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review 2023-03-08 10:37
Das Leben ist (k)ein Videospiel
Morgen, morgen und wieder morgen - Gabrielle Zevin

Durch einen Zufall lernen sich Sadie Green und Sam Masur in einem Krankenhaus in Los Angeles kennen. Sam hat gerade einen Unfall erlitten und muss wegen der Verletzungen behandelt werden. Sadie ist nur in der Klinik, um ihrer krebskranken Schwester Alice Gesellschaft zu leisten. Beide Teenager stellen sofort fest, dass sie Videospiele lieben. Jahre später begegnen sich Sadie und Sam erneut und starten ein ehrgeiziges Projekt…

„Morgen, morgen und wieder morgen“ ist ein Roman von Gabrielle Zevin.

Meine Meinung:
Der Aufbau des Romans ist recht komplex und beeindruckend. Die Geschichte ist ein wenig verschachtelt und bei genauerem Hinsehen raffiniert komponiert. Der Roman umfasst zehn Teile, die wiederum in mehrere Kapiteln untergliedert sind. Die Handlung erstreckt sich über mindestens 20 Jahre: vom Ende der 1980er-Jahren bis ins 21. Jahrhundert. Sie spielt vorwiegend in Kalifornien und an der Ostküste der USA. Es gibt mehrere Zeitsprünge und in der ersten Hälfte des Romans zudem Rückblenden. Erzählt wird aus einer auktorialen Perspektive.

In sprachlicher Hinsicht ist der Roman unauffällig und ziemlich gewöhnlich. Viele Dialoge und teils ausführliche, teils ein wenig belehrend klingende Beschreibungen wechseln sich ab. Positiv zu erwähnen ist, dass die Geschichte trotz der vielen Passagen zum Thema Video- und Computerspiele auch für Nicht-Gamer gut verständlich ist.

Sam und Sadie werden mit viel psychologischer Tiefe und absolut lebensnah dargestellt. Ihre Gedanken und Gefühle werden sehr gut deutlich. Allerdings wurden mir die Protagonistin und der Protagonist zunehmend unsympathisch. Nicht alle Verhaltensweisen konnte ich nachvollziehen. Auch die übrigen Figuren wirken - jede für sich genommen - realitätsnah und ausreichend ausgestaltet.

Inhaltlich nehmen die Computerspiele und ihre Entwicklung viel Raum ein. In zweiter Linie steht jedoch die Freundschaft zwischen Sam und Sadie im Fokus der Geschichte. Verschiedene Traumata, die ich an dieser Stelle nicht vorwegnehmen möchte, und dramatische Momente rufen Emotionen hervor, sind aber auch der Grund dafür, dass der Roman immer wieder düster wird.

Thematisch deckt die Geschichte viele Themen ab und ist damit sehr facettenreich. Feministische Aspekte werden aufgegriffen. Die Charaktere sind sehr divers ausgestaltet. Die Verschiedenartigkeit in Bezug auf Religionen, sexuelle Orientierungen, biologische Abstammungen, körperliche Merkmale, Geschlechtsidentitäten usw. ist jedoch so stark ausgeprägt, dass es mir in der Masse zu viel und zu unglaubwürdig war. Es entsteht beim Lesen zunehmend der Eindruck, die Autorin wollte sämtliche Punkte der Political Correctness abhaken.

Auf den fast 500 Seiten ist die Geschichte erstaunlich kurzweilig und weist nur wenige Längen auf. Mehrfach schafft es die Autorin, mit unerwarteten Wendungen zu überraschen. Die Geschichte erzeugt einen Lesesog, dem ich mich nur schwer entziehen konnte.

Das auffällige, interessante Cover besteht aus dem Gemälde „The Great Wave“ von Katsushika Hokusai, das in der Geschichte Erwähnung findet. Eine gute Wahl. Auch der kreative Titel erschließt sich während der Lektüre und passt zum Roman. Was dahintersteckt, möchte ich an dieser Stelle nicht verraten.

Mein Fazit:
Mit „Morgen, morgen und wieder morgen“ hat Gabrielle Zevin meine hohen Erwartungen nicht in Gänze erfüllt. Trotz kleinerer Schwächen hat mich der Roman allerdings gut unterhalten, sodass ich ihn empfehlen kann.

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review 2020-05-19 08:10
Blog Tour w/Review - Trouble


Today we have the blog tour for Gabrielle G’s Trouble! Check it out and be sure to grab your copy today!



