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url 2021-08-24 13:20
Etruscans Language Culture Origin Learnings from Cyrillic Alphabet
Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Conscious Creativity: Mindfulness Meditations - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Spiritual Symbols With their Meanings - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Etruscans Language Culture Origin https://artof4elements.com/entry/etruscans-language-culture-origin

Learnings from Cyrillic Alphabet



History is a fascinating subject. Researching  or  even more so! We read amazing accounts about ancient  traditions such as Platonism, Orphism, Orthodox Christianity, and in China Taoism, and neo-Confucianism.


Etruscans origins

by Nataša Pantović




The Big Dipper Ancient Symbol Sky 6 Cycles

The insights from these traditions intersect with recent findings in metaphysics or biology. What brings the two into resonance is their mutual commitment to speak of the matter as alive. The four elements expressed through trinity that are defined by entangled triangle of relationships reflected in our language development.

Another visit to Serbia, this summer, and I was back researching the same scientific question, same puzzle that has certainly no answers yet it is an interesting exploration.

Were Slavs in Balkan as early as 431 BC? 

The genetic origins of Etruscans are mixed between aboriginal people of the region (Slavs?) and people from Europe predominantly Spain. The aboriginal population may have settled in Balkan millennia prior to the invasion.


Vincha symbols Ancient Serbia 6,000 BC


Vincha symbols Ancient Serbia 6,000 BC



Etruscan history 

The Etruscans occupied the region to the north of Rome, The Romans were their conquerors. 

The Greek historian Herodotus tells us that the Etruscans came from Lydia. Sure enough historians argue who are the Lydians. Herodotus tells us of their ships and multitude, claiming that the half of the population left under the leadership of Tyrrhenus. Another Greek historian, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, in his Early History of Rome also claims that the Etruscan were the aboriginal inhabitants of their area. Slavs?


The literature on the question of Etruscan origins divides into

1. Northern Origins

2. Oriental (Near-eastern) Origins

The aboriginal peoples of North Italy could have been Slavs. The Adriatic Sea, the sea to the east of Italy, bordering Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro, all Slavic states, was named after the Etruscan port of Adria. The funerary practices of the people of North Italy has the parallel to the Vinča Culture. The Etruscans cremated their dead, a practice also known in the Danube Culture, no grave yards have been found near the settlements for thousands of years.

This very vibrant culture hosted different nationalities. In the Etruscan ruins there are objects from Greece, North Africa, and southern France. The Etruscan traders brought those craft objects to Etruria. The major exports of Etruria was copper and iron from the local mines, the same found with their Northern neighbors.

The affinities of the art and symbols found in the area resonate with spirals...


Ancient Slavic Symbol Circle


Ancient Slavic Symbol Circle

Etruscan and Linguistic Research

The question became more intriguing when, in the nineteenth century, it was discovered that most of the languages of Europe belonged to one big language family called Indo-European but Etruscan was not one of them. Is this rightly so?

The linguist claim that Etruscan was not a member of the Indo-European language family was challenged by some Slavic archelogy and linguistic researchers. These Balkan Slavs, find the inspiring relationship between words, just introducing the now, in scientific circles, lost Š, Đ, Č, Ć, Ž, DŽ.

A book that I have recently explored was The development of Etruscans Language from Svetislav Bilbija, his self-created dictionary of words with the alternative history of Slavs, claiming that Etruscans and Slavs were of the same ethnicity, 1984 New York print. He calls them “Rašani“.


Old European Language Svetislav Bilbija


Old European Language Svetislav Bilbija, 1984, New York Press

The analysis of the alphabet after reading this interesting book -




The analysis of the alphabet following the logic of Svetislav Bilbija and my own research

Source: artof4elements.com/entry/etruscans-language-culture-origin
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url 2021-03-13 13:02
Metaphysics of Sound In Search of the Name of God New Historical Romance Novel Release 2021 Free this Weekend
Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of The Name of God


or A Brief History of the world Beyond the Usual 


Join Nataša Pantović, Maltese and Serbian researcher of ancient world’s, on a mind-boggling tour of history and sounds - from the Ancient Sumerian Priestess Sin Liturgy right up to the development of Ancient Greek and Cyrillic alphabet. This new novel contains a dialogue between two European cultures, Roman and Greek from an Ancient Slavic perspective, an intimate encounter of Balkan, its history and culture, a glimpse into the evolution of Ancient Egyptian’s, Ancient Maltese, Ancient Greek - Ionic and Slavic sounds.


