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review 2017-05-12 17:49
Foxheart (Foxheart #1) by Claire Legrand
Foxheart - Claire Legrand,Jaime Zollars

I will start off by saying I did not finish this book. I read up to page 139 and decided this book was not for me. I was not enjoying it one bit and I don't believe you should continue reading a book if you're not fully immersed in the story. That being said, you might like this book so if you're interested in reading Foxheart then go ahead and read it! I truly hope you enjoy it. 


Foxheart is about a girl who is shunned by everyone around her because of how different she looks. She decides that the only way to survive this world is to make it her own. That's when she becomes a thief... until she witnesses the Wolf King destroying the convent where she is staying. When she escapes and realizes that she has powers of her own, she must learn to control them and collect the bones of the ancient race of witches so that she might one day destroy the Wolf King and bring peace to her land.


From the beginning of the book, I did not like the writing style. It's extremely juvenile. Whilst I understand this is a middle-grade novel, I don't feel you should ever write in a way where you're talking down to your readers no matter how young they are. Children are intelligent individuals and will be able to sense when they are being treated as if they are dumb. The way Legrand approaches a subject, explaining to death, as if the reader couldn't figure out what was happening in the scene is demeaning. 


Also, the characters acted foolishly every single time. Yes, they're children, but a few of the actions taken were just stupid because "they're children." For example, one of the characters, Anastazia, warns both children, Quicksilver and Sly Boots, that they mustn't tell other witches what they are up to because witches like to hurt and kill one another. Then the boy, Sly Boots, runs off and tells the first pack of witches he see, putting his group in danger. Now that was stupid enough. And it could be explained "Oh, he's a child. He didn't know any better." Fair enough. But what about the scene immediately following that? Where Quicksilver cloaks them to hide from the witches and then Anastazia, an old woman, laughs at a comment one of the other witches make, alerting the witches that they were indeed in the area hiding. And that's not the only time she messes up either! Later, when talking with the witches, she nearly let slip that she can travel through time which is a type of forbidden magic! She's the oldest of the group and she was making stupid decisions left and right! I was never one to fall in love with stories where the characters made dumb decisions in order to "further" the plot. It's lazy writing.


In fact, throughout reading these 139 pages, I was just bored. I was bored with the writing. I was bored with the plot. I was bored with the characters. I was not enjoying it at all. Every aspect of this book was mediocre to me. And it's a shame because I saw the potential. I was looking forward to seeing how these characters were going to stop the villain, The Wolf King... until I saw how much of a caricature he was and how dumb the "heroes" acted. It was just a disappointment.


That being said, if you're still intrigued by the premise then, by all means, read this book. Just because I didn't like it doesn't mean you won't. I do think it's a very easy read so you could read it in one sitting despite its size. So give it a try. As for me, I was not a fan and will not be reading the rest of this series.

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review 2014-10-30 14:32
The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson
The Girl of Fire and Thorns - Rae Carson

I don't like giving out low ratings to books. I try to read them fully and try to find something of merit in them. However, this book was a struggle to get through. I did not like anything about it. The first this that put me off to it was the writing. It's as if Carson was trying to write intelligently but it just came off as forced and awkward. Her wording on some descriptions didn't make sense sometimes. Then there were moments where it was just unnecessary.


"I smiled with my mouth."

You don't say? I was unaware that was what you used to smile. Huh... go figure.


Another thing I couldn't stand was the lack of plot. Main character goes from point A to point B to stop a "war." That's it... everything else was just the main character moping and complaining about how nobody noticed her and things like that. Not to mention how food-obsessed she is. She can't stop talking about food for one bloody second! DX It was driving me nuts.


Which brings me to my next point! Elisa, the main character, is so unbearable! She is so self-absorbed, inconsiderate, and downright pathetic. There were many instances where she said things she had no reason to say. For someone who claimed to be over shadowed by her "beautiful, thing, and intelligent" sister, she sure did get a lot of pampering. She's a freaking princess! Of course they were going to pay attention to her. Not to mention she is considered one of the most powerful beings on Earth because of her "Godstone." (The magic in this world is not greatly explained but that Godstone is placed in the navel of the "bearer" and has to do some sort of "act of service" for God... whatever.) But when it came down to actually doing anything useful she whined about how she wasn't good at doing anything and slowed everyone down involved. And she's stupid, too! She got captured by EVERYONE because she doesn't know how to defend herself like a normal human being. One point in the novel she had to stay in hiding. That's it. ONE JOB. And she gets captured. Yet, despite all of this, EVERYONE is in love with her. Oi... my head.


I don't want to keep bad-mouthing the book. It's not fair to the book and to the people who like it so I will end my rant here. I just wanted to mention all the reasons the book did not work for me. This is just my opinion. You might have a different one. This book is not my personal favorite but it might be yours. You know what you like. I don't. If this book has always been one of interest to you, then go ahead and read it. You might like it.


As for me, I am not going to continue with this book or the rest of the series. It's just not for me.

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review 2014-05-25 16:12
Black Mirror by Nancy Werlin
Black Mirror - Nancy Werlin,Cliff Nielsen

Not for me. I am very disappointed in this book. It's not what I thought it would be. If you are interested, give it a shot. As for me, I thought the story was too bland and the characters very unlikable. I just didn't care what was going to happen. So I decided not to finish this book. But like I said, if you are curious about it, give it a shot. You might like it.

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review 2014-05-10 22:28
The Queen of Dreamland by Ingrid Tomey
The Queen of Dreamland - Ingrid Tomey

I can't read this book. I can't. The main character is so insufferable, I want to just toss the book out the window. I tried reading it all the way to the end. After all, it's a short book. However, the moment the main character started making fun of her kind and caring mother for being overweight, I had to stop. I do not like it when others insult people who have a different body shape. That is not right. It is sick and wrong and I am not going to put up with it. Also, the writing for this book wasn't that great to begin with.


I do not recommend this book to anyone. Just skip it all together and read something that will benefit your mind and life.


Put frankly, this book is horrible.

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