Title: Trouble

Author: Gabrielle G

Genre: Contemporary Romance


About Trouble:



There are three things I have to protect: My heart, my scars and my life. Even from my best friend.


Some secrets have the power to change lives.

Or ruin them.

What I didn’t expect was for my best friend to walk away when I needed him most.

I made the only decision I could.

And I have no regrets–even if Lars Trouble can’t handle that.

Now I just have to convince my broken heart it’s better off without him.







I don’t do secrets, I hate deceivers and I’m not in love with my best friend.


Or so I thought.

As the man in the shadows, the drummer of the Darling Devils, the person I rely on most is my best friend.

That is until I discover Naomi is a liar.

If walking away from her was hard, learning she isn’t mine to love feels impossible.

And just when I think it’s all finally coming back together, fate steps in and proves me wrong.

But when you love someone, you do the only thing you can. You fight for your love story to begin.


A friends-to-lovers romance to the beat of the Darling Devils – the legends of music.


This novel contains chapters with difficult scenes that might trigger some readers. Please reach out to me for specific details.



Get Your Copy Today!





Trouble (Darling Devils, #2)Trouble by Gabrielle G.
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book can be read as a standalone novel. To avoid spoilers, and to fully understand the series, I recommend reading the series in order.

Naomi and Lars have history. Serious chemistry of heat and sexy history. Only the choice for her was about friendship. Since she could have gotten serious about a man who uses her looks as a type. She instead, chose to be his friend, the best of friends.

Lars is all in with his best friend. Until the worst happens. Then they split apart, and that is it. Being in the limelight, having someone to care about who he really is was a real treat. Now, she looks at him with such shame and disgust. Can this be fixed?

I love the friends to lovers trope, I have been pretty vocal about that. I just really did not feel the connection with this story and its MC's. I tried at separate times. I found the story solid, the pace nice and fast, and the chemistry just was not working for me. All around it is still worth the read. Lots of our favorites make an appearance, and I am still eager to read the next installment in the series. The book is still a good read.

***This ARC copy was given in exchange for an honest review only.

View all my reviews






About Gabrielle G:


Gabrielle G will do anything for a hot cup of tea, still celebrates her half birthdays and feels everyone has an inner temptuous voice. Born in France and having lived in Switzerland, Gabrielle currently resides in Montreal with her husband, three devilish children and an extremely moody cat. After spending years contemplating a career in writing, she finally jumped off the deep end and took the plunge into the literary world. Writing consumed her and she independently published her work. Gabrielle's style is fiercely raw and driven by pure emotion. Her love stories leave you out of breath, yearning for more, while at the same time wiping away tears.


Connect with Gabrielle:

Reader Group | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads | Enewsletter | BookBub | Twitter | Website



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review 2020-05-19 07:40
Trouble - Gabrielle G

This book is #2, in the Darling Devils series.  This book can be read as a standalone novel.  To avoid spoilers, and to fully understand the series, I recommend reading the series in order.


Naomi and Lars have history.  Serious chemistry of heat and sexy history.  Only the choice for her was about friendship.  Since she could have gotten serious about a man who uses her looks as a type.  She instead, chose to be his friend, the best of friends.


Lars is all in with his best friend.  Until the worst happens.  Then they split apart, and that is it.  Being in the limelight, having someone to care about who he really is was a real treat.  Now, she looks at him with such shame and disgust.  Can this be fixed?


I love the friends to lovers trope, I have been pretty vocal about that.  I just really did not feel the connection with this story and its MC's.  I tried at separate times.  I found the story solid, the pace nice and fast, and the chemistry just was not working for me.  All around it is still worth the read.  Lots of our favorites make an appearance, and I am still eager to read the next installment in the series.  The book is still a good read.  I give this a 3/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This ARC copy was given in exchange for an honest review only.

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text 2020-04-17 08:05
Cover Reveal - Trouble

Today we have the cover reveal for Gabrielle G’s Trouble! Check it out and be sure to pre-order your copy today!



Title: Trouble

Author: Gabrielle G

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: May 12th


About Trouble:



There are three things I have to protect: My heart, my scars and my life. Even from my best friend.


Some secrets have the power to change lives. Or ruin them. What I didn’t expect was for my best friend to walk away when I needed him most. I made the only decision I could. And I have no regrets–even if Lars Trouble can’t handle that. Now I just have to convince my broken heart it’s better off without him.




