's comes to give him an estimate on his renovations.


Trevor and Simon get off to a decidedly rocky start and it takes a bit of effort on Trevor's part to convince Simone to give Rock Solid a chance at doing his renovations, but Trevor's sheer determination and tenacity finally wear him down.


I was definitely enjoying this story and if you'd asked me at any point up until around the halfway point I'd have told you this and Joe Arden's narration for the story was...'rock solid' (see what I did there). But somewhere along the way in the second half of the story my like went to 'oh-my-god-I-need-to-hear-the-rest-of-this-book' something just slipped into place for me with this story. Trevor's struggle to stay clean and not relapse broke my heart and while I understood where Trevor's mom and brother were coming from it didn't stop me from being angry at them that they couldn't find it in themselves to trust him one more time...he was trying so freaking hard and struggling on his own...feeling alone in the world until he realized that Simone was there for him...always there for him. Maybe he wasn't doing everything right...ok, no maybe about it. Simone screwed up superbly at times but he kept trying...something he'd never done for anyone before.


I've read more than a few books that I've really loved and enjoyed but it's not that often that I feel like I've connected with a book on such a visceral level. But this one did. I was cheering for Trevor and more than once I held my breath as I silently prayed 'don't do it Trevor, don't give in you're better than this.' and I raged at Blake and their mom as they tore away at Trevor's heart and his determination...I know they didn't mean to but it's what they were doing and the hurt it caused Trevor was palpable. Please don't get me wrong I do understand their hesitation as I said back at the beginning...I've been them and it's taken me a lot of years to realize that everyone deserves a second chance...they may not make good use of it but it doesn't mean they don't deserve it and Trevor well for me Trevor represents the second chance that isn't lost or wasted. 


I haven't read a lot of books by Riley Hart and maybe this isn't the best of what's been written but it's a story that I connected with and it truly touched my heart and for that reason it'll always have a special place on my bookshelves.



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