Metaphysics of Sound in Search of the Name of God or a Brief History of the World Beyond the Usual by Natasa Pantovic


A Brief History of the world Beyond the Usual (the subtitle of the book) contains the historical overview of the development of people, sounds and symbols as frequencies. In the story, Ivana Šeravac was about to turn 30 when she found herself on a train journey to a Montenegro’s monastery Ostrog. Ivana’s travel companion, we are told, is David Archer who happens to be in Montenegro on a research trip related to his Phd work in London. “In search of the Name of God” we follow Nataša’s life-long research into the oldest recorded history of Europe, the 21 symbols of Ancient Serbian Vinča’s pottery, the 1st ever published Sumerian Liturgy for the Moon Goddess SiN by a Sumerian Priestess, Ancient Greek Herodotus and his encounter of Slavs, the Orphic Rituals with its Text of Derveni Papyrus from Macedonia, and the spread of the Dio-Nysus cult in the European Balkan.

Source: www.amazon.co.uk/Metaphysics-Sound-Search-Name-God/dp/9995754460
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url 2021-02-06 23:15
Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of Name of God, Nataša Pantović Book Website
Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God - Nataša Pantović Nuit

The novel is divided into two parts, both of which are narrated by Ivana Šeravac when she is retired and living alone, and by the Author. The first part begins in the 1980s with the meeting of Ivana and David, on a train journey to a famous Montenegro’s monastery Ostrog, of whom three feature in the remainder of the story: Author, as the narrator, David Archer, and Ivana, who is doing her life-long research in sound and the development of alphabets. The two discuss the philosophical background of two major Ancient Europe’s thought forms – liberals and conservatives, democratic and monarchy-ruled, Greek-links and Romans, Slavic and Germanic. David has a Phd from the Cambridge University and Ivana stays a mum, determined not to let go of her research passion.

Metaphysics of Sound: in Search of the Name of God, subtitled “a Brief history of the World beyond the Usual

At this point Nataša's narration of the second part of the novel – which is twice as long as the first – begins, it is a historical journey through sounds, followed by the  "classical antiquity" with the Hellenistic, Eastern European history in the Ancient Mediterranean, from the beginning of recorded Ancient Greek history in 776 BC. This roughly coincides with the Golden period in Ancient Greece in Balkan. Following the development of the languages researching the Ancient Egyptian Rosetta Stone, the Ancient Homeric Ionic Greek, Nataša uses the Slavic Cyrillic script to map the oldest Phoenician Alphabet to the European development of languages.

Source: novel-metaphysics.yolasite.com
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url 2021-01-28 18:54
book release metaphysics of sound in search of the name of god
Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Metaphysic of Sound: In search of the Name of God, or A Brief History of the World beyond the Usual by Nataša Pantović Novel Released in Jan 2021.


Short Description


Join Nataša Pantović, Maltese and Serbian researcher of ancient worlds, on a mind-boggling tour of history and sounds - from the Ancient Sumerian Priestess Sin Liturgy right up to the development of Ancient Greek and Cyrillic alphabet.

Source: booklikes.com/events/book-release/metaphysics-of-sound-in-search-of-the-name-of-god/1450
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photo 2021-01-27 21:49
Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of Name of God, Nataša Pantović Book Launch

Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of Name of God, Nataša Pantović Book Launch


Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of Name of God, Nataša Pantović Book Launch

Source: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/metaphysics-of-sound-in-search-of-name-of-god-natasa-pantovic-book-launch-tickets-138586713591
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