I don’t do secrets, I hate deceivers and I’m not in love with my best friend.


Or so I thought. As the man in the shadows, the drummer of the Darling Devils, the person I rely on most is my best friend. That is until I discover Naomi is a liar. If walking away from her was hard, learning she isn’t mine to love feels impossible. And just when I think it’s all finally coming back together, fate steps in and proves me wrong. But when you love someone, you do the only thing you can. You fight for your love story to begin.


A friends-to-lovers romance to the beat of the Darling Devils – the legends of music.


This novel contains chapters with difficult scenes that might trigger some readers. Please reach out to me for specific details.


Pre-Order Your Copy Today!



Exclusive Excerpt:



Lars and I were kissing, and it was delicious.


As delicious as a spoonful of Nutella. You know you shouldn’t indulge, but at the end of the day, you can’t resist. And why would you?


He detached his lips from mine, dove back in, kissed me some more.


It was hot.


Nutella with sparkles.


But then he stopped, looked at me with fire in his eyes and dropped the bomb that would define our relationship.


“That’s why I love your kind of girls so much.”  





It wasn’t a cold shower. It was an Arctic Tsunami.


I was just another preconceived notion, and this manslut of a rock star might have had an Asian fetish. (…)


Asian wasn’t a type.


It was the continent I came from. It was an ocean of misconception.


It was a melting pot of cultural mishaps of western minds.


And being Japanese, I hated men thinking I could become a Geisha once in their bed.


I liked sex. I liked men but not because I was born in Japan, not because I could become a mistress, and not because porn had made “Asian girls” the ultimate tight pussy to fuck.


I liked sex because I was me.  




So, coming out of the bathroom, I rejected Lars.




Unfortunately, I had to talk to him later that night, and when he thought I came for more, I burst his bubble.


He had never heard of an Asian fetish and was convinced it wasn’t a thing.


I told him to check it out.


I explained why I didn’t have sex or date men who fell in this category.


He listened.


He learned.


And we ended up talking all night, and then some more on the phone the next day and around coffee after that.


We talked about who we were, who I was, where I came from, what he liked, how he became a rock star, how it changed his life. We were spilling all of our secrets.


Or almost all of them.


We learned everything and anything there was to know about one another.


We spent nights together, talking for hours, falling asleep next to each other.


We were together for most of our free time, even if we barely had any.


We were always attached at the hip whenever we could be, wherever we would go.


It all started with a hot kiss, but Lars Trouble had become my most beautiful story.


He had become my best friend.  





About Gabrielle G:


Gabrielle G will do anything for a hot cup of tea, still celebrates her half birthdays and feels everyone has an inner temptuous voice. Born in France and having lived in Switzerland, Gabrielle currently resides in Montreal with her husband, three devilish children and an extremely moody cat. After spending years contemplating a career in writing, she finally jumped off the deep end and took the plunge into the literary world. Writing consumed her and she independently published her work. Gabrielle's style is fiercely raw and driven by pure emotion. Her love stories leave you out of breath, yearning for more, while at the same time wiping away tears.


Connect with Gabrielle:


Reader Group | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads | Enewsletter | BookBub | Twitter | Website



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review 2020-03-24 15:35
Standard reading for Montreal
The Tin Flute - Gabrielle Roy,Philip Stratford

Dickens is well known for his shining his light on the working class of London. But Gabrielle Roy did the same for the working class of Montreal. The drawback with Dickens is that he never bothered or even thought about women; perhaps because she was a woman Roy does. The focus of the story is on the family LaCosse, in particular the eldest daughter Florentine and mother Rose-Anna and how the women have to negotiate lack of money and society as Canada enters the Second World War.

While there is focus on men – in particular Rose-Anna’s husband and the character of Jean, who becomes a man of interest for Florentine, the heart of the novel is on the struggles of the women. There are the long descriptions of Rose-Anna’s struggle to find hearth and home. Her anger about the family’s inability to afford things for her children – new clothes, school, a tin flute.

And that is the pathos of the novel, the struggle to achieve to become more. Whether or Florentine achieves it is left to the reader, but the book is about the restriction of options that poverty brings as well as how those who say the will buck the system are actually those who perhaps make it worse, who lack caring.

It is not a hopeless book but it in some ways it is a braver book than any of Dickens work